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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. The better question might have been "do we need Dawes at all?" Yes my Chagrin. I think he might get another week off. Calf injuries are difficult to get over and he has had problems with them in the past. Also no mention of Viney does that mean he is cherry ripe to play Saturday?
  2. Considering the results and Admin problems DD are you surprised? Win 8 games this year, recruit well again, win the first two games of 2016 and it will 40 000 before you can saw Carn The Dees
  3. There may be a few drug induced ones running around out North
  4. Negative publicity they report slowly ManDee until they can find some positive for AFL
  5. Proof of the pudding will be in the eating Choke. At this point he is just another assistant coach.
  6. I doubt there will ever be another 400 gamer. The way the game is played now it is too demanding on player bodies. A return to no rotations might help but I doubt that will happen.
  7. Human nature Song Good luck trying to change that one
  8. I always liked Neal and he achieve something that only one other has achieved in half a century. He got us into a GF I enjoyed going to the football while he was coach something that has been very rare since.
  9. If we all follow your lead demon3165 there would not be much to talk about. Demonland would only need to run two days a week.
  10. I would like to see us beat north. Anywhere any time.
  11. Wow mandee I think you are a bit high on the offer. M Jones and McKenzie would be more appropriate
  12. There will be a queue Mono there are plenty of assistants who will put their hand up. Daisy will be there the pay is too good and he will never get that money anywhere else in fact would probably struggle to get a third of his Carlton pay cheque.
  13. Yes Ernie that covers it. I know we all want to be in the top four but in any comp there will be someone at the top and someone at the bottom. The trick is have a competition that ensures no team is stuck permanently in the bottom couple. The MFC Management / Board performed so poorly they ensured we were down for way longer than we should have been. Carlton over the last few years have put in train a similar effort. This latest lot have just increased the speed of the decline.
  14. Hardtack I am not sure if you are aware that Robbo and Mick have had an ongoing feud for some years. It relates to Mick being unable to suffer those who he considers fools. I have heard him basically ignore questions from Robbo on radio over a number of years. To Robbo's credit I have heard him acknowledge this is the problem with his dealings with Mick We all know about the Stevens / Mick clashes on Channel 7. The list is of course long. There are number of Journo's who have endured his wrath over the years. People have long memories and guess what it is now get even time
  15. Yes Jnr and only two will be missed Would like to still have Jetta and Kent available The rest are gone or NGE PS not sure where JKH fits
  16. I do not hate anyone in the Football media but this bloke pushes the envelope for me. Over Time I have deduced that he is a low talent bully. I do not watch/ listen to anything he is involved with.
  17. The problem is that from early this year they started making statements that suggested he was out of favour. Then the losses start to mount and still sillier statements. They backed themselves into a corner and now there is only one way out. They should have said from day one of 2015 MM is the coach for 2015 and will be discussed at the end of the year. Then forever after when asked just refer to the early statement and no further comment. But they did not follow that line they kept adding comments and making it worse. The latest one that said he position would be discussed at the break was just suicidal. Now they have to make a decision
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