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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Bah! As if I would share my Tanqueray Dry with one of your vulgar palate.
  2. Thank you for your concern Ethan, however, the libation you mentioned is more likely to be found in those less than salubrious habitats that one of my station barely glances at from the comfort of my palanquin.
  3. Just a quick note to inform my vast and loyal readership that, come the Sabbath, Uncle Bitter is jetting off to the Asian Colonies to enjoy a well earned respite from the onerous responsibility of manorial duties. Fear not though. A crew of toadies is eagerly awaiting the grand arrival and your good Uncle shall be treated with respect due to one of high station. Unfortunately all is not pucker. It has come to one's attention, that due to bizarre coincidence, Biffen has also chosen this time to flee to the colonies. Further, and based on good authority, it seems his reasons are more to do with avoiding err... legal responsibilities than any form of uplifting cultural experience . Nonetheless, it's onward and upward, and given that the hospitality and accommodation set aside for my good self is of lavish standard it is unlikely that your ever kind Uncle shall cross paths with those that frequent common houses and ghettos.
  4. Yes Col, the immoderators on this site have much to answer for. Such beauty, such eloquent prose, such insight - a postmodernist genius destroyed at a stroke. [censored] vandals! I'll add a PS here. No doubt you are familiar with Seldon's commentary on Roland Barthes. I think it applies equally to ' luded. " The virtuous writer recognises the artifice of all writing and proceeds to make play with it. .... Avant garde writers ( such as 'luded) allow the unconscious of language to rise to the surface ... (they) undermine the censorship of the signified and its repressive insistence on one meaning." I'm sure you will agree on this fine point Col.
  5. I believe he was given the arse Col. Sad really. I used to enjoy his maniacal posts.
  6. Good to see Max has put some weight back on I saw him at training pre Christmas and thought he looked like a marathon runner - too light for the hard body contact involved in ruck work.
  7. Among Melbourne Football Club's GOATs. Of course he'll make 300 !!!!
  8. With Weideman as leading goalkicker od ?
  9. Says more about the taste ( or lack thereof of the audience) I suspect od.
  10. Says more about the taste (or lack thereof) of the audience od.
  11. I shall happily give you a jolly good thrashing for free frogger!
  12. Very good Ethan, however, that advice would have been even better spent on the buffoon (whose name I have thankfully repressed) who played that most unfunny and cringeworthy character, "Straughanie".
  13. I'll give you blokes a free tip. Don't give up your day jobs to get a gig at The Comedy Festival.
  14. The above feeble attempts at humour, directed at my good self, have been duly noted.
  15. Of course it is! After all, my good sagacious, intelligent, incisive and modest self posts here.
  16. A very tactless post dc. Imagine how poor old Ernie feels about such matters. Show some consideration in future.
  17. Well skinny, I'm assuming it's modern speak for some sort of seasonal good wishes
  18. Well here's a mystery to be solved. After a considerable hiatus, our most crass correspondent has returned. Where have you been Biffen? Moonie suggested on another thread that, due to various addictions, you had undergone a long period of rehab. Certainly plausible. Whereas my contacts among your sordid social milieu claim that issues with law enforcement authorities have forced something of a hermit lifestyle upon you. Again plausible. Perhaps you should take this opportunity and attempt to restore your reputation to the level of merely odious.
  19. In my typically festive mood Happy Christmas to all my fellow [censored]
  20. Well our history suggests you have reasonable grounds for that sentiment od !
  21. Indeed dc! Seating will become tricky - not to mention guaranteed GF tickets.
  22. Valid point Ethan but I consider being encouraged to marry one's sister an unfair advantage.
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