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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Jeez this a big one. That many changes is usually a portent of doom but we are bringing in some quality. We have seen how Max and Jesse have been rusty after long breaks so we must hope that our ins get with pace of the game early. If they can we win!
  2. No, more please nut. A detailed description of your "role plays" including dialogue and, particularly, information on costuming. Perhaps I could provide some additional props. You might also consider posting a video.
  3. Well Biffen thank you (not) for divulging hitherto confidential information. However, you are sadly errant re Fernwood. I was banned from that tawdry organisation some years ago over a misunderstanding that had little to do with bicycle seats.
  4. Good. That would be a new experience for me dc. Despite some popular movies .......... flogees , despite worshipping you,tend to dislike you. It is odd. I can really only rely on The Lads for understanding.
  5. Err yes ..well...... you are correct of course dc. However, for personal reasons I try to avoid discussing that particular juxtaposition
  6. Thank you Choke for your very helpful input to this thread. I can see that that product could have some practical applications. Where might it be purchased?
  7. Can one of you wiseheads please tell me how you could not know that you held dual citizenship?
  8. Usual MRP bullshite. I really am over those [censored]
  9. Quite agree dc but I think we need some definitive information from our resident Fitzroy royal man bun capitalist pirate. And I don't mean you Moonie!!
  10. Indeed dc. It seems Fitzroy is a hot bed of ecclesiastical fervour.
  11. So I believe. And which, I must say is very tiring for me, as I longer get regular "holidays".
  12. He was given a jolly good thrashing by the immoderators I believe.
  13. Earl, were you of those people swanning about in the Edinburg Gardens yesterday wearing flowing red robes? If so did you take out the ruler and size up some derrieres ?
  14. I just spent some of my remaining time reading this thread. A lot of very positive comments FMD. I must be losing my touch.
  15. Don't like JKH in. He can play at VFL but is far from convincing in the big time. I honestly can't see that he offers any more than Stretch.
  16. I stated my view early in this thread but I'll now refine it a little. First. I've got no problem with a supporter giving it to an opposition player. Footy is a sport that titillates the emotions. To be honest I've demonstrated my vitriolic best toward both oppo players and umpires over the years. Second. I've certainly got no problem with the player giving a bit back. However, in life you must learn that it if you're prepared to dish it out be ready to cop it back. And this it what shits me about this issue. We now have a situation where a fat useless [censored] gets an apology and is made some sort of a victim/hero among his equally useless pizzant mates because he hasn't got the balls to take his whack. What a weak [censored]. [censored] me, how does someone like that look his spineless self in the mirror. Society is just becoming soft.
  17. You are either very brave or insane to take that line Earl. I, being of totally cowardly disposition, shall offer no comment.
  18. I just have wonder if the size of the bum has any impact on the sentence dc? Perhaps Red could provide a legal opinion for us.
  19. And I bet he'll be looking at it from the back
  20. Clearly the clown said something to Oliver and got a bit back Then the typical weak snivelling Carlton [censored] whinged about it Typical weak bastard!!
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