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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I shall imagine it is Lent and abstain from giving myself a jolly good flogging for forty days and forty nights.
  2. What an uplifting tale Earl Hood! I, perhaps naively, used to think that simply driving the Merc near poor people would inspire them to try and lift their station in life. However,you have demonstrated that good works can turn a profit lives around in surprising ways. . I shall set my accountants to work forthwith.
  3. It's a mindset thing dc. I'm still trying to weazle out of that Ashley Maddison misunderstanding.
  4. I suppose you are a contributor to society Biffen. Your drug trade no doubt swells the black economy. Your "workers" in a perverse way, also achieve this and add to the (very) short term happiness of others. My latest information is that you were seen quaffing red wine in the vicinity of the GAT and passing yourself off as some sort of art critic towards the end of last week. Hardly a credible position but I also heard that you did a reasonable public impersonation of manneken pis later in the evening
  5. I was going. Biffen had agreed to shout, however, I naturally considered this [censored]. Biffen simply refuses to buy a beer. I would have gone and allowed Biffen to [censored] over my credit card BUT fmd, after the the [censored] up against Carlton... FMD ... no [censored] way will I attend another game this year!!!
  6. Like yourself Jane, Uncle Bitter is something of an athlete. How do you deal with attention when wearing the spandex? I try to be unobtrusive but people keep looking at me. I suppose they are jealous of my physique.
  7. I think we should gargle free Pinot together OD.
  8. It would be disappointing if we hadn't shown such vast improvement this season. [censored] LOL!!!
  9. Reading the immature digs is far better than watching the footy Ethan.
  10. It looks like that is exactly what they can do B Bub!!
  11. After today's effort Franky, I reckoned the club has saved you some hard earned.
  12. Haven't been betting much of late so I put a good whack on Melb for the halftime/fulltime double @1.78
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