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Inner Demon

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Posts posted by Inner Demon

  1. A player's leadership qualities is something I would just never speculate on, after all, I have absolutely zero evidence one way or the other with which to form an opinion.

    Too often good play, good form and courage is mistaken for leadership, sure, on-field leadership is an element, but Keyser accurately identifies many of the qualities that make a leader but since we as supporters aren't present in circumstances when these behaviours are exhibited, what would we know?

    I know the playing group spend a good deal of time learning about not only how to be leaders but also how to identify and promote leadership within the group so I take their judgements entirely to the exclusion of all others when considering who the leaders in our group are. There is also a mechanism which sees players removed from the leadership group as decided by the playing group if their standards slip. It really is a terrific system they have in place.

  2. Not necessarily - covered above.

    But who other than the players who train and play with them day in, day out could possibly know more about whether these guys are good motivators, communicators, organisers or how inspirational they are?

    If these aren't the guys who feel they are being lead by example, then who could know better?

    I don't understand how anybody on this forum, or anybody at all outside of the players within the Club, could possibly have any real perspective on which players are really leading day in, day out??

  3. Apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere, like GNF I hadn't seen it, but had seen plenty of people expecting and claiming the opposite so I thought the matter worthy of its own thread. I'm not trying to big note or make myself out to be some kind of source of inside info on this one, just passing on something exciting I'd heard. If you'd like, take the post as another bit of info on top of Ricky's own tweet saying he's looking forward to wearing the guernsey next season, which frankly, was as positive a comment as he could make in a very public forum.

    As for the full list of players coming out of contract this year, apologies to whoever had done the hard work in compiling this already, I lifted this from a different thread and am now monitoring it myself. Again, this is not my list, the credit belongs elsewhere:

    M. Warnock

    C. Bruce

    N. Jones

    J. Watts

    M. Bate

    B. Miller

    P. Johnson

    R. Petterd

    C. Garland

    D. Bell

    B. Moloney

    J. McDonald

    J. Rivers

    M. Jamar

    R. Bail

    S. Blease

    J. Strauss

    + Rookie List

  4. Thanks for the mail Bails. I think it's fair to accept your word given recent track record. Any idea of the other outs beyond Bate & Bruce?? PJ would be a fair assumption I suppose.

    I hope they do take Gys for the ride as an emergency. Will be good for him to be a part of a match preparation.

  5. By my count we have 17 players still unsigned after the 2010 season as well as the 6 rookies who can only be re-signed once we get to the relevant time of year where we can do elevations, retentions, etc.

    This would suggest we're going to see a number of players signing on again over the coming months and I have heard a rumour over the last couple of days that one of the next boys to sign on the dotted line is going to Ricky Petterd.

    I can't disclose the source of the rumour obviously, and it probably goes without saying that as with all rumours of this nature posted on here I am going to say that the information originates from someone within the footy club who is close to the situation.

    You are welcome to take or leave this information, I'm not going to jump up and down insisting I'm right and that kind of thing, but the way I heard the story is that Ricky's thought processes go along the lines of having unfinished business at MFC.

    I sincerely hope this is true, and if it is, it'll be a terrific signing in the context of the QLD family reunion beliefs held by many.

  6. This seems reasonable. I think we have finally managed to get on the same page. I was unaware the AFL denied our request to reverse the colours. That seems very strange. The Red clash strip is almost identical to a inverted jumper. The AFL are strange though so it comes as no suprise. I am not questioning you here - but where did you get that from?

    Much of what I post on club related matters comes from numerous conversations I've had with club staff of various shapes and sizes over a number of years being involved with the club. I don't have one 'source' or anything exciting like that, I just have chats about various subjects that interest me with people at the footy club and try to gain as good an understanding about how the place works as I can. Where possible I try to share what I've learned without betraying any confidences.

    Christ knows why the AFL had a problem with an 'inverse colours' strip but saw their way clear to approve our red & blue demon. It doesn't seem as if anybody can really explain the thought processes of AFL administrators as it pertained to matters like this, not even they themselves...

    Incidentally, I found it kind of odd scrolling back looking for Balls_Grinter_14's question about having new clash guernseys every year to find that he had somehow edited one of Redleg_24's posts...

  7. You're late to the party, I began this conversation with Balls_Grinter_14 following his post:

    Why wouldn't the club roll out a new preseason/clash strip every year ID? They make money from selling them. everyone wants something 'gimmicky'. I remember as a kid, having to have each new jumper each season if so far as much as the sponsor's logo changed.

    This is the point I have been discussing.

    To discuss the option of just changing the clash strip again once because you don't think the present one is "strong" enough is obviously a completely different topic for which the bulk of my points are not relevant. I apologise for that confusion.

    I don't feel strongly enough about what the very occasional, inconvenient guernsey which is forced upon us looks like to get into a discussion about whether it should have a 'V', or whether it ought to include white, or why can't we just have the colours reversed etc etc so I will leave that mostly to others. I will contribute, however, that personally I think the Club did very well to win the battle to keep only Red & Blue in our main clash guernsey but we were obviously forced to have the white one also as the AFL in its infinite wisdom deems the first one to clash with Brisbane and someone else I forget. The AFL denied our request to have the inverted colours so please take that into account if anybody wishes to pursue that avenue again.

