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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Not quite a Smith fan but I think he is a better forward than backman thats all, was only throwing up.
  2. Don't think there will be many changes but if TMac does not play could try Smith there could be a different dynamic with him playing there.
  3. Yes he did alright did not try to take everyone one but still that is all he is, look one can debate with everyone about Viney you like him I don't, i think there could be better options for the future but as the old saying goes opinions are like ********* everyone's got one and thats good.
  4. So now your not sure but you said he was which one is it?
  5. Are you for real was i at the ground suggest you get off the sauce, was you there, as for Salem it is time to take the diaper off soft as melted butter.
  6. What game did you watch Salem had Cameron the first quarter he kicked 3, 2 after that for the game shake head.
  7. Salem needs to take his diapers off and stop being cute.
  8. Impressed with those, don't know how you did it, but gus was smart there stood on the outside of the mark and back up a bit forced him to kick it close to the boundary line.
  9. Ok folks if we happen to win the Premiership who would consider getting a tattoo and what demob logo or other option would you get? what does one think of this?
  10. I saw him as well, Clarry is getting close but Flowers decision making and field kicking is way ahead of Clarry's at the moment that is just an area that he has to clean up, by the way just watch the ball drop of Flower's for kicking very low great connection plus he could kick both feet without a problem.
  11. A small of sack of rocks would have weighed more than Robbie go to you tube a see just what this man did.
  12. Robbie Flower the greatest player never to win a brownlow full stop.
  13. That happened to us against the hawks if my memory serves me it was against lever who kicked it away anyone else remember it?
  14. Seems I did to, how many goals did the cats get after halftime, second quarter was not the backlines fault anyone who has played the game will know if the ball is played in opposition forward line for a long period of time of course easy goals will end up being scored they adjusted that after half time, backline then was able to set up a lot easier as they only gave up two goals, Smith will stay in.
  15. Yes fair point but I think his main point ( I might be wrong ) is having our mids be in more active in scoring shots every game.
  16. Dusty has 19 goals 7 points from 16 games and an overall from 2010 has kicked 291and 195 points and an average of 1.2 goals a game Olivier has 7 goals 16 and overall from 2016 has kicked 36 goals and 37 points and an average .30 a game thats where he needs to aim for.
  17. No it's more his action and routine is what his problem is same as Gawn kicking on an arc does not help.
  18. Not yet still has flaws when he learns that he has half second or so to lower the eyes and kicks to advantage and not just throw it on the boot, also stops running back into traffic, he needs to get to a point where he damages a side score wise but I agree this kid could be something special right up there with them.
  19. Might be worth giving Rivers a go on the wing.
  20. Sparrow is a young Jack Viney with perhaps a little less nous. I think Sparrow needs a spot to open up for him before we see his true value. He's so far down the pecking order for that bullocking inside mid spot others are doing the work he's most suited to. Bit harsh on Sparrow, Viney has no football nous at all.
  21. Think the failure is masked by the team's success. He should be elite, up there with the best mids going round. Goodie is extremely stubborn. He stuck fat with Oscar McD for ages & persisted with Fritter & Harmes played out of position long after most supporters had worked it out. I agree I still believe he should be in the guts full stop, Trac, Clarry and Gus seem to have a connection when he gets the chance to get in there.
  22. He has a lot to learn but you can only really do that with good players around you thats what good teams do bring one in and help them, having said that he has some limitations at the moment as I would not put him on a Dangerfield etc but give him time.
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