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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. What is its name and chance redleg. nobody here will tell anyone! Haha Seriously good luck
  2. Benno I have not read it for 30 years but back then I found it very heavy going. Now that might just mean that HP is aimed at kids. Says something about me perhaps!
  3. Ever now and then Demon17 you have to spit into the wind. Forget the DD's
  4. Oh god no. That would drive a very stable person to drink. Harry is much better read!
  5. a typical addiction line rpfc. Now I know you are made of tough stuff you a dees supporter for god sake. It can be done ,Think of other things like who is in the team on saturday night? Concentrate
  6. Sorry DC I do not agree with you. I think this is a problem that has been with the Dees for too long. Guys like AD have to learn to earn their spot. IMO he has not done that all year before the injury. It is not as though he has only been out of a week or two. Again IMO we have been let done all year by our more senior players. Don't drop a kid for him. Let him play at Casey this weekend and get some fitness and touch back.
  7. I think the poor guy is addicted to that thread. Try as he might he cannot kick it! I know how he feels I have a similar problem with single malt. but I am not really trying to kick that one! come on rpfc grit your teeth and don't click on you know what.
  8. Redleg I am struggling with this Why? He has not played in weeks Out with a leg injury which must mean his fitness will be down. On top of that his form before the injury was poor. If I was the player he replaced I would be more than a little [censored]. I would even prefer JB before him at least he would be fit.
  9. Obviosly You are a man of taste and Good breeding DC! a bit like myself!
  10. Deodorant check. Hankies check.
  11. The sub at Casey for mine (if they had one).
  12. Spot on DC I just had to slap myself. I was about to look at the thread. But the moment of stupidy passed. With no game this weekend I get to continue the brain washing of my Grand daughter. She is only 6 months old but you have to start early otherwise her Grand mother might win the battle. I think my best chance is a MFC dynasty starting about 2013 for 10 years. Do I have a snow flake chance in Hell?
  13. When the going gets tough the tough get going! Clarke 8
  14. I don't need to watch the Game TU as it is a forgone conclusion. He is the darling of the of CA end of story. All through the ashes he was "out to a great ball" "how unlucky was that" "his captainsy tonight has been good" pity he just went out for 7. Give me a break he gets more chances than the rest of the team put together!
  15. This is exactly what I mean, Clarke is always unlucky everyone else played a bad shot!
  16. You are correct White does need to lift because he will get dropped! Clarke won't even if there were more zero's.
  17. You mean he is worse than Clarke! Another big effort last night. A big fat ZERO. One score in six months the guy is a champion.
  18. I agree with your concerns DD however the management of Stynes, Schwab, and the board have done a very good job over the last three years and I trust them to do the right thing. However I would like to know how the MFC intends to solve some of these problems
  19. Then you have my sympathy RR to see the drop kick done well was a thing of beauty. Over the years the Dees had some players who were very good. The big problem was that not many players could do it well and it was deleted from the Game because if you could not do it well it resulted in a turn over and in modern football that is the ultimate sin. Re injuries I have never heard of anyone injuring their toes. I did a few my self over the years ( even in "the slippers" ) and not one injury.
  20. Well we may owe you an apology "Vagg". I will retrack my comments, I just don't remember him doing drop kicks. I thought they had gone from the game by the early 80's
  21. Yes he was good but same era, I was thinking full backs DC. But you are correct. He could play a bit!
  22. He led with his chin on that one DC! From my memory the SP was the hardest kick to do there where very few players who could even do it moderately well. It usually skidded across the ground. Thats why it disappeared it was too hard to do. In today's game the player would back at Casey after a couple of those.
  23. I agree with you Rhino, the drop kick had gone long before Danny Hughes. This is one area of the game I think has improved. The current players are a lot better kick than in the "good old days" Watched the 1966 grand Final last year and I was surprised at the poor kicking and that was between the two best sides of 1966. From My memory the best Drop kick at Melbourne was Tassie Johnson but that is 50 years ago. Lets stay with the current kicking style. Someone who could do a long punt kick could be useful late in a game but they would probably get dropped for not maintaining control of the ball.
  24. You mean there is a game for Him! Took himself out of 20/20 because he was too slow. Cannot make runs in the fifty over version and has one reasonable score at Test level in twelve months. Back to NSW for me and the faster the better. There are a dozen batsman at State level that could not be any worse. Give one of them a go anyone! how could they do any worse!
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