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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. As always picket - love your work !!!
  2. I got my wicket taking punts [censored] about last night so I'm relying on the filth to get my Sportsbet account back into order.
  3. Well done to you drysdale ! Had any pro fights ?
  4. If ever you meet Tim Tszyu Rab, I'd advise keeping that opinion to yourself.
  5. It's not a sport I'd advise any person to take up. Pro boxing is legal brutality. ( I do like watching it though )
  6. Am I missing something here ? She clearly lost ( though remarkably one judge scored a draw ) and she was totally outclassed.
  7. Agree . The girl who lost will be a gun when she is taught how to actually punch.
  8. Tayla should stick to footy from now on . She fought an experienced ( long amateur career) woman who completely outclassed her. Tayla was brave , no doubt about that, but didn't throw enough punches and didn't defend well enough. I'm sure Australian women's boxing will develop but at this stage the local girls just don't have enough experience.
  9. "volunteer" ..... A very nasty word to one of my proudly slothful disposition !!!
  10. Overseas holiday - a disgraceful dereliction of duty Luci !!!! You must cancel it immediately so that Demonland is not denied your outstanding work!
  11. Now that is a worthy skill ! If he could do that, I'd donate my lefty to the cause !!
  12. Yeah ... well , in the past, we've had a couple of number one draft picks who couldn't exactly emulate that feat.
  13. Straight up I'll admit I don't follow junior footy and don't claim expertise in this area. However, I don't see the wisdom in trading three very good draft picks for one untested kid. ( Unless he has been shown to walk on water)
  14. No mate. Didn't have to go near the cheer squad - plenty of nut jobs on 'land.
  15. @McQueen The above is true, however, I believe picket is well and truly [censored] when he arrives at the game.
  16. err ...arrgh .... well .... I don't normally admire much about American society ..... but they do have something called " The Fifth Amendment "
  17. Jack V A powerhouse Gawn. Stood up when most needed Brayshaw. Classy under pressure . Kozzie. Fast and furious. Seems to be playing more freely. Rivers. Excellent both in defence and attack Chandler. A lock for the rest of the season.
  18. Agree Jaded. They played some terrific footy today with fast ball movement and excellent forward entry. We passed a very stiff test.
  19. Successfully evaded the breath testers and am safely back at The Manor. Pretty good game of tough footy - had both arm wrestling moments and free scoring moments. As usual, however, good teams find a way. Jack Viney is undoubtedly a super athlete - his physical intensity and brutality is beyond reason. Loved Chandler's return game. I also heard him interviewed post game. A very articulate and clever young man. PS. Met a couple of Demonlanders today and , as you would expect, complete lunatics. Gotta love this place !!!!!
  20. Melbourne have recently played in a couple of "eight pointer must win " games. Today's game is more a "must make a statement game " . Melbourne need to win by 6 - 8 goals to show that we own the 'G and that all pretenders had better beware! The Crows are down a couple of key players and ,with May to control Tex, plus a dominant midfield, I can't see them kicking anywhere near a winning score. Like most, I like our ins this week and hope that both Chandler and Tommo cause the selectors headaches. I'm meeting up with some Demonlanders pre game so the victory celebrations will start early. Dees by 40 +
  21. Not enough hair .... but otherwise .... DeGooey has quite the simian look.
  22. Currently I have to restrict myself to $30 bottles of Shiraz deever - it allows me to empathise with hard working salt of the earth type.
  23. The Manor's coffers are a bit strained at the moment ...... so I've loaded up on Port to restore equilibrium !
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