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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Nah! A couple became I'll while doing the brazillian and are now in counselling I believe . Only the hardier nurse ratchet types remain
  2. Ha, that is odd timing for that post loonshadow. I'm currently in cardio ward with some nurses who are sniggering over a my very untidy brazillian . Had a small job done today but all is well. There is no Shiraz on the dinner menu unfortunately.
  3. Thanks Song! That is very re assuring, if wine buys you time, then I should live to be about 143!
  4. That "crystalline" spew of yours would be very dangerous Biff!
  5. Never concerned myself with such things Song? Do they help? Do they provide better wine?
  6. Just as I was starting to feel good about the world in general - Fl og appears. What have I done to deserve this.?
  7. I met Tommy a couple of times at country footy functions. He was the ultimate straight shooter. If you could run through a brick wall you would just about meet his training standards!
  8. That was always the situation as far as I know. However, I once used to marvel at just how far a Boundary umpire could throw the ball - I also was bemused by some of the efforts on Saturday night.
  9. Maple, This thread is inhabited by some very strange types who have nothing better to do than post on this thread. Beware! If in doubt, put yourself in Uncle Bitter's hands.
  10. Can't agree with that ur anus! Georgiou is a good solid goer but Dunn has him covered on every count. Better mark, better kick, more experienced and has a real physical presence.
  11. You can now see how destabilising that particular foolishness of Neeld's was. We had a lot of confused players. I reckon the only changes this week will be injury forced but Byrnes is a luxury we cannot afford to carry for much longer. I mean him no disrespect but unless he is positively and clearly impacting on the game, we might as well give a younger player a go.
  12. We were a bit stiff , particularly with that soft free, but in the end we just didn't win a winnable game. Among the members around me, though gutted and angry, there was a definite sense of growing confidence. We actually now do things that real footy teams do. Roos has done some amazing work.
  13. Not sure I agree Daise. I reckon he is a journalist's arzole. Makes me think - if you had been born with two arzoles you could call one Robbo and the other Damien to differentiate.
  14. Not sure I agree Daise. I reckon he is a journalist's arzole. Makes me think - if you had been born with two arzoles you could call one Robbo and the other Damien to differentiate.
  15. Christ Jazza you're all over the board. All hands and teats.
  16. I was going to go but what's this field of sheilas stuff? It's still a blokes game isn't it?. Besides how can I win fashions on the field against sheilas? It's not fair. Especially if Demonland is the judge. Think I'll watch it with the lads.
  17. No, that's not me, but his teaching style is based on my approach. His language is far more welcoming and inclusive than mine. Top post Moonie, I enjoyed watching a fellow professional.
  18. I purchased one for about $30.00. It is leather and well padded. SO the phone is well protected if I drop it.
  19. Boy George stiff to be named as an omission rather than a rest /injury.
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