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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. If you leave out Dawes and Gawn there are another six or seven that could become LTI if we really wanted to up grade Jetta.
  2. Gone all that is left is to sort out the details.
  3. Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen! No I have not jumped from any high place, drawn a hot bath, swallowed any tablets or drunk too much single malt. However the sad thing is I got exactly what I had hoped would not happen last Sunday. Did not see the game I was in Sydney where you would not know the game had happened. I actually had a good weekend. Now back in Melbourne and the real world has returned. Another year of irrelevance to the competition stretches out ahead. The MFC is blessed with easily the poorest list that I think we are going to struggle to survive. Sunday afternoon was not the end but it may well be the beginning of the end.
  4. I am way more than that T-34 I think you still have reasonable chance I will be happy with a good side in between
  5. May Whatever God you have smile on you.I am happy to stand in the reflected glory
  6. two comments Redleg Terms don't worry me it is how some people choice to use them that annoys me. Bit early and I hate warm milk, single malt now that is a different story
  7. The kid is at the brink of achieving what he has wanted probably all of his life and he cannot. Expect I would feel a little glum too in his position. It means nothing to him right now but he has years to go, I doubt that there is anyone who could cheer him up at present. If his injury is such that he needs to take off 2014 so be it. It is not as though his absence will cost us a finals appearance where as it might in the future.
  8. Please do, I am interested if you don't want it public PM it to me.
  9. Just two comments Bossdog Is it surprising that after seven years of crap performance that supporters get a bit upset? I don't really care about injuries at other clubs
  10. I don't have any problem with them getting a second opinion olisik.Send him to the North Pole if that fixes the problem.
  11. Exactly what I am driving at YDSome members seem incapable of voicing a different point of view without making disparaging comments about the person they disagree with.
  12. Is there not a test they have to pass? I remember Bail failing one for about 4 weeks in succession if my memory is serving me well today.
  13. I don't mind if you don't agree with me and you may be correct But is the "Old man" bit necessary? Seems superfluous to me.
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