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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Yes, but will he listen and take advice from from those around him?
  2. How many do Port, WCE or St K have?
  3. in the open market Tracc close to $1mill and Clarry about $850-900k. Maybe about 10% less at the Dees, as its easier to stay if happy than leave. Obviously I have no idea what their contracts actually are, I'm speculating like everyone here. But I highly, highly doubt Viney would sign for $300k, which is what I originally disputed
  4. Picket, when I read your posts in the voice of Donald Trump they make so much more sense!
  5. That's your opinion, but I doubt it's the opinion of the wider afl industry. The answer to your question is emphatically 'yes'.
  6. So... bag out some who have had better games but reserve judgement on others who have had zero 'good' games?? Thank [censored] you are not our list manager picket!
  7. Hawks have offered him the batmobile
  8. I know I'll get howled down for this, but with the right coaching and development I think OMac will become a handy backman. Only 24yo, would do much better at Rich or WCE. Rich turned Grimes into an AA. Not comparing the two, just illustrating that development is king
  9. SEN employing the scattering approach to trade scenarios hoping something eventually is correct. Sounds familiar ?
  10. I googled "average afl player wage 2020". There will be plenty below that, but an ex capt, b&f winner in the prime of his career would get about double that IMO. You and I might hope for less, but that's the reality. Unless we let him go as a FA and pay a 1st rounder $105k. I googled that too!
  11. Disagree, to some extent, A F. The average player wage is about $365k. He'd be valued in the industry at much more than that. I'm only guessing, but maybe $650k??? Not sure If we want to keep him, pay him what he's worth. Of course we'll try and low ball him, but the reality will be somewhere near what he's worth on the open market A lot of posters compare AFL player wages with the average punter's wage. Or compare the job circumstances of the AFL to us mere mortals. It's not apples with apples. There's so much money in the footy industry at that level. It's not realistic to compare Jack's contract with yours or mine. It's a completely different workplace, just about polar opposite (I stand corrected A F, if you are in fact an AFL footballer!)
  12. Yes, but Geelong and Hawthorn have consistently had something else to compensate for contracts under the market rate: premierships.
  13. I've turned up to the 'Axis of Bob fan club' only in the last week or two, but I've got to say thank you for such well thought out and balanced posts. Thoroughly enjoy reading what you have to say. The Jack Viney analysis a few days ago was a ripper. Cheers
  14. I like your thinking. Not sure Salem is that quick off the mark, but he can work up a pace to run down and tackle opponents. Certainly has the disposal and decision-making to be a winger. My question is who would replace Salem as the distributor in defence?
  15. Seriously, our backline is not the problem. We have significantly bigger issues to rectify. Frost leaving is a non issue, particularly given we got pick 23 in return for him
  16. Did he play every game? Might explain his high finish
  17. And that's it in a nutshell. He agreed to the AFL hub and State govt quarantine rules. He's a high profile, well paid professional sportsman. When your dcik stands up, your brain sits down.
  18. Imagine the impact on the team of Bennell's crisis had we made finals
  19. Kangas going hard at Paul Roos for senior assistant
  20. Didn't the club say it had room for a big name player? Hardly a 32yo that only played a handful of games this year. IMO we might get one decent year from him. I smell desperation here ls he better than any other wing we have except Langdon? Yes, next year Is he the future in that position for us? No I'd rather see us go hard at Merritt or another outsider that we haven't mentioned yet. Maybe we are?
  21. Clarko will be laughing his head off. I reckon they offered a cheap 2nd year knowing he was probably out the door, pushes another club into committing overs. Gets them more compo FMD didn't we learn anything from giving Lewie one year too many? If we do this, we will be suckers If, if by chance Viney were to leave as a RFA, this Smith UFA recruitment would destroy any compo we might get for Jack. Surely the club know what they are doing?!!! Or does a UFA not attract compo anymore? I'm not sure Jack better stay!
  22. Retirement homes are a destination as well
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