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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I'm just back from the city of churches (and feeling sanctified) only to suffer another scathing attack from a corpse. A lot of bragging from a bloke who only wrote fishing guides. I'll have you know Ernie that I'm working on a magnum opus of profound importance. It will be an expose on the seedy underbelly of Romsey. The local paper is already pestering me for publishing rights. So there!
  2. Yes more or less. However, I expect to be in better company (for a while at least) than the riff raff that I normally associate with.
  3. Uncle Bitter is toddling along today as the guest of a St Kilda member. I expect to be evicted by halftime as either - A. A boorish drunken loud mouthed and ungracious winner Or B. A boorish drunken loud mouthed and ungracious loser.
  4. Invite to the Manor!!! FMD!! Ernie you dead bastard, you are even further down the invite list than picket. He's only brain dead.
  5. I'm not surprised. The few times I've tuned in, there has been an inane conversation/segment, hosted by knuckleheads.
  6. FMD!! Why would you want to be on Stu's supporter page?
  7. I'm not confident but I'm with you skinny. We haven't beaten this mob since I was free of tinea. If we are to demonstrate the improvement that has been touted so widely, then this is one of the teams we must knock over. I also imagine a win in this one would blast the [censored] out of our membership numbers.
  8. Thank you for your sympathetic ear dc. There are some here who seem to take delight in my misfortune. Who are your other two? I think we would agree on lawyers. A flogging from those scoundrels leaves one suffering for weeks. My fifth is my Dermatologist. The tinea you understand. Nasty business that. Congratulations on the windfall Special. I trust Squirrel shared the bounty. As to hanging out with your little group. Well I'm sure you're all fine resourceful fellows but I've always found, and no offence meant, the world turns a little more easily if we all stay within our given social class. It's the natural order.
  9. Uncle Bitter has had a very bad week. One can only hope that things improve. Staying barely sober enough to watch the footy was the least of it. The worst was being on the end of three professional floggings. First the dentist got me - again. Next was the Vet ( one of the lads had a nasty rash) Finally, an extra special doing over by the plumber. That appointment should have been abandoned the moment that both said plumber and his apprentice appeared sporting man buns! (true) So much for considering oneself comfortably wealthy.
  10. I'll bet you brag about meeting Uncle Bitter while sipping your inner city, no MSG fair trade lattes Moon. In fact, you probably get a freebie out of it.
  11. Fair comments George. We got close against a very good side when many of players put in sub standard performances. Hogan's miss at a potentially match changing moment was a shocker. Oscar and Weid showed glimpses but both clearly need more experience and more hardness. It may take another season, particularly from Weid, before we see his full potential. I liked Bugge's game - he maybe a surprise this year. Garlett cops some whacks on this site but his absence was a glaring hole. Turnovers were really disappointing and unless we tidy up in this area the Saints will give us a [censored] at Etihad. I thought the umpiring was ordinary. The OOB rule confuses me. Are the umpires actually trying to mind read and judge "intent"?
  12. Now listen here Ernie! Just because you're dead and Special's alive is no reason to be cruel to him and try to dash his social climbing aspirations. He's poor and lives under a road FFS! Knocking back Biffen's generous offer shows that he's unwilling to work so he needs to ingratiate himself. PS Special! Handing over some of those laptops you filch off lawyers would be wonderfully ingratiating. PPS. I'd especially like a peek at Redleg's.
  13. Yes Luce, turnovers have killed us for years. I was hoping that things have changed but last night's effort did not inspire confidence. Still, as they say, " one swallow ..... etc" .
  14. Well hard, I've just taken half a dozen stubbies for the team and have just opened a quaffer shiraz. I rate myself as marginal ATM
  15. 8.40 !!! FMD!! I'm starting to get very ..err "tired" by that time. It will take manly effort to last the distance.
  16. Yes that was very reserved Ethan. Next time go wild and throw the coat hanger as well.
  17. Crikey Chris! Newspapers exist to sell, well newspapers, and advertising of course. TV news media exist to get high ratings and steer viewers into the next program. Ethics? Truth? Bah humbug!!
  18. You are quite vulgar on Demonland Ethan - one can only wonder how magnificently boorish and obnoxious you will be as a drunken supporter of the winning side.
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