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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Not sure why you have hung in a35 but good work. one and counting!
  2. For decades we have had many "gentlemen" footballers and look where that got us. Now we have a few that are fired up IMO it is about time. Go get em Clarry I like his take no prisoners approach.
  3. Is that why I cannot find at Buller?
  4. I think we have a few under ten who have been browbeat by parents but the group from 20 to 35 I imagine would be few by comparison to those 50+.
  5. Do we have supporters younger than 35 bb?
  6. I will probably have a bag. i hope you are correct but half a century of experience has taught to keep your expectations in check.
  7. By then Mr Shadow I will probably be in a wheel chair can you push me to where you are going please?
  8. Kennedy!! picket I think you have had a long lunch. The guy is a VFL talent, there is a reason he has not been selected for effectively a season.
  9. Not sure that social clubs are the big things they were 20 years ago SWYL. I was big on the idea 20 years ago but now I probably would never go. After a game i sing the song ( well do win fairly often now ) and then go home. Celebrating consists of a couple of single malts and some reflection on life and football.
  10. Spot on jaded. If the Weid never plays another game we have done very well from that draft.
  11. Our media department have not exactly covered themselves in glory over the last month. Poor is the nicest thing I can say about them.
  12. Can I use that Vagg? Very good mate.
  13. What we know is that Curnow will be a good player. The jury is out on the Weid.
  14. Hmm I am very confident that I did not say you could not criticise. I suggested that if upsets you so much don't read the thread.
  15. It is quite clear what Clarry asked him. What's the bruise count today Blue boy?
  16. Spot on bb I am constantly surprised that people are surprised.
  17. Then don't read it and if it only took 1 minute I suggest you did not read much. Carry on Joeboy
  18. There is no rule that states you have to read it Md. I am happy to have the thread simply don't read it if you are so offended.
  19. Only for things that don't require a decision bb. This bloke may go down as the worst AFL GM in history. Still he is probably busy today sorting out the extra curricular activities of his staff
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