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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Although ( due to their previous over the top behaviour) that mob appear to have been put on valium recently
  2. I gave up on the MRP when Merrett whacked Pedo a couple of years ago. I was about 50 metres away. Clearly high contact and severe impact yet nothing was done about it. I've considered the MRP farcical ever since and cannot be bothered even trying to fathom their "logic".
  3. I hope Viney finds that mongrel in himself again.
  4. Saty your comment, "There must have bee reasons for them to act at the G " clearly assumes that crowd members were at fault and security personnel were acting correctly. I don't know the details of the incident but my assumptions would be the opposite. The training of security personal is currently a joke. Essentially if you turn up everyday to a course which you pay for through a private provider you get your ticket. Have a look at the number of bashings, assaults and over the top responses from security people that have been reported in the media over the last year or two. And what about that clown who was parading around the Bourke Street Mall with a handgun on his hip. He was unlicensed yet employed by a security company. In general ( and I will admit that) they are cardboard cops and wannabes - disgraceful.
  5. I think many would agree that that was one of my better posts.
  6. FMD Saty, do you always have to toe the party line? Try thinking for yourself - it might be habit forming.
  7. FMD Pro he looked like a fish out of water last Saturday. I doubt even Hogan can resuscitate him. Give him a spell at Casey to regain some confidence.
  8. If he's considered fit enough he'll come in. We need good disposers of the footy.
  9. I remember Neita taking strong marks and slotting them through from 50. Fat Fev could do it. Dunstall and Lockett - you could put money on them. Now we get blokes on 500k a year missing from point blank consistently. FMD!!
  10. Sad to see Bucks looking down in the mouth after the game today. (LOL of course) Jeez Daisy looks the goods as a commentator/interviewer.
  11. You are always whining Moonie. Buy a decent shiraz - you will see the world in a different light.
  12. This saying has been attributed to a few but I'll settle for Gary Player "It's funny, the harder I work the luckier I get"
  13. One thing I noticed yesterday was the number of times Freo players smothered the ball from a Melb kick attempt. Reckon I saw this 5 times - much more than usual. Were we slow on those occasions? Was it just the result of close pressure? Whatever the reason it's a terrific team moral and confidence booster.
  14. Yeah I like Frost also. I'd like to see him have a good run at it for a few weeks. Hibberd when he's ready will also be a positive addition. Oscar may well spend a bit of time at Casey along with Weid. They are developing players so I don't see this as a negative. I hope Pedo does well at Casey and gets a chance. I like the idea of a bit more grunt up forward which may give Watts a bit more freedom.
  15. You make some fair points Lad! I might be able to answer your question in about three weeks.
  16. Oh dear, and I had such high hopes for yesterday. I should have read the omens when a teenage couple sat near me on the train in from Scumbury and I was mesmerised by the young lady spending most of the journey squeezing pimples on her boyfriend's face. Still there was hope because I knew my uncouth hangers on weren't attending. Then there were the two shabbily dressed and smelly fellows scurrying about on their knees stealing children's Easter Eggs. (Special and Squirrel I'm guessing) And then there was the football. Despite guzzling a gutfull I couldn't dull that particular pain. Ugh! Just thinking about! Haven't been so disappointed in a game since .... well since last week.
  17. We did it once Steve - big time. I'll never forget that game.
  18. We need big games from our mids today to win the ball and continually push it into our forward line for the likes of Kent , Jeffy and Petracca. To paraphrase Captain Blood - if you've got it , the other side aint.
  19. Well I'm ready for anything. Just inhaled double bacon and eggs over pancakes and washed it down with a bucket size cappuchino. I'll have elevenses at Scumbury before joining the plebs on pubic transport. Feeling confident today.
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