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Inner Demon

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Posts posted by Inner Demon

  1. A banana fritter would add more team structure to the MFC than "crusty Miller."

    Seriously I envy the bloke- is not AFL standard and gets to have a run around and a laugh with the guys where if fate had him drafted at any other club, he would probably either be a tradie or a Target model by now.

    When he was a presence it was when he wasn't the sole presence. He was and still is a social loafer. I'm a social loafer too. Where is my MFC gurnsey?

    Miller I'm callin you out. You have no heart. You shirk responsibility and follow, not do- when you are in prime position to 'lead by example'.

    Nostradeemus, I'm calling you out. You have zero understanding of how hard a worker and great a team man and leader Brad Miller is. You are a petty, small man with not 1% of the ability Brad Miller has, who makes himself feel like a big man by unjustfiably hurling abusing at men you claim to support from the safety of the stands and a keyboard. You should be ashamed of yourself, you're pathetic.

  2. I agree, but I'm sure Schwaby is onto that.

    For what its worth, IMO we should ask for a Friday night Darwin game - RND 11!


    That would give us about 10 days between Rnds, prior to the Queens B/Day clash.

    After all that, geographically it seems to me that Port is the closest, as well as culturally. I do want to form a bond with my indigenous freinds, but I don't think it has to be Darwin to do that.

    Firstly I'd like to see a pre - season cup game televised from the Red centre,,, Deemons v ????????.......... And secondly, they're may be a strong indigenous following in Nth Qld???

    What is the marketability of the Area, say between Bundaberg to Townsville.... That may make a nice little winter midweek getaway to spend a few days unwinding before or after the game. That would be cheaper airfare & more comfortable weatherwise, as well as easier on the players. Maybe we could work a package between the club & a Mainland or Island resort. That to me could be a longer term project that could be more promotable. I think there is a couple of Demonlanders up there in the North, if I recall. What do you guys think & where would be nicest coast with most hospitable climate?

    I'm not against Darwin, but it is closer to Port, who are struggling.

    Why would it be better to try a region that is in a state that will have 2 teams of its own to support rather than a footy mad state capital who have no local team???? Because there's a Club Med nearby??? Wouldn't have thought so.

  3. These people deserve games while we need to be competative. When Wattsy has grown his body, he'll be able to do a Schwarze.

    At the moment I believe we need support in the ruck. If that be Miller or Dunn or Sylvia, or Newton/PJ, we need someone to help the Russian a little. That 'little' means the player has to have another major string to their bow. Preferrably Not a defender.

    So what is the other major string to Newton's bow?

    For that matter, what is the first string on his bow??

    No, wait, in what way does Newton even have a bow???

  4. True. Got a lot of time for the Pod.

    To be fair though... Newton's far from the softest player. What he lacks is desire to push himself. He has a bit of mongrel about him, but only when it suits him.

    Not making excuses though.

    Newton only ever has any 'mongrel' about him when the ball is long gone and he throws little cheapies when his opponent's head is turned. I've seen him do this a bunch of times and it makes me sick.

    What he lacks is the appetite for the genuine contest. He can't use his body to create position and he won't hit a contest with any ferocity whatsoever. He's soft as butter.

    There is not one single characteristic of his football that puts him ahead of Brad Miller.

  5. I was considering Newton when I saw Jpod getting interviewed on before the game. Plus in light of Aaron Edwards. I can see Newton getting cut from the list, then after joining a VFL side permanently, and training with them, he'd probably go on and kick 80 goals with one of those sides, then get picked up by a team with a gun midfield but no forwards (blues?) and become 2012's JPod.

    Could happen?!

    Only problem is that JPod isn't the softest player in AFL/VFL history.

  6. How many times has Brad Miller kicked 3? He has 130 games (87 goals) to his name (according to MFC website) and still gets selected. Newton 23 games, 30 goals. Not saying Newton should be selected. Just saying that others have been given more time to how how useless they are as a KPF.

    So "Can I propose bans or some other kind of sanction for ever, ever suggesting (insert Brad Miller into Inner Demon's quote" - post 117) EVER should be selected in our senior team??"

    Brad Miller has kicked 3 or more goals 11 times.

  7. We knew exactly what we were getting with Gawn. We drafted him injured, it's in no way 'disappointing' that he hasn't played this year, that would suggest that something unforseen had occured. I'd say it's a bonus we're getting him 3/4 of the way through the year.

