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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Bull shite! You cant marry all the poor shrivelled old [censored]!
  2. Put one away early dc? Left some blue rinser weeping with joy no doubt. BTW. Is that breach of promise law still on the books .... I wonder?
  3. "Remember it aint Rock n Roll without a BASE!" Nor without a "strat" ! However it's a BASS ffs picket!
  4. Further, let's all take a guess about dc's Friday night activities?
  5. For Christ's sake Machsy, give him what he wants. I've had enough of online bloodshed!!!
  6. Biffen usually likes this cunning punning stuff but Friday night is not good for him. Rather than selling drugs it is his ingest night - sayonara Biff.
  7. Listen Biff, I do have some civic pride. We Romsey folk don't need advice from a common pimp and traffiker like yourself. We may buy drugs and whores from you but that does not mean you are welcome in genteel society,.
  8. I've had a very busy day, including a gym session with my new PT, I might call it a night. The "lads" are honking away. The neighbour has taken his wife on holidays. I don't really want to open another bottle. And Moonie is becoming sanctimonious. God help my students tomorrow
  9. ZZZZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZZz ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. For a notoriously boring and unfunny poster Moon - that's funny , almost funny , not bad . Nah usual shite!
  11. All of them and they [censored] me over. Worst game of all time.
  12. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZ zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz zzz z...................................................
  13. Don't ever raise that subject to me again Red.
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