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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. To the commentators are thinking 18,28,38,48,58,68,78,88,98,108 are Sestan
  2. I would have had turner in the the seniors by now.
  3. It's called tying to do more than your ability allows.
  4. Casey has a new game plan, see ball get ball and handball to someone under pressure, never thought of that, not quite working out yet.
  5. Personally I ain't going to ask him to bend over for that.
  6. Thank you for your answer in an intelligent way unlike some, what I mean is if you have your hands, I hope I can explain it right, they have their wrist cocked back but their hands are in a position catching a cricket ball so when the ball comes in it is hitting the palms of their hands, that it what I mean about position of the hands which causes that stiffness when the ball hits, so on that point you are right, I think JVR has the ability to play at this level and he needs to play at a higher level for a long period.
  7. Is that right tell me where I'm wrong instead of gobbing off little boy?
  8. He has the same problem as JVR with marking, hand position is all wrong the ball will always hit their hands and bounce out.
  9. He's just ahead of Clayton, Bont does a little more damage with his kicks and marks and can play forward.
  10. I am trying to remember the Guy that was running it, Andy? we sat in the old southern stand in those days.
  11. Not Elwood, different train line
  12. And I will let you on a secret and tell know one, I was also in the cheer squad in the early 70s
  13. I'm a bomber am I, my membership for the last 22 years as a Redleg and Trident does not say that.
  14. Yep and did you read why? and there is plenty, most of the list I like, but I look at a game eyes open, not he's my favourite player so you cannot criticise, so tell me does Tmac deserve a game on his form?
  15. And Tmac kicked goals against east perth under 10's and everyone one was saying he's back in form, that worked out well.
  16. Caleb Daniel might have an answer about the height question.
  17. Nothing like another turnover king to come back into the side.....
  18. Neeld like Noble walked into a mess of clubs, players ran the coach and players moaned to board members no doubt Neeld has his problems but when the board could not see the problems it just went down hill from there, gee didn't the great Gary Lyon have a hand in his appointment?
  19. It's about getting the best team on the park to make sure you can get in the top four once that yeah give him the games but not now.
  20. Our weakness in the midfield is that we don't rove well to opposition ruck tap-outs. That could be a legacy of Max's dominance but nonetheless, it's a weakness And that is Yze's area as a midfield coach and i do agree with you, We won't know about Schache as Goddwin always falls back to Tmac even though injuries have hurt him and is not the player he was, backup only for me.
  21. Not necessarily a young untried ruckman It's worth paying an extra established B grade ruckman as a spare than paying 6-8 midfield types who in all likelyhood aren't going to feature very often Yeah I get that, Schache could nearly have filled that role not that I truly believe he would have been the answer but he is a bigger body type to do the job.
  22. We have tried to recruit a young ruckman and it has not worked, watch how we allowed a man on his own at centre bounces cannot figure that out that whats Cripps and co do most of the time, the old saying when getting beaten stop the bleed, man up take control then get on with your game again but today, get beaten and wait for the break.
  23. I think we got seduced with the Max and Grundy team and I agree with you on not having another ruckman on the list, I thought Petty was good after halftime, I give McVee a pass he's learning and will get better and better I just hope the coaches take stock and learn from it and adjust.
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