    Blease is one completely out of the box. You just don't see that kind of freak accident, we've been appallingly unlucky with him, still, he's back in two weeks and only missing 1 1/2 years.

    Tapscott is back in 4 so will only miss half of the year.

    So who is it that we're supposedly losing for "2-3 years"????

  8. No.

    Weetra gets a hard time undeservedly. The kid wasn't the most talented in the world, he put in at training and did extra work in his one off-season trying to make it and fell by the wayside like so many do. He was only 19 when he played his two games.

    Newton's one and only redeeming quality as a footballer is that he has grown to a certain height. He's supposedly a key forward who appears to be petrified of body contact and who has never revisited the 'lofty' heights of his 2nd game way back in 2007 when he managed to kick 3. Do people really understand that?? He's had one game where he kicked 3. One game.

    Furthermore, this myth that he gives us some kind of rucking option is mind-boggling. He's no better than Sylvia in the ruck.

  9. Time is standing still; that is the second week in a row that Jurrah has been 4-5 weeks.

    So last week was 5 and this week is 4. Doesn't seem that sinister or mysterious. More like basic maths.

  10. I could be wrong, but my understanding was that both Hunt and Folau's contracts would be outside the salary cap as some sort of special dispensation to the new clubs. So they get to splash cash on these guys, and still have all of their (already enlarged) salary caps to use for poaching.

    You're off the mark on a couple of fronts:

    1) Hunt & Folau do not fall outside the salary cap. They are on something in the neighbourhood of $600K/year as far as TPP is concerned. The balance of their contract is paid by the AFL for marketing & promotions.

    2) Neither GC or GWS have inflated salary caps, this illusion is created by the high proportion of their list consisting of draftees on standardised contracts around $60K/year which leaves them with a huge amount of cap space to spend on recruiting senior players from other clubs

  11. I love these moves on the NRL players. I see Folau, in particular, as a very similar story to Nic Naitanui just a couple of years behind in on-field experience. It's awesome for the game in NSW & QLD and it gives fans in VIC a reason to watch the new clubs to check out the freak shows.

    Furthermore, it shouldn't be ignored from our perspective that the signings of Karmichael & Izzy cut out $1m that would otherwise have been free to throw at our young guns. These big risks take a chunk out of their pulling power for their 'free agency' type opportunities.

  12. The comment that "Geelong paid him no attention" loses a bit of relevance considering 10 of his 26 possessions were contested. Is it being suggested the Geelong players didn't notice the bloke beating them for the contested ball because he was just a 1st gamer??

  13. Try saying that to Saints fans.

    Make no mistake, like any club we need to hang onto the real thing when it arrives. When a player plays the quality of footy he does, we'll be regretting losing him every time we have a forward who loses form, or costs us a win. Or worse still, if we're just plain lacking goal-kicking power, it'll make the loss of Petterd hurt.

    This is the difference between the Collingwood/West Coast type teams. They get a good player, they cling to them. When a good player goes bad, they move them off for a good price. We always seem to be the loser. Though the Trav trade recently was a pretty good one.

    And the McLean trade.

  14. On all the calls for Bail's inclusion, while I really rate him and loved his play early in the year, I think it's unlikely that a bloke who was almost knocked out then taken to hospital early in the game will be elevated the following week.

  15. This is the value of the Club recruiting the "best available" and picking 4 midifielders with picks 1,2,11,18.

    There were many who said we should have taken a KPF for needs when there was no KPF there as best available. Some even touted Talia!! :rolleyes:

    Some really good decisions made by MFC over the past 2 years and its bearing fruit.

    My thoughts exactly RR. Do any of the "draft experts" out there still want Talia or Black instead of Gysberts???? I couldn't be bothered trawling through the threads in response to the draft but I'll bet there a few posts in there hurling abuse at Prendergast who are now singing the praises of Jordan.

  16. In: Bate, Scully, Trengove

    Out: Garland (inj.), Rivers, ???

    I honestly have no idea who else we leave out this week. One would assume the 3 ins are automatic while Garland will apparently be missing a few weeks with the knee. Riv, who I haven't viewed as harshly as many so far this year, had a bad game on Saturday and really has no matchup against Carlton, you'd think he'll make way. Beyond those two I cannot pick anybody who glaringly doesn't deserve their spot in next week's team. This makes it even harder to get Jordie McK back in the side.

    Another interesting week at the selection table, it seems that like Jordie last week, somebody is going to be stiff to lose their place in this week's team.

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