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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. If you compare T Mac of 2013 to O Mac of 2017, I think you would find not many would have selected Tom either... from memory, many on here at that time were questioning T Mac's worth.
  2. Yes, the BOM are collectively meeting in a dimly lit basement room, conspiring to manipulate their data in order to increase their salaries. Now from that conspiracy, how do you think that their jobs are going to change in order to facilitate that increase? Wouldn't it be the the non-fossil fuel industries that would stand to gain? Or are you saying that they are also secreted in that same basement room doing a deal with the BOM in which the BOM are guaranteed a percentage of their funding? I love conspiracy theories. Perhaps all of those scientists that ET cites above are meeting in another dimly lit basement room, along with executives from the fossil fuel industry, doing a deal in which they gain increased funding for helping to keep the fossil fuel industry afloat by publishing the occasional paper that talks down man made influences on climate change.
  3. No idea Choke... perhaps it's an indicator of someone a little different... it's always the physical traits that seem to be associated with marketability... Gawn only really got noticed once the beard appeared, Hunt with the locks and headband, Jones, Dustin Martin and Dane Swan with the tatts. Of course the talent needs to be there as well, but marketing, whether we like it or not, is about superficiality.
  4. Agreed... but relatively minor transgressions at AFL and VFL level that each resulted in one week bans, is hardly enough of a reason to go questioning the mental state of a player.
  5. But then again... https://www.smh.com.au/business/investments/joel-macdonald-s-getswift-under-asic-investigation-20180228-p4z233.html
  6. From the Dees. the most marketable are Gawn (obviously) and Hunt (who surprisingly, has only been mentioned by DeeOldFart) with, depending on what he does with his hair, Oskar Baker as a future possibility; even the nickname "Ginga Ninja" reeks of marketability.
  7. Yes, a thyroid issue and a couple of blown hammies are hardly issues related to a player's headspace. In this instance I'd have to say that I don't think it's Salem that needs to get his head right.
  8. I hope that they at least got done on the correct arms.
  9. Heh... I think that questioning peoples’ marriage breakdowns on moral grounds is just plain wrong. Barnaby however did set himself up by publicly making statements about the sanctity of marriage etc. But I don’t think that was the reason he was dragged across the coals. I’ve already mentioned what I thought was a major reason elsewhere in this thread, but it certainly didn’t help that he has since been accused of sexual harassment, by a member of his own party.
  10. I watched the replay this morning and he went well... but please don’t wish a gurney on him! ?
  11. I really could not care less what any of these so called media pundits think of our chances... I only care that we make finals, and opinions, regardless of where they come from, will have no bearing on that.
  12. Think I prefer The Kelvinator.
  13. I’m starting to get genuinely concerned over my failing memory. Fixed.
  14. Yes, Quentin Bryce, Chloe Bryce’s mother. From the Courier Mail 2008: ”FEDERAL Labor parliamentarian and former union leadter Bill Shorten has left his wife for the daughter of the new Governor-General, Quentin Bryce.” http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/national/shorten-with-ggs-daughter/news-story/1139db9114866dfa6ed8a18100fe2490 Of course I’m assuming ET was referring to the woman Shorten left his wife for... I’m not aware of any other such “transgressions“.
  15. So what you’re really saying is that by dishing it off, he has more or less made it impossible to be left out of round 1 ?
  16. Perhaps when it can be established that she was actually a staffer of his.... which will be never, due to the fact that she wasn’t. They met at the swearing in of her mother as the 25th Gov General of Australia.
  17. Is anyone else watching this on Foxtel and if so, are you getting a broken feed? I’m guessing it’s a problem at their end because the commentary’s not affected.
  18. I think our biggest failing to this point in the game has been our failure to stick tackles; they have been allowed to release (and clear) the ball too easily.
  19. I hadn’t realised that Chloe Bryce was working for Shorten at the time, nor that a well paid job was created specifically for her at the taxpayers’ expense when their relationship came to light. But in terms of their personal situations, I agree that it does reek of hypocrisy.
  20. Well Jnr, in my original response to you (that I copied above), that was exactly what my first sentence was responding to. The fact that you said it occurred on both sides of politics, yet you chose only to put a number of posts highlighting indiscretions from the left side. That was my point. You had said: "however it's got nothing to do with the side of politics as you can see from above. It's neither conservative nor Labor or Green. Its got to do with the character of the people involved." As for the quote... I do not have a direct quote but it has been reported widely across the press, and to cite just one of many, the following from news.com.au: "Remarks about promiscuity and upholding family values are coming back to haunt Mr Joyce after his affair with a now-pregnant former staff member in his office was made public." http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/marriage/the-comments-coming-back-to-haunt-barnaby-joyce/news-story/816edfc4ceb042435f80267ebd64cd8e Sure it's not straight from the horse's mouth, and you may even turn around and say that this is probably not a reputable site (although I don't know why), but comments such as this, referring to his publicly stated belief in traditional family values, have appeared on numerous sites, so it is more than likely there is more than a little truth involved. Another insight into his albeit skewiff set of traditional values, was his stance against immunisation against cervical cancer because it would promote promiscurity among teenage girls: "During discussion about the roll out of a national immunisation campaign using Gardisil, a vaccine that protects young women from the virus that causes 70 per cent of cervical cancers, Mr Joyce expressed fears it would encourage young women to be promiscuous."
  21. Oh, and I suppose next you’re going to tell us that the tanks equipped with 12 reverse gears was a myth as well?! oops! Just saw Demonlands post above and find no delete button... feel more than welcome to delete. But I am delighted at Trac’s re-signing as he is going to be a very important cog in our premiership machine.
  22. Not disappointed at all. The scarf goes straight into the drawer and will no doubt end up at the Cat Protection Society's Opportunity Shop once the other half finds it, the fixture goes onto the fridge, the membership card into my wallet and the rest into the recycle bin. Letters are just empty words anyway, and actions speak louder than words.
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