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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Yes and no, Mr Old. Players all agreed to the terms of AFL hub and state quarantine rules as part of their continuing ability to travel Australia and play footy. They are high profile, highly paid professional sports people. Doesn't seem like a big ask, especially since no one can be 100% sure they haven't come into contact with the virus. He knew what he was doing, must've known it was wrong, got caught I'd call it low risk, but certainly not no risk
  2. Let's not forget he has to nominate us as f/s before we can get access to him in the draft
  3. But he consistently does well in the time trials? He's a dominating running machine! ??
  4. I thought he always tried to avoid contact?
  5. Only if we don't have to supply him with a zimmer frame. That's going too far
  6. Didn't see anyone with your fashion and make up sense, Uncle. Lots of conservstive brown and grey. I wonder how you would've survived those times.
  7. Think they need more than just Preuss to do that deal. Perhaps a second or third rounder included
  8. That long handball from the forward pocket to Spargo(?) in the goal square was sublime and so unMelbourne-like. That's what made me stand up and want him to be a 100 game player for us. Wish him and his family good health and happiness
  9. Lets face it, Adelaide have handled players and contracts poorly for years. No conviction, which shouldn't dissuade the Cats, but the Crows will leverage it. Crouch gets a strike and should move on ok. He'll be glad to get away from Adelaide. No doubt the press and some supporters will turn this onto a storm in a teacup
  10. Isn't Tracc a penetrating kick, A F? He's very likely to hit the scoreboard more often next year IMO
  11. Crouching crow, hidden powder
  12. Bet you've said that once or twice before! If he wasn't charged he's still a 'cleanskin', whatever that is, so it shouldn't alter Geelong's interest
  13. Not as happy as giving up nothing for Viney. Realistically, I've come to the belief that Preuss will get us a late 2nd rounder at best, which will end up at around 40 by the time bids are matched I'd bare my rrse in Bourke St if Geelong agreed to your suggestion and the AFL ok'd it
  14. Each trade has to be signed off by the AFL (Ken Woods?) as being fair and reasonable. This wouldn't pass the test, unfortunately, and i highly doubt Geelong would bend over that easily to suit our demands. They might well just turn their attention to Crouch, and we'd be left to kiss and make up with Jack. Why would we match and potentially force him to stay? We'd still likely get a 1st rounder for him. But as I've said a few times, stranger things have happened!
  15. That's about 15% of the Blues cap in two half back flankers!
  16. Appreciate the analysis Axis of Bob. Very clear explanation of the roles of each of our mids. Makes me value Viney even more. If he does indeed choose to leave, I wonder if that might be tainted by the stresses of hub life in Qld with a newborn first child. He mentioned this in his B&F speech. Could well be a non issue, and obviously I'm just speculating, but it wouldn't be ideal separated from wider family at that time. Hopefully he takes the time in familiar surrounds back in Melbourne to think carefully and stay with us
  17. One bad calf tear away from red rover.
  18. Suns open to Will Brodie being traded. Can play inside, but can also play forward. Mitch Wallis-like role is what is suggested in AFL article. Not our greatest need, but interesting nonetheless
  19. Perhaps he's just on a mission to collect a jumper from every club in the comp
  20. Do you think my job or yours are even remotely comparable to that of a professional footballer in the AFL? Are you saying he's only interested in money? Cause Norf certainly weren't/aren't in the window of success Ironically, had he stayed at one of his first two clubs he'd now be in the mix to experience the ultimate success Regardless, if he came to us I'd be forever wondering what his next excuse for leaving might be
  21. So he left PA for coin. Now he has coin and Norf want him out. Yeah nah, sounds like a misfit at 3 clubs to me
  22. Who the hell knows A F! I don’t think Norf will trade Brown for less than late 1st or early 2nd. But they have certainly mistimed his trade value peak. Last year he probably would've got them top 10 pick. A big if, but if he improves our forward line significantly, our pick 22 might get him. Remembering 22 will end up being about 30 with all the academy/fs/FA compo picks
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