  8. No facts. Opinion only. How long did it take last time we designed one? I will tell you...6 weeks mate. Geez, a lot of time and money went into that one I bet! What industry work are you basing your knowledge on/ Or are you just making it up as you go. What is this time spent liasing with AFL for approval cost you seem to know so much about? hmmm?

    Also you have backed off the heritage round argument pretty quick. You made no sense there. Match worn garbage! pffft. You are making this up as you go mate.

    Oh sorry and now its about sales again is it. I thought this was about the time and cost of producing a new jumper for next year. But wait...ID is back to sales figures. This debate is all over the place. You just want someone to confirm your 'thoughts' to make you feel good about yourself and tell you "geez you really know your stuff". Well you don't! So you will not be getting taht from me. First you argiued it wouldn't be done. Then it was about getting revenue. Then back to difficulty of cost and AFL approval and we are back to revenue not enough. Simple Fact ID. We need a clash jumper!!!!!! No matter what one it is we are required to produce one. The cost is THE BLOODY SAME MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We currently pay to have one produced. The cost of producing a new one is THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT!!!! Tell me why it would change. Oh that's right, you imaginery consultation costs!!!

    Time is a cost. Considering the revenues are only in the very small thousands, that's not much time in order for this exercise to wind up being fruitless. The fact that there are so many aspects to what makes it a bad idea creating new clash guernseys every year speaks volumes.

    It would appear I was mistaken on the one-off heritage guernseys only being match-worn, I genuinely don't recall these being sold as reproductions, but I will take your word for it. However, this as an argument for making small numbers of new clash guernseys every year still doesn't stack up.

    You're wrong on the "6 week" thing by the way, that's just how long it takes for Reebok to actually get them in our shop once we've gone through the rigmarole of design, consultation and approval. Providing that is they don't delay us by 2 months again like they did a couple of years ago because they fell behind their schedules with all AFL clubs. Unfortunately I can't offer you a timeline for how long this whole process takes, because the very nature of it is that it unpredictable, and potentially lengthy. Hence the issue.

    Of course we are required to produce a clash guernsey, we actually produce two so that we can wear our Red & Blue wherever possible as well as give our supporters another option for a guernsey to purchase. It took quite a bit of doing just to reach this point, to start all over again and mess around with the design over and over again would be foolish and inefficient and it won't happen.

    Probably no need for the outburst.

  9. I'm intimately familiar with the subject matter.

    I've tried to tell you that the guernsey sales through the shop are very low and offer an insignificant revenue stream. You've presented the argument that ordering in low numbers will maximise sales. This is not sound business logic. Just because you've sold 100% of a minimal inventory does not mean you have made a good profit. I have tried to explain to you that designing new clash guernseys is not as quick and simple as whipping up a design on Photoshop and sending it off to the printers. It is extremely time costly as an enormous amount of consultation has to take place between parties who are not working towards the same goals.

    In summary, the time and cost associated with changing guernseys every year does not reap significant levels of revenue to justify the exercise. If you choose not to accept these facts, there is little more I can offer.

  10. This is a business selection, directed from the board. Indigenous players for the north. I'm happy for Wonna and Jetta. But they are still not fit enough. Miller !What's the point. Those who've played at Mt Gravat stick together. Bailey lets his emotions overtake him at times and loses perspective.

    Silly post. Oz & Jet have played the last 2-3 full games for Casey, who are you to declare them unfit?? And as far as Miller goes, I'd suggest being BOG in 2 of the last 3 games at Casey with 11 goals to his name while our forward line struggles has a lot more to do with his selection than a non-existent link to Mt Gravatt.

  11. The whole leadership group is nominated that way.

    Brad Green is in the leadership group.

    If that isn't definitive proof that he is a leader around the club then I fail to see what further insight anybody else could offer as to who is a leader amongst the group.

  12. No, No and No, Players should earn there spots. Lets look past all the media fluff and pick a team to win a game of footy. Imagine how Jordie Gysberts or Jack Watts would feel, These guys have had to earn a game, Then to sit back and watch guys come in because of there heritage. Sentiment in footy is non existent and so it should be.

    I don't think selecting Oz & Jet would be entirely sentimental. Gysberts & Joel Mac have blokes ahead of them in their positions playing well enough to justify their spots in the seniors, whereas we are lacking a bit of pace, pressure and ground-level threat in the forward line which is what Oz & Jet do as players. Couple that with 2-3 weeks of good reviews from their coach at VFL level and I think it would be most unfair to say they haven't earned their spots.

  13. Quite the opposite. Chunk couldn't have been more nervous when they threw him on The Footy Show last year.

    Don't place all the heat on guys like Harry O for popping up in the media a lot, they're not doing it off their own bat. They're being paid extra (perfectly within the rules) to make appearances for the Club and raise their profile.

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