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Everything posted by binman

  1. C'mon ref that has to be a knock on! THEY'VE BEING DOING IT ALL GAME!!!!
  2. I do indeed whatwhatsaywhat - the hunner's high water mark. Brilliant, clean production (horns sound great). Some of their best song writing and every track tight and punchy. All killer no filler. Somewhat controversially i don't reckon there are that many great Australian albums. Lots of great singles (and i reckon My pal by GOD sits at the op of that list) but oz bands have always had to make their money from playing live and have not had the time or money generally to spend long period in the studio. That said i'm with you Born Sandy Devotional would have to be at the top, or very close to it, of my list of great oz albums. A near perfect record.
  3. I respectfully volunteer to be captain of team Oscar. In terms of experience i was previously captain of team Anthony 'Spud' Dullard, like Omac an effective but much underappreciated big defender (and occasional ruckman) who played his last game in 1981. A (as an aside i I just checked Spud's page on demonwiki - the single greatest website in the history of the internet - and was amazed that he also wore number 28, a fact i'd completely forgotten. Sorry Spud. And further he holds the club record for games wearing number 28 - 108. Omac is on 74 so all things being equal he will break that record. And when he does i might have little Team Oscar celebration and invite Spud. I can't see Omac passing Spuds 49 goals but with some luck maybe he might exceed Spuds 10 career Brownlow votes though he might need to get wriggle on) For many years team Oscar felt like a very small team. Growing in numbers now it seems. Little Goffy and handful of others can say we were into Oscar before he got big. But if he gets too popular i might have to find a new, unfashionable, but cool team. Like when i was into Hunters and Collectors (down there in that cavern where heaven grows) before they went mainstream and went off them once they did - i mean Holy Grail, please!. Any ideas of who the next underground, alternative player for the true believers might be? personally I'm thinking of joining team Smith.
  4. I haven't watched on the couch all season. But watched a bit on kayo ans skipped through to the bit where they t a liked about the dees. A few reflections. You've stacked on some weight. Are you trying to compete with Billy Brownless with that as well? I thought you and 'browny' were a bad enough combination. But good Lord adding big Nick just completes the set. Nice if you to take credit for the win. What is that show all about? Are you supposed to analyse games of football? Do you actually prepare yourself? Or is every point and stat researched by the 16 year old work experience kid?
  5. Not quite sure of your point here as it relates to deaths in custody rc, the point of which was not to prosecute an argument that Australia is racist, but to determine why aboriginal people die in custody and knowing that how those deaths can be prevented. The critical fact that is under no debate and is not in danger of being rewritten is that as grapeviney noted the majority of the rc's recommendations have not been implemented. What forces must be at work for that to be the case do you think?
  6. That's a really good point. And you can include omac in that mix as well as a justifiable criticism is that he doesnt take enough marks.
  7. A couple of things. I think i see in a general sense i see what you are saying. If i understand you correctly one of your key points is that you believe there are many countries more racist than Australia (and they include non western countries). Perhaps you are right on that point, i don't know, but i think there is an issue with equivalence when it comes to racism in so far as it implies there is some sort of scale with egregious racism at one end and not so bad racism at the other. And that with such a scale you could somehow attribute measurements to work out where a country (or perhaps even individuals) sat on the scale. I just think it is a reductionist way of coming at the issue of racism and not that helpful (to be clear i'm not having a go at you here). On the bolded bit i respectfully disagree with you, particularly as it relates to our collective relationship with Aboriginal people and dealing or even properly acknowledging our history. We are a million miles away from reconciliation and coming to terms with our past. And we don't really want to i don't think. Perhaps the journey has started but honestly it feels to me as if that is about the best we could say. If you haven't been living in Australia in the last few years you would have missed two key events that show how far we have to go on that journey. The whole shameful years long Adam Goode tragedy that made me ashamed to be Australian. And the shameful rejection by the Australian government of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the complete lack of lack of public outcry. What i do 100% agree with is that we have to deal with our history and the racism that is the foundation of Australia. I liken Australia to a emotionally stunted teenager kis that refuses to grow up. To grow up we need to deal with our past.
  8. In the immortal words of Maxwell Smart i got everything up to fun fact... (though i got i hate racists!)
  9. The highlighted part gave me a chuckle in so far as the concept of being able to jinx a player is juxtaposed with detailed analysis. Reminds me of how i will forensically do my horse racing form and still go with the occasional vibe bit. By the by i see the points you are making. And i appreciate that you acknowledge his good form in 2018. With Omac i reckon it is worth keeping in mind he has only just tuned 24 so there is plenty of room for improvement and as a big he is still 1-2 years away from fully bulking up. As a point of comparison Weed is only 9 months younger (and was taken nearly 50 spots higher in his draft year)
  10. Some good points deanox, particularly about the tv angles as often you just can't tell where players start from before getting to a contest (i find it annoying when the ball is in dispute waiting for a dees player to magically come into shot) To the one quoted above i'd add that often he sets up by himself as the sweeper between the last defensive line and the goals and sometimes when the ball gets over that line he has to scramble to get to drop of the ball. This can make him look out of position and slower than actually he is (not that he is fast).
