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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That is what i was suggesting Sue There are thousands of intelligent people who support one of the most hopeless cases going around.
  2. I suspected as much wyl. I was being nice to T & G as well In all honesty I would be happy to have 7-8 average mids.
  3. There are thousands of those that support the MFC There is a hopeless case if there ever was one.
  4. It is way sadder that we have now been doing this for seven years.
  5. Please wyl can you name the abudance of average mids. We have Two that are not kids that I can think of Trengove and Grimes the rest would not get on another AFL list.
  6. Interesting no comments since thread was posted at 10.28 6.5 hours later no interest. Not sure why I am surprised as I have almost no interest in the game either.
  7. Sorry jr you are correct. My excuse ( yes a lame one ) is they sound the same.
  8. The thing that still amazes me is the essendon mob seem to completely miss ie. choice to Is that it was not the AFL that went down their supplements path. It was not the AFL that ran it in a shambolic way. It was not the AFL that hired people of doubtful quality with no checks. It was not the AFL that had to admit in February 2013 months after the program finished that they had no idea what there players were given. It is not the AFL that said in that same meeting that as the Coach I accept full responsibility for what went on in 2012. It is not the AFL that is under investigation by ASADA and the ACC. Give me a break essendon you screwed up in a major way. Now stand up and take what is due.
  9. Almost everyone is an upgrade on our mids yde. Worth a look at a reasonable price whatever that is. If GWS still want him cannot see him leaving for the dees.
  10. Believe me Mr. Little is used to banging heads with people he has the hide of a Rhino, a few AFL presidents will not worry him. Compare him to the MFC ex. He eats guys like that for breakfast.
  11. You mean you can actually tell the difference P_Man? With our lack of funds I think there is every chance we will play more games up there not less.
  12. I just love the following last two lines "Dr Frankenstein created a beast of horrifying power; Essendon just created a shambles."
  13. But who will take them while the chance of suspension is still hanging over their heads?
  14. Yes dc I am confident our QC told us we had a good chance of winning the Tanking case but we choice to negotiate. Had we gone the other way I am sure our legal team would have worked hard to win and taken the money!
  15. Perhaps that suggests he is quite often right dees 189227. On reflection a large part of what he was saying about the MFC turned out to be true.
  16. IMO dc it was the day the players went full time followed by slogans like "Whatever it Takes"
  17. Me too bossdog but the reality is that it is going to drag on for at least the next year and probably longer. We also need to remember that Asada has not finished the investigation yet? God delivers us from this but I think even he is struggling. I cannot get my mind away from that logo they all stand in front of " Whatever it takes"
  18. An extremely good question hh.I wonder about the same thing!
  19. I heard it HB I had tears in my eyes as well.The guts of it was. I entrusted my son to Essendon and James Heard. Under their watch my son was given things. No one can tell us what and when, we have no idea of the long term affects to my son. He is close to walking away from Football. Gut wrenching stuff
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