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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Indeed RTG. I saw him in, I think about about three games live and some on TV. By the end of the season I reckoned we had a player. I'm happy with that from a young first year player - improvement over the year.
  2. You missed my point by referring back to your first point The point of which was clear enough - if you get my point. The point of my interrogative i.e. the point I'm saying you missed. Is what is point of telling readers you were "blasted"? That's my point!
  3. No doubt arithmetical errors are common when writing out the bill however!
  4. Well Gnasher, you still have the chance to offer me the use of your couch, if I come down for the Tassie game next year. I don't think using the word "crazy" makes you a sound like a yob. And finally, I must say, I've had a couple of nasty (and costly) experiences through meeting Demonlanders.
  5. I trust you also gave yourself some jolly good floggings during that period picket.
  6. Halloween! The only time you can hand out lollies to children without being treated suspiciously.
  7. The reality is you simply cannot compare. They were basically amateur footballers who loved the (mark and kick) game and loved a beer and a pie. Two nights a week training after work was the go. The notion of being a midfielder and running say 15 k's in a game would have been fanciful. I'm not knocking that era - I was a kid and loved it , but it was a different world in so many ways.
  8. FMD Jesse, that avatar is so [censored] ugly I cannot read your posts!
  9. I haven't looked at the records Rob but from my memory Bernie Massey was full back and Tassie took over when he retired. I have a kid memory of reading the teams in the Friday night Herald and having a backline of Johnson Massie Miller. OD may have be able to confirm (or not) this.
  10. Well I was only making polite conversation dc ( as we of the upper class do) but .... Stones Green Ginger !!!! FMD!!
  11. I doubt we'll hear from dc tonight. Apart from his usual rather notorious commitments, I read today that Borewood has joined the list of Melbourne's $million suburbs. I suspect dc will gargle a few Porphery Pearls in celebration - FMD he may even buy one!
  12. Anyway old uncle bitters has had a very busy day and must retire.
  13. No doubt dc, but we mere mortals don't have some enthralled old babushkas to help us out.
  14. Yeah just imagine what he would have become had we picked him up!
  15. I reckon I can get down to Tas for that game. Any chance of providing a couch for a fellow d'lander Gnash?
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