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Everything posted by binman

  1. I don't get it. Leaving aside any assessment of OMac's ability (though it is worth noting the club chose to give him anorher contract and Mahoney was happy to trade everyone's new pin up frost, in part because in his words we had coverage down back, including omac) he plays for the dees. Call me crazy supporters should suppor. And if they can't should at the least not do the opposite.
  2. Presumably we could trade pick 3 and say a second round pick next season (or a player this year like hunt) for king and one of gc's first round picks (obviously not one and two but they have 15 and presumably will get another for martin) Which we then use this year.
  3. No. I forget which poster said it but apparently Salem's dad told a mate who was eating at his restaurant it. Only mentioned trac and salem
  4. Perfectly sums up my perpective on Salem. People talk about trac needing to live up to his potential. I'm more concerned Salem won t to be honest. Both need to get fitter as a priorty which is why it was realy pleasing to read a week or so back on dl that rhey are self fundong a trip to colorado to do fitness training
  5. The irony is that in fact we are far from a basket case. Our board is as stable and solid as it has been in decades. An internal review has seen significant change carried out in a professional, measured fashion, tge exec is solid as is fd. No players wanted out. And one again mahoney has been a total pro at trade time and achieved most of its stated aims wirh a minimum of fuss. You want a basket case look at the crows atm. Despite their wealth and resources they are a mess, with players wanting out, coach quitting before being pushed and key personnel being sacked during the trade period when they are trying to retain and attract players. On a related note where do the posters who so vociferously pushed the mfc in crisis line a couple of months back stand atm?. You know the ones who warned of player dissatisfaction, players wanting out, (gleefully) supported false rumours about goody being sacked, jumped on Barrera silly comments about sliding doors and meetings wirh tge afl, pointed out the coaching and fd changes as evidence of crisis (whilst also arguing changes had to be made) and warned no players would want to come to us.
  6. My fav was a kick from inside the defensive 50 to the wing and then 40 seconds later marking a chip kick inside the offensive 50.
  7. Some very good horses in that lot
  8. My best is Caulfield Race 2 no 3 Rox the Castle. I'm tipping a leader's bias tomorrow, particularly early and think Rox the Castle will jump, find the front and be very difficult to get past. $3.70 (fixed odds) second favorite at the time of writing.
  9. Some advice. For what its worth. Know your poster.
  10. But Rusty that is exactly what the club did - or didn't do in terms airing any dirty laundry. I did not hear one bad word from the club about Frosty - they played it wit the deadest of dead bats. They handled it all expertly. Which is big reason we ave done pretty well with the trade. On airing any dirty laundry Go The Biff wrote this earlier: 'Interesting. A relative of mine - Demon fan - met him out & about a few weeks ago and was surprised at how readily he mouthed off about the club to a perfect stranger.'
  11. Crazy isn't it. Perhaps the least understood key factor in any team (or organisation for that matter) success is the strength of the board and the how effective its governance is. It is one reason that i am very confident he dees will bounce back. We are in a good space in terms of our board, governance and executive.
  12. Bingo. 100% disagree that we have not done well in this deal. it is clear we wanted him out. Just as we wanted Watts out. I was dead against that deal but acknowledged that i didn't have all the information as to what the real reasons were for that decision. I don't rate frost very highly, certainly nowhere near Watts, though i like him a player and have nothing against him. Yes he made top 10 in the bluey, but please he only juts made the top 10 and how could he fail not to to given he played very game in season where we finished 17th, were ravaged by injury (particularly down back) and almost every player on the list played a game. But in any case I'm guessing (and only guessing) the reason for wanting him out is related to culture more than ability. Yes i'm partially basing that on isolated recent comments in this thread (that i have no reason to doubt given i trust the posters based on their history) but the club has made it abundantly clear it had no intention of keeping him. He was always 100% Maxy gawn. In that context we have done well to get some value out of the deal. You only have to look at the situation with Jenkins and the crows to see what can happen when it is clear a player in on the outer. It's a bit different because Jenkins has made it clear he wants out and the relationship seems to have completely broken down. But it is analogous in so far as in both circumstances the club want both players out the door. No one would suggest Frost is better, more valuable player than Jenkins, yet i guarantee we will get more from the respective trades than the crows will. For Pete's sake the crows will have to pay some of his salary to get him out the door.
  13. Absolutely. Me too. Would you broadcast that frustration with complete strangers? If true a very dumb thing to do on Frost's part.
  14. Your posting style has an eerie similarity to Donald Trump's tweeting style. And the similarities don't end there......
  15. Bit of frost ball might help our cause
  16. That is a grammatical nightmare
  17. Snap. We were posting much the same thing at the same time.
  18. It's sort of a moot point. I reckon lots of teams would have a similar spread of ability. The tigers, gws and pies have more true a graders. And that is something we have lacked for decades to be honest. But if everything aligns we will have the following undisputed a graders by mid season next year: maxy, Oliver, Brayshaw, May, Lever and trac with harmes, tmac and Salem pushing for b+ and fritter not too far behind.
  19. Come on DW, get with the program. From a Victorian club
  20. That is a big difference! But how do you rule people in?
  21. Yolo. Please don't go. Don't leave me hanging! Rule our everyone mentioned in this thread? I think not. Are you really gnf?
  22. And kicks goals against us. So that might rule the rat out unfortunately. Update on clues: A key forward (correct to assume a big?) Has a current contract Has a good record against the dees Victorian club But not pies And not membrey or Bruce A club who needs to shed some players or $$ this trade period Would be a surprise Has been mentioned on this thread!
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