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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. My favourite French film is Diva... cannot recommend this one highly enough. Others are Wages of Fear, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, Mic Macs and Amelie. We recently bought a 3D TV and to test it out, I watched "3D TT - Closer to the Edge"... this is an amazing documentary on the Isle of Man TT motorcycle race. Jaw droppingly good!!
  2. We all see what we want to see... I didn't notice it at all.
  3. Well, maybe you weren't aware of it, but about 4 years into Jamar's career when he was showing very little, the forums were abuzz with calls for his delisting, trade etc etc... then all of a sudden, things seemed to click with him and in the space of about two years he gained All Australian selection.
  4. Doesn't this belong in the General Discussion forum? You already made your point in the Spencer thread, so it begs the question, why start up a new thread anyway?
  5. And to repeat what so many have already stated... to get up to standard, a player (and possibly more so a ruckman) needs to get games into them. he has had just 4 years, much of which has been interrupted by injury, and he was improving and starting to show something just prior to his last injury, and at 22, he has a lot of time ahead of him to get up to standard. No doubt you would have been one of the chorus line calling for Jamar's axing prior to him finding his feet? That's what I love about these forums... as soon as we put in a poor performance, too many are looking for scapegoats with a view to them being placed on the chopping block.
  6. Dumping our captains after one season sends a great message to the playing group... not!! Particularly so close on the heels of the dumping of J McD and Brad Green. In my opinion, and speaking as a Nathan Jones fan, I think that regardless of his qualifications, replacing the current captains would be entirely counter productive and what little morale there is in the playing group would be lost.
  7. As pointed out by others, Jamar was in exactly the same boat...everyone was calling for his delisting and then a couple of years later, he is an AA ruckman. I recall that he was starting to show some consistent form in the games prior to his injury... in fact I saw him play Brisbane in Shanghai and he put in a very serviceable performance. You might get a quality counter argument if you can present a quality argument in the first place.
  8. I like those Dan Sultan songs, but for mine, the best voice in Oz goes to this guy...
  9. Don't know how many times it needs to be said, but sorry, Bennell doesn't pick himself. And I really dislike this term "pea heart", especially when it comes from so called supporters, directed at their own players, and from people who probably wouldn't get a game at any level.
  10. Oh, I must have missed the part in your post where you mentioned that. Again, it's not as if Demonology posts are cluttering up the forum, and as has been suggested by myself and others, don't read them if you are not interested...these forums are not here just for your benefit.
  11. The funny thing about forums is that the titles tend to indicate what the contents might be and hence you have the option of opening a topic for a peek or skipping it if you don't think it will appeal. There are enough former 'ologists here to make it reasonable to have a topic that discusses the issue of access problems. Traditionally, 'ology and 'land have supported each other over the years and have helped each other when technical problems have been encountered.
  12. Funny, I thought there were 5 ins? I am assuming that Bennell will either go onto the Emergencies list or at best be the sub.
  13. Yes, let's agree to disagree on that point (my disagreement stemming from my employment as a technical writer of over 20 years standing)... and for someone who insists he doesn't wish to insult anyone, you are failing miserably based on what appears in this thread.
  14. Yes, I also imagine that with the time that has passed since the events, memories will have faded, stories will have changed, and who knows, "compensation" may have been given... so there may well be nothing solid enough to pass on more than a fine and possible suspended sentence? (as is no doubt patently obvious, I no zip about the machinations of our legal system).
  15. Yes, you know what it says and you know how it reads... because you wrote it. I read it differently because you put it all together in a very poorly constructed paragraph. I said: "I'm not arguing for or against getting Boak (although my preference would be for Beams), but please don't denigrate our players at his expense."... hardly an accusation, but rather a gentle request based on my interpretation of your sentence (for which I later recanted anyway)... what you consider "merely responding" is quite often unnecessarily aggressive... and I don't mean your responses to me only.
  16. I was in a band here in Sydney a few years ago, and we used to do a cover of Linda Linda... confused the hell out of pub patrons. Linda Linda and Train Train are two of my all time favourite karaoke songs. (and I did mention the Linda! Linda! Linda! movie in that post of mine you replied to - I have it on DVD at home).
  17. Billy, everyone knew what point you were making, so I really wouldn't sweat it. I would love to have Cloke on board so that we could have a two pronged attack in a similar vein to Hawthorn when Roughhead and Buddy were teaming so well... but if we don't get him, we still have Clark who in half a season has proven himself to be the real deal; we also have other options developing in Cook, Watts (who I have no doubt is in the back line to learn how good forwards operate), Williams (given time) as well as secondary options such as Garland, Rivers, Martin etc who can be swung into the forward line as required. We need pace in our midfield as well as grunt... does Boak have that? What about Beams? Either would be a good get, no doubt, but I would rather take Cloke if he is available and see how some of our developing mids (including Viney) work out in the meantime. Neeld believes Howe has the makings of an elite midfielder (http://www.melbourne...x?newsid=138303), so who knows what he has in mind.
  18. Perhaps I have comprehension issues BH, but you definitely said "Boak is only 23 and played 100 games, so he's coming into his best years of footy." in the sentence immediately following those in which you had discussed Jones and Moloney, as if to use that (his age and games played) as a point of difference... my response was that Jones is only approximately 6 months older. Perhaps I'm not the only one with comprehension issues. What is it that makes you feel you need to jump on everyone who has a differing opinion to yourself and place yourself as some sort of expert on all matters AFL? Clearly the personal issues you have are far greater than any comprehension issues I may have.
  19. Yes, the AFL is doing this just to upset our apple cart at the MFC.(where's the <rolls eyes> emoticon when you need it? )
  20. You said, and I quote: "Imo, Boak is a better player than Jones, or Moloney. Boak is yet to have an A grade year and his best year is not as good as Moloney's best year, but Boak has more upside and the potential to be an A grader. Boak is only 23 and played 100 games, so he's coming into his best years of footy. I envisage we'd get at least 7 very good years out of him, i.e. 24-30." Perhaps you could have structured your text a little better? You discuss Jones and Moloney and insert an age reference all in the same small paragraph... so the misunderstanding on my part can possibly be attributed to both of us. Ok, maybe "denigrating" was a poor word choice... but Jones has been performing at a similar, if not better, level than Boak and has been improving each year for the past three years... yet you boost Boak's stocks by citing his age and number of games, while it would seem these don't mean much when it comes to one of our own already possessing the same attributes. Well, no-one is holding you here against your will... you are free to go off an post wherever you wish; you will no doubt discover however, that you are just another minnow in an ocean full of minnows.
  21. No, he was rated because at that time we were in need of a big forward who could score goals as well as crash packs and create opportunities for our other forwards...last year he was a good foil for Cloke, kicking 30 goals and was involved in a lot of good plays - you don't get 20 games in a side like Collingwood if you're not performing.
  22. Moloney may be no spring chicken, but Jones is just 6 months older than Boak, so I'm not sure why you include him in an age comparison. Statistically (going on an earlier post that cited Boak's stats), he is not so different to Jones and when you consider where we are at and where Port are at, it could be argued that Jones is out-performing Boak. It could equally be argued that Jones is trying to lead a very ordinary midfield at a young age. I'm not arguing for or against getting Boak (although my preference would be for Beams), but please don't denigrate our players at his expense.
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