  11. By reflex i have always been opposed to such an ID, primarily because of the points you note - i don't trust the government to manage security and information. Or at least i always used to oppose such an ID. That position is becoming increasingly illogical in a world where i willingly give up my data to google and all manner of other massive corporations. Just one example is flybuys - i have been swiping that card for 15 years and never once redeemed anything. And i have zero knowledge of who has access to all that data. It is is pretty scary what my purchase history would tell about me. And in any case Mygov is not a million miles from a national ID anyway.
  12. Which is why it is good it is at metricon station on the gold coast. If our accommodation is on the gold coast (as I assume it will be) the lions players will have a much longer, and more annoying, commute.
  13. I watched the replay last night. The first replay i have watched all year and since our last win 2019. When we win, and play ok it is something i really enjoy. It is a different experience obviously but its funny when you know the result and there is not the emotion and fear of losing how you can see things differently. i posted my reflections on the game earlier in this thread so won't repeat those comments. But here are some random reflections from the replay: I though the commentary was bad when i watched it live but it was actually worse than i remembered. Really just a joke. The model of having head play by play caller (hudson) and two ex footy jocks in the box just talking to each other about their own opinions like they were at the pub (and providing zero useful analysis), with a boundary rider whose job is seemingly to get injury reports wrong and make wise cracks to each other is just ridiculous. Look at the EPL. One commentator. Who often doesn't talk and just lets the pictures tell the story. Or the socceroos coverage. Hill as the main caller - smart, erudite, knows the game inside out and has a good voice for calling a game augmented with an ex footballer who actually provides helpful input, analysis and responds to questions form Hill. And then at half time have the panel of footy jocks guffawing. Perfect. The commentary mess was summed up for me at one point when Lyon and Brown were banging on about tacos and red mist, repeating a conversation that had 10 times already whilst the ball was in play. Rankine did something or other and Hudson, the play by play caller, said whoa look at that - and then apologized for interrupting! Sheesh Traccs kicking was poor (really Lyon and Brown, do you need to point that out again!) but he played much better than i thought - so powerful in the contest. On the cusp of becoming a true A grader and surely will be AA this year And actually a couple of Tracc's kicks were not bad as gaddy and browny made out For example the one where he burst out of the centre and went to for goal rather than pass to weed. As his second goal showed he can easily kick 55 metres and he was on the run kicking from about 60 so it was shot he could have well made. He just didn't flush it. And i have been wanting to see him take more of those sort of shots I was surprised to read after the game that Harley had the equal highest score involvements but his influence on the game was more apparent watching the replay - his talent is so obvious that even if you had never watched a game of football it would be evident. Uses his body beautifully, knows where to be and has that skill that only the best players in any team sport has - an ability to know what is around him, as evidenced by some of his handballs At the risk of banging on about brown and gaddy one those handballs was to max and they knocked him for being too hollywood and used it as an example of the team transferring pressure. Live i thought that seemed a bit tough and on the replay it was evident it was just nonsense. Harley was hot, if tackled he risks a free against and a shot on goal. He hits gawn perfectly but rather than take the ball Maxy decides to thump it forward. Which was max's error not Harley''s Two bits of plays summed up perfectly what Harley brings to the team (and what we have been sorely missing): Winning a one on one contest on the HFF, finding space and kicking the ball 50 plus metres on his non preferred foot to the forwards advantage to set up Weeds first goal The second, and more critical involvement, was his handball receive hard on the boundary on the wing, running 15 odd metres, balancing up and kicking with enough penetration and depth to get over the back of the contest giving hannan a good chance of marking it (and the suns players no chance - how often this year has the defender marked in that exact scenario?) but when he didn't, be able to run on to it and set up Weeds second goal. A goal that arguably won us the game No disrespect to any player who has played in the interim but Harley is in my opinion the most talented player that has played at the demons since Robbie retired. Hard to overstate the importance of Harley i reckon. If he stays fit and plays for most of the season we are a chance of making finals. If not i doubt we will. Melksham was better. Even though he did not have a stand out game the most important thing from my perspective there was none of the selfishness that has been so evident this year. Good move by goody to get him up higher and in the play. I''m really pleased he was better as we simply can't afford to have player with his skill and talent available but not playing seniors Lever was also better and great to see him involved more. Really like him playing higher as it plays to his strengths and he becomes a threat not a negator. Another good move by goody Interestingly in the radio interview with max he mentioned, i think (it was quick) that Lever and Melksham were added to the leadership group last week. If that is the case another good move from the club as the proof was in the pudding with their games In that interview Slobbo specifically asks about the influence of Omac - fascinating response I was perplexed by the decision to drop him as, as i pointed out prior to the blues games i think Omac is critical from a structural perspective, in particular his role of last line sweeper (a very tricky role - as noted elsewhere maxy said he is the best reader of the play in the team - a key skill for that sweeper role). However it is easy to be critical of the decision to drop him. But it may well have been a very clever decision by Goody and as shocking as it might seem Goody might have known things fans didn't. Maxy said something quite revealing - that omac is very important for the team, that the role he plays is super important, particularly in terms of allowing May and Lever to be more damaging. But that Omac also has to perform. I suspect goody and perhaps the leadership team put the acid on Oscar to say you are better than a journeyman and role player and we expect to see it. We need to see it. And that Goody reinforced this message in the tried and true way by dropping him and making it clear he was no lock to come back into the side. True or not Omac, as many Demonlanders have noted, played with much more confidence and much more aggression. Perhaps it is my rampant Omac confirmation bias but to my eye he also looked a bit quicker. King out marked him on the lead a couple of times but he is quick and omac was right on his tail. There has been a lot of talk about the back line for the last 2-3 years, but by in large the focus has been on our bigs. But as i have noted a few times over that period the real issue we have down back is not that the opposition bigs get on top of us, it is the small and medium forwards that hurt us. And again that was the case against the suns. The Suns only took 4 marks inside 50 (remarkably we took 12) and King and Day had almost no influence on the game - ironically Kings one goal was from a crumb. Eight of their nine goals were kicked by small or mediums - Rankine, Ellis, Fioroni and Weller. We need to sort this issue.
