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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Well the much maligned Goschs / Casey situation has netted us 9- 0 so what the hell are we worried about. The main item is the player quality. The Pies won a flag from this exact location.
  2. Been to any Casey games DJ? I am thinking of the Footscray game.
  3. What's the chances both games will be FTA?
  4. Of course we all want to know but I fear that all you get is some more " we are waiting on the state government. " Use the time on questions you are liable to get an answer on.
  5. Oh I love it Rev. How good is winning?
  6. Sadly I agree with you tiers however I do enjoy 9 zero more than any other result at this point. And we still haven’t beaten anyone above us!
  7. Well this is something we agree on there is no such thing as an honourable loss! A loss is a loss is a loss.
  8. BT has always hated the MFC so it must be sticking in his craw that we are 9- zero. I am enjoying his suffering.
  9. I have given him a pass for this week seeing as how he has not played a senior game for nine months but he will need to improve quite a bit next week.
  10. Still there Dr. we have not sold a membership in the last ten days. This club still has a lot to learn about arrogance and boasting!
  11. Strange sensation winning I was at lunch ( which lasted till 8pm) with a bunch of Tiger fanatical friends who were more excited about the Dees than me. I have seldom been this non committed. I am sure not attending games for two seasons has something to do with it.
  12. It’s Monday after a 9 zero start to the year. But after not attending a game since 2019 I am strangely blasé about the MFC and football. Watching on tv has always been secondary for me. Perhaps now my job is done. Paying memberships and attending games to support the team over 50 years is no longer required. We now seem to have a team that is A grade and will be power for some time, add we are looking good in the financial department and it appears my work is done. I can enjoy not being concerned about it’s survival and ignore the AFL in total. Enjoy everyone you deserve it.
  13. Wow only 9 pages after a game. In previous years this would be 29 pages . What can you say just another win.
  14. You could written that about me. After half century 8 wins won't do it.
  15. There is a lot that is not logical George. To be honest in some areas I have given up. Paid my membership as last year and the game is now TV for me. I don't enjoy it any where near as much as going to a game but this is the game in 2021, thank God we are winning games or I might have retired.
  16. It is not easy to go BD. That and 50 years of failure is putting people off.
  17. I am not holding my breath. But do have my fingers crossed.
  18. Whoever wants must provide a pick in the first five this year and their first round pick in 2022.
  19. But if you don't tell the collectors DC it is mud standard. It's bit like having a champion footballer who is constantly injured if you cannot play you are useless.
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