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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. I believe he was at the preChristmas training session
  2. As Planning Minister, Madden oversaw development deals done by Paul Salmon as well
  3. Great pics Tacky (and Tacky jnr). Much appreciated. I think you should move to Melbourne and attend training regularly
  4. Could be that Kent's shoulder is still troubling him or is yet to reclaim full movement. That can also affect his confidence notably
  5. We improved in 2017 and all expect bigger improvement in 2018. Dwelling on what has happened is nothing but unproductive. The 'hype' is the negative media believers who have no inner knowledge of the club and don't go to training but accept whatever rubbish the media whip up as being a true reflection of where the club is at. If you seriously think that any Melbourne supporter doesn't want the club to be successful, or that the players aren't aware of what's required by the FD, god help you.
  6. Ricky Nixon's hair should definitely be a criminal offence, Eth. Unless the woman requests the AFL to take action and the player admits guilt or there is clear evidence of guilt, I cannot see how this can go any further, thst is, beyond rampant rumour mongering, which is a given in any case
  7. The only way the AFL can go it alone without Vic Pol or Bali Pol is if they have a watertight clause in player contacts which says they can do whatever the f*** they like and everything and everyone else can suck s***. Otherwise they better have massively deep pockets because both parties will sure them to kingdom come and back again
  8. Not sure what stats you base those views on faulty. Union membership overall has dropped rapidly from about 60% in the 1960s, fast heading towards single digit figures now. Union membership in the construction industry is around 9% and the highest unionised catagory is professionals/managerial eg. education. The decline in blue collar workers in Oz mirrors the decline in union membership overall in the last 60 years.
  9. Union membership overall has dropped markedly, so yes they have been smashed. Individual industries may differ, but on the whole unionism has declined
  10. The AFL must be very, very careful with their decisions and public statements. Not only are they at risk of exposing identities, but also opening themselves up should they not follow due process and civil fairness
  11. 'Mad Max XII, Part of the Journey'???
  12. But Garry has such a good face for radio.... (someone had to use that one )
  13. Decline as they should. The last place this should be played out in is the esteemed journalistic columns of The Hun
  14. I think that's a furphy. They did well enough to wins some flags there in the last 10 or so years.
  15. Big get, yes. Money speaks. What a waste of talent. One of my faves. Was hoping he'd go to 7 and half of their knobbs get the flick, especially BT. Oh well... http://www.theage.com.au/sport/gerard-whateley-leaves-abc-radio-to-host-sen-morning-show-20180101-h0c5za.html
  16. I don't think we have a player on our list that has hit top gear elite yet. Oliver is on the way, Hogan and Tracc have shown glimpses. Viney hasn't hit top gear. Hibbert maybe the closest. Surprisingly, the player on our list that IMO is closest to top gear elite hasn't played a game in the red and blue: Jake Lever. And we have 10 years of him to look forward to
  17. Next to zero injuries all year, dream fixture, good coaching, peak form at finals time, best player in the comp by a mile. I'd like to see that from us in 2018
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