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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I'd have Toby Green at Melbourne in a heartbeat.
  2. Did the Bub grow up supporting the Dees after that trauma?
  3. There are of course .......... arrh ..... shall I say ...... alternative options dc .
  4. Fantastic gesture. That kid has been given a lifelong happy memory.
  5. Quite right Luci. Sorry gents and sheilas would have been a preferred form of address.
  6. Bah to you both. The bottle is deliberately out of picture in order not to appear boastful about my extravagant taste in Shiraz. I am very sensitive about offending any penurious people who dote on my wisdom.
  7. Thanks but no thanks Neil. Due to their prior location I don't envision using your "long sox" for any purpose.
  8. For non aligned supporters tonight's game will be boring. For Norf supporters tonight's game will be tragic. For Dees supporters tonight's game will be exultation.
  9. Mate you've highlighted the great weakness in umpiring - inconsistency. Decisions are paid, one week, one quarter, by one one umpire .... then it's not paid. It drives me ( and I guess most supporters) [censored] nuts.
  10. Why must commentators always call blood "claret"?
  11. I only go for those no win no pay charletons
  12. Jesus Dub- don't mozz me - I've had a fair crack at the Saints!
  13. [censored] me. That [censored] @Redleg started the malicious rumour that I drink Chateau Cardboard. I'm going to sue the [censored]!
  14. Nah deever - he needs to rotate his noggin 180 degrees for that!
  15. I've put a week's wine budget on the Saints.
  16. Your Uncle Bitter is a patient man WCW. I'd let you have a few tries at getting it right.
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