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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Looks like the fix is in - that too far was [censored] ridiculous
  2. That elder who did the "welcome to country', just stuck it right up Sam Newman's divisive [censored] !! Well done !!!
  3. I am moved to tears by your heartfelt concern red. ( Now how do I give myself a vomit emoji ?)
  4. Your poor old uncle bitter is not feeling very chipper today. At the completion of yesterday’s long lunch. an old friend , and my good self, decided to pay a surprise visit to another old friend. Said old friend owns a reception centre which boasts a cellar containing 60’000 ( yes 60k ) bottles of wine. Great plan !!!!! FMD!!!!
  5. Managed to have a chat with the ox. Geez he’s a lovely bloke. PS I think I’ve got lucky and may have driver. Bitter charm is undeniable!!!
  6. Currently at a function at MCC. The Ox was first speaker. Told some stories about his gambling mishaps- funny and entertaining…. but the message was clear. Terrific speaker and entertainer!
  7. FMD !!! As soon as I sort out some staffing issues at The Manor I shall give my full attention to this thread. I am considering mounting a coup against Redleg who is failing to provide any direction or leadership.
  8. Oliver is a very tough unrelenting footballer. He shows that you can be this while remaining a sportsman and without being a thug or a sniper.
  9. Hahahaha ! OK I get it WCW ! You're playing "hard to get"
  10. Does that mean I’m still a chance WCW ?
  11. I wouldn’t consider either in any sort of playing role but …. As you suggest Dazzle , either would provide invaluable knowledge and experience in some sort of forward coaching/ mentoring position.
  12. Simply joie de vivre , George, joie de vivre !
  13. Everyone gets their just desserts at The Manor DD .
  14. Well , since this a rare be nice thread , ... I'd like you all to know that everything is going along swimmingly at The Manor and my domestic staff are bending over backwards to keep me in a euphoric state
  15. Get that Sir WYL but it's good footy at the moment!
  16. My dad barracked for Carlton and my older brothers barracked for Essendon and Fitzroy. I chose the Demons all those years ago for one reason. The great RDB !!!! RIP Ron.
  17. Just back at The Manor. Had to suffer scum supporters on the train trip and then drive with my own ****ty company. When I walked in the dogs whined and jumped and licked me. Made my think. "What the [censored], it's only a game".
  18. I'll grant that the paper baggers' supporters have a marginally higher level of personal hygiene and a lower level of incestuous relationships than filth supporters and ..... probably more teeth.
  19. Well I find it difficult to hold a pint in each hand Steve - pots are more manageable.
  20. The Manor’s attack dogs are quite excited today! It’s a good omen
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