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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Because Jim, the septic tanks ( in their inimitable way) use the name of a braying animal to describe the derriere .
  2. I suppose it will come down to how he performs and pulls up loges.
  3. I believe there are 3 cases to be heard. If JVR is last it could be late night on Demonland.
  4. I'm betting that daisycutter chose his showbags based on which ones contained a phantom comic
  5. "Time for a Tosca" after that sacrilegious comment Red! The Crispin was my childhood favourite and I have often pondered the reason for their extinction
  6. Just watching 360. Robbo is in his pseudo thoughtful moralising mode. No problem, it's obvious there's not much going on upstairs. However, whatever, director, make up artist, manager etc encourages him to wear that miniature sporran on his lower lip should ( in the public interest) be dismissed immediately.
  7. Or Wadda ... as was discussed on another thread over the weekend ... do something about the fact that questions being asked at coaches' press conferences are inaudible !! FMD !! There is technology that allows a robot to be landed on Mars , yet, in many ways we remain in the age of Thomas Edison.
  8. Impossible to do so Red. The system is a total [censored] up. The inconsistencies in umpiring and in the review system would be comical, if it weren't for the fact that they are ruining the largest professional sporting activity in Australia. It defies reason that a professional body with the billion dollar income and resources of the AFL cannot/ will not work towards a solution to remove ( or even improve) this blight on our game.
  9. I believe the decision is just plain silly but how often has that been said about the match review/ tribunal system over the years, yet nothing changes. But ... what implications for the game itself does this decision open up? It seems to me that a spoiling situation always has the potential to result in high contact. In an overhead marking contest the spoilers arm, fist , forearm will always be close to the maker's head. As we see in the JVR situation where the spoiler has to move at speed to make the contest the possibility of high contact is increased. If JVR is suspended what will this mean for attempting to spoil the mark. Is this leading closer to a non contact game? PS. If someone could find the footage of the incident where Mitch Robinson poleaxed Pedo in a game at the G a few years ago it would make a very interesting comparison. If I remember correctly a free may have been paid but there was certainly no tribunal or suspension.
  10. I've been switching between this thread and the coronation. I'm getting some great costuming ideas for The Manor's domestic staff!
  11. It's May Jaded ... not September. We won a game against a strong opponent on their own turf. I'll take that and build on it.
  12. Geez there's some negative [censored] on this forum tonight. We won a tough game - that's good enough for me !
  13. You're [censored] stirring here D Spencer Fritsch out - FMD !!!!!
  14. Well said Dub - absolute cringeworthy [censored] that [censored] up a serious thread.
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