  14. That's alright. 6pm start means we won't cop the dew we would if it was a true night game. Metricon looks in good Nick too Am I right to assume we will then be in a QLD hub? If so not bad either. Nice and warm. Perhaps they could use the facilities, ground etc they use for their camp. A good group of dees fans up there too to cheer the boys on.
  15. Good post DS. Agree with all your points. As i have posted i'd like to see him up forward but like you i could also see him holding down a half back spot in the role hibberd plays or to play tight on medium half forward. With time, patience and good development he will make it. He has the tools and the reason the club rate him so highly is his athletic gifts are rare and perfectly suited to modern footy.
  16. Went to hospital. No major damage, though nasty. Will assess this week. A chance to play. Source: https://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/742687/injury-report-darren-burgess?videoId=742687&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1594615442001
  17. Invasion. Terra Nullis - an empty land, no humans. No treaty. Colonization. Not recognizing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution Stealing peoples land. Making fortunes (that exist to this day) from that stolen land State sanctioned massacres. Non state sanctioned massacres not punished. No recognition of ownership of land of the first people for 200 plus years Official government policy of genocide that lasted (scarcely believably) well into the 20th century. Forcible removal of children from their families as part of the policy of genocide Forcing children into slavery to look after white people's children and their homes Deaths in custody - and doing nothing about it Locking up Aboriginal children and their fathers at obscenely disproportionate rates Official government White Australia Policy (the name says it all) that was only replaced well past the mid point of the 20th century The first people not being able to vote in their own country until 1967. I repeat 1967. Mandatory detention and dehumanizing of 'boat people' as wildly popular government policy (and the lack of awareness of the irony of such a policy) Vilification of young Australians whose parents escaped war in Africa The One Nation Party and it increasing popularity as reflected at the last federal election A mining company legally blowing up caves that showed evidence of human occupation for 10s of thousands of years. The popularity of peanuts like Bolt and Sam Newman I could go on. To say Australia is not a racist county is patently false. And a common delusion that ensures we remain so.
  18. You make a good point about his leap. Funny because i was thinking watching the the games over the weekend that so often the ball is kicked inside 50 to huge packs and what team really need in those circumstances is not so much the big strong key forward who's strength is one on one marking but a player who can leap up and over packs. The ability to leap and if not able mark at least ensure the intercept players that are so key these days don't.
  19. Maybe. But given we barely take a mark, contested or other wise inside 50 that is not really a worry. Particularly if Smith can clunk some.
  20. I reckon the headless chook routine can work for forwards. I have said all along we should play him up there. He will attack the ball in the air and support Weed with this. Might even snag a few contested marks. His athleticism, speed and leap makes him hard match up in the forward line and makes these attributes more of weapon than down back where they are useful, but not potentially game changing. He tackles hard and having spent some time down back and preparing for that role the defensive side of his game will have improved. So he would provide good pressure inside our 50 metre arc (something we have lacked) and could even play a defensive role on attacking defenders, for example on Sicily this week. It was pre season game, so not a real one per se, but the last time he played forward was against the lions in the 2019 preseason and he was dynamic. Kicked four from memory and was an aerial threat until he got hurt. If goody calls me this week to ask my advice on selection i'm going to suggest he drop Melksham and replace him with Smith. And put Smith on Sicily and tell him his job is to stop Sicily getting a single intercept mark, fly for the ball, bring it ground and crunch every hawk he can. I might also suggest he put him on Frost for a bit just troll Demonland
  21. Yes. Of course. More maybe if he had played at a club that regularly played finals.
  22. On community sport I reckon a big secondary issue will be felt next year. Heaps of kids that were playing sport and have had to stop won't return. When i was 15 I was playing footy and cricket but had to stop both because of an injury. I couldn't play sport for 12 months and never went back. Other (less beneficial health wise) things took up my time.
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