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Everything posted by baysidedave

  1. yeah 2-3, pity because he's been pretty good the last month or so.
  2. Roos will not do it, he loves living in Sydney too much.
  3. I am a Labor supporter and this is heaps worse but I reckon it will be worse when the neo-con Abbott looks after all his rich mates and screws the rest of us.
  4. He has to go because since Jimmy died the club hasn't made ONE positive move, its been all downhill. I say that but l wanted him to do well because his Auntie was a very close friend of my Mum's but its not working and he has to go.
  5. Sometimes l curse my old man for making me a Demon supporter but l love them and always will. lf we can through this period where the club is at its lowest ever then the only way is up but l'm afraid its going to take 5-10 years. Whatever it takes l and my daughter and the rest of my family will always be there.
  6. Drayne Pussell has as much credability as Denham and Wilson.........NONE, he's a toerag
  7. Grimes will be a star, he's our best at the moment, as for the 6 senior players you named, Davey's in his last year and a lot older, Sylvia will NEVER be consistant, Dunn and Jamar are both ordinary players, Frawley and Garland could improve though.
  8. His old man has already spent his money on a Macca's franchise, so glad he's a dud, its the only good thing l've heard this year.
  9. every year we pick the wrong player, this year we got Toumpas when Wines was the one. lt happens year after year, we will come last this year but who cares about picks because we will get the wrong one anyway.
  10. l said this on draft day but its typical of our club, the last decent draft pick is Grimes and we got him at pick 14. Trengove is an average player, lucky $cummy went because he's useless too.
  11. How Sylvia wasn't dropped when Watts was, he was worse than Watts, 10 year player and no. 3 draft pick, he's been getting away with playing crap football for years.
  12. watching the game at Footscray in round 22 '87 showed the Demons had some bloody good players and played with Guts and Determination, the total opposite to today. Reminded me what agreat player B.Lovett was.
  13. my daughter and l will try to get there, l was really angry at the start of the week but have realised the club just needs support and not being put down. ( this means YOU all Jack Watts haters)
  14. here, here, everyone and his dog get on Jack's back, now it's his own supporters giving it to him, l wonder why he plays with no confidence when his own supporters boo him if he doesn't win every ball that comes his way. The media, opposition supporters and now you lot, you should be bloody ashmed of yourself the lot of you, scumbag demon supporters!!!!! never thought l'd see the day.
  15. No surprise with Denham, he hates us bigtime, always has. If l saw him in person l'd punch him in the head and l mean that sincerly
  16. l'm with you, emailed club and told them what l think, they can stick membership where the sun don't shine
  17. has to go NOW he is a frickin' joke, if he doesn't go then we all should go down to club and drag him out
  18. never seen a man that shattered, he wanted to cry but held it together just enough
  19. l used to say the same thing to my old man and if he was alive today l'd give him a hard time. Like the kid l could never support anyone else. l remember crying every time they lost when l was a kid, and it was a lot of times because when l was growing up they were pathetic. l signed my daughter up pretty much the same day she was born and she's going through it now. The difference is she said she would never even think about changing teams and hasn't got angry at me yet. l said to her l'm sick of it and might follow the Storm but she said there is no way she's changing.
  20. 'Loser' by Beck would just about suffice ,l'm a creep" by Radiohead would be my second choice.
  21. My whole family is Demon supporters, the old man started us and that was it, all of our kids are demon supporters too
  22. What are talking about? Schwab needs to go, NOW
  23. In this week but will make no difference to the team. Has shown he is just an average player and shouldn't be Captain, if they want 2 captains then Nat Jones should be the other. l really think that Grimes should be captain on his own, showed on sunday that he, Jones, Clark and Viney were the only players who put in.
  24. ther is no 'frickin' way we'll beat the bummers! We won't anyone this year if we don't improve 100% and with this mob of losers aside from about 6 players we won' t win a thing. We'll get beaten by GWS on the MCG in a few weeks.
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