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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. When was the last time the afterglow lasted for 8mths and counting.
  2. It was far better than sex and I was 3500km away.
  3. Can I buy a vowel ?
  4. G'day from Wahgunyah 😉 We're not talking footy over here 😂
  5. As opposed to the Biden (Albo?) approach. Neither of whom know WTF is going on. But the clueless will vote for them regardless.
  6. Reckon that was 4 in his 1st game. Against us.
  7. Or pushing the defenders in the back to take marks.
  8. His 1st name is Buku. BooKoooo !!
  9. No Ginnivan ... No Collingwood.
  10. And watching Melbourne relentlessly grind the opposition into dust doesn't make for the most entertaining game. Not for opposition supporters anyway.
  11. That's me doing the pre-game no major injury prayer.
  12. Always gives me the jeebees listening to our players talk tactics with the media. Tell 'em nothin' boys. There was important game last year and they had May out on the ground before the game discussing our backline structure and how he and Lever work together. I was sitting there thinking "WTF Maysie.... Too much info." 😕 Loved his interview there though. He speaks very well.
  13. One of the interviews after the GF with Petracca he was saying that when he kicked his dribbler in the 3rd the word come from the bench to ice the rest of the qtr. The mids looked at each other, decided "Fork that we're hot, let's get another one." Then blasted another 2 in 30seconds and made freakin' legends out of themselves. But your definitely right. The plan seems be to get the lead and then defend it rather than keep attacking.
  14. We're boringly dominant. They'll always hope for a challenger.
  15. Time to vanquish an upstart challenger. Bring on 7-0. Go the Mighty Demons.
  16. Aww ... Dunno man. True Olivers kickings alot better the last couple years but Flower would deliver lace out either foot. Holy smokes. If Flower was in todays side he'd be a phenomenon.
  17. Went something along the lines of "the competition needs to work out how to get past Melbournes 3 Headed Dragon." I just thought it was a cool nickname. The yanks love to nickname their famous NFL defences. Steel Curtain. Purple People Eaters. Legion of Boom. Gang Green. We've got the 3 Headed Dragon 😎
  18. Well last year I saw May, Lever and Tomlinson referred to by some football writer as the 3 Headed Dragon. The 3 Headed Dragon is now May, Lever and Petty. Lever might not be built like a monster but he is a defensive intercept marking beast and we miss him when he aint there.
  19. Winkle another flag .... 😕 With this list I'm looking to stomp through the next 2 flags and maybe "winkle" another couple after that. But if Jackson stays and becomes the player I think he'll be I'll be looking to stomp through those as well. Most of our guns are just hitting their prime.
  20. Agree. Though at the time I has my concerns about forking so much coin for a pair of backmen. Both trades have proven nothing short of brilliant. Be interesting to watch how clubs go about their rebuilds from now on. Do they follow our lead by bostering the backline with defensive beasts 1st.
  21. Soccer is a shocking example. Rugby is better.
  22. Umpire to the rules would be a start. Call a throw a throw, a push a push, don't get sucked in by dives etc. etc. I'd be surprised if 10 people in the crowd noticed Mitchell raise his arm while talking to the the umpire in the middle of the ground. If that was a close final that umpire would near get lynched by the mob. Nice work AFL.
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