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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Is that pay back for the Aerial Railway bb?
  2. So what part of Mars is he from? I suspect he is from pharmacy part am I on the right track?
  3. It seems this is where we started dc Who is he again?
  4. The death of the local bar is the basic problem Ernest. I have fond memories of the hours spent in them in a much simpler time. WE used to win premierships back then I can imagine us winning them again but alas the milk bar will not make a return.
  5. Does he drink Milkshakes dc? I did not realised Martians had cows
  6. While he did get any goals last week he could have had two and I thought he played ok while a bit further up the field. And as you say the opposition cannot leave him unattended because if they do he will kick a bag.
  7. That is a good sign IMO. It is hard to shut down 8 people a game but easier to shut down one.
  8. Still available at the little shop I buy shakes at locally however I have not had one for a few weeks. I will report back. On an equally serious note it is not easy to buy a milkshakes anywhere and do not ask for Malt they look at you as though you come from Mars.
  9. I have similar feelings Ernest. The Drug / Gambling cheats have ruined big time sport for me. I no longer have any interest in the Olympics, Cycling, Tennis, Soccer or any of the American sports that don't belong to WADA.
  10. IMHO it will be decided in about 18 weeks time. The Dees continue their current form and finish close to the eight this year and he will stay.
  11. Just don't know who he is bbo. The suggestion is he is a player on our list but I have not spotted him at training, playing with seniors , at Casey or mentioned on the injury list. Is he real ?
  12. We really need to beat the Saints this weekend because they have shown similar improvement to ourselves so far this year. I think we can
  13. No corners Ernest we have a competitive list for the first time in a decade. It just took a while for a number of dees supporters to catch on to the fact we had a VFL list.
  14. Agree, I was contemplating a visit to the Dome of Death now this locks it in. if you see someone standing on the top of a seat cheering as we go to a ten goal lead in the last quarter Mr. Leg it will be me. in the future from my wheel Chair I will be able to say " I was there for his first game"
  15. Me too DA. It is no coincidence that since he has come back that we have run the ladder leader to 4 points and won the next two with relative ease. He is tall, tough, is the best long kick in the team and is rarely beaten by his opponent.
  16. Must be old as well as we have not had a red and blue one for sometime.
  17. If we win bb that will be two wins in a row. That is the start of a love affair for me.
  18. This time next week we be in love with the Dome of Death.
  19. Have you know seen the light Mr. Leg? Now do you remember who told you we would win rounds 4 and 5? I hope your confidence along with the other 37005 members is alive and well.
  20. Done! How does three in a row grab you?
  21. It obviously wasn't an iPhone Bbo. Three years is the limit and that comes from Apple themselves. Planned obsolescence is alive and well in 2016.
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