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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. So why not get back Sonsky, Gardiner or McLarty for that matter. If the MFC cannot field a new group of competent Board members and Chairman then it is surely doomed!
  2. What the standard that says you have had a go and failed. Move out of the way and give someone else a go. I get the feeling rpfc that you think there is no one else. Is that the case?
  3. Good luck DemonWa. Interesting side light, I had an email from the MFC yesterday offering this years jumpers at $129 down from $199. Hmm I wonder why?
  4. Can you send over some of that Emu draught from WA McQueen it is obviously good stuff!
  5. I heard this from DB for 4 years and while the principle may be true if you pick players who are not good enough it never happens. How many of his picks that were going to be very good around 2014 are still at the club? I used to say in 2010 and I am still saying it, we need good experienced players to bring these kids along. It was the missing element in 2010 and is even worse now. We should use every draft pick this year on good 25 year olds. Yes I know easier said then done.
  6. IMO Jarka if the only one we can get is Alan stockdale then we had better accept that we are for the same road as Detroit and Kodak.
  7. In spite of the fact most of them have been abject failures dr they still want to cling on. You are right new blood please.
  8. Probably a whole carcass rpfc. It comes down to the fact that he was on the board once before, that board covered itself in way less than glory. He has had his chance and failed. We need new blood not old failed creatures from the past. No not everyone who has been involved with the MFc is a failure. But we are not going to be a power in the future if we return to the past. Please I am very tired of failure can we get someone new and vibrant. Where is the "Melbourne Eddy" when we need him?
  9. We can all dream jazza but alas I think this might be another nightmare
  10. Unfortunately as you suggest we are half a team at present. Lions way too good for us i am afraid
  11. I remember him well from the past rpfc. He is failure from the past. In my view he should stay there. I am very serious when I say With him as president my membership will lapse. Not interested with him in control.
  12. You have my vote dr. As redleg has mentioned where has he been the last five years? Stay in Canberra at Liberal HQ We do not need you
  13. Perhaps Roos knew that Stockdale was in the wings and has no interest while he is around?
  14. That says way more about our team that it does about Byrnes.We truly are a basket case
  15. There are IMO eight players listed that would not get a game in another AFL side this week. There are three kids that should not be playing but being developed in the reserves this year. That leaves 11 No wonder we cannot beat time with a stick.
  16. I am over these old establishment guys trying to run the MFC. I have had a gut full of them over the last 50 years. He has been a board member in the past, what did that produce? Yesterdays man from a past time period. If this guy takes over i will be seriously considering my membership in 2014
  17. Now you are as clever as me DOOf course that does not say a lot!
  18. In fact Maldonboy he makes watching grass grow look interesting by comparison.Makes watching our current team look fun. Dour I don't think covers it, but alas I cannot think of a better word. Please God deliver me from all this.
  19. A couple of weeks ago I thought we had a good chance but when you look at the way the lions have played the last couple of weeks against good teams I don't think we have a pray.Less than an eight goal loss is the best I can see.
  20. I won't pretend I am an expert DO because I am far from it.But here goes It corrects as you type, if it does not have a change to make it highlights the misspelt word in red for you to go back and correct later. I think. Of course like all spell checkers if you use the wrong word but spell it correctly it will not pick that up. To be honest I much prefer the PC system but that might be because I have used far more
  21. Bloody sad actually bb.God it is going to take some time to restock this list
  22. It really shows our lack of players tmYou are correct in saying we have bugger all replacements, five players there and one has a faint chance of being AFL standard. Bloody sad when a washed up Geelong player kicks half our score
  23. I should be the last person to give spelling advice D O.But the the loss of a gap changes the meaning in this context 180 degrees. By the way my iPad has a spell check, I curse the thing but it does check spelling just does it a little different.
  24. How does Byrnes get a game every week? Why do we give a has been a game when we have numerous young guys we could be testing and giving experience? If the guy made a meaningful contribution and helped the kids but he does bugger all.
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