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Everything posted by DV8

  1. Very statistical Biff. are you a Digital or [censored], Ogue ?
  2. You know Doc. I didn't think players get reported for over the shoulder, unless its for hitting the head... otherwise it's just a free kick. Unless it's a striking offence causing some level of injury.
  3. Here's Gazza-jnr 2020 model. brains over brawn.
  4. Here, this ones about to take a 'hanger'.
  5. If the throat counts as head high, then fair enough. Re the rules and guilty verdict. To me hitting the throat doesn't cause concussion, which is what all the hullabaloo is about recently... so to cause a concussion from contact with the throat, it would be a massive hit with huge weight behind it. Having to cause a viscous whiplash.. or head contact with a 2nd object, from the initial impact.
  6. ... exactly, a fine should have suited this occasion. so minimal the damage, and so great the punishment. this could hurt us, end of season.
  7. I think since pell fell, he's been sent in with the Lions, as it were. by Rome. I sense the publicly announced verdict, & then the penalty was delayed for others to get their houses in order... I think chambers were very busy in that time. And I sense this is why the lame excuse to quit. I was so angry..... I reckon all the deals were done... and the other court cases to follow were abandoned... imo for the same reason... a deal was done. I think Pell new his penalty deal, weeks ago. I truly hope that the appeal isn't an even better deal for Pell, & his time behind steel bars.!
  8. Because of facts, he did move toward the players line, to block him. fact. But it was walking pace or less. He did stretch up on his toes. fact. But He Did NOT get the player to the head. ! The players head did not contact May at all. The chest & throat did. To me that is all that was needed... unless the law has changed since I understood head high contact.? Of course it was Berry's movement. He did 85% of the moving forward. Then 100% of the moving backward and down.
  9. And Look at the lettuce leaf defence we offered up. Not contesting the idea of head-high contact, when clearly it was not... it was close, but it did not touch the head.... this makes me wonder if it was all said and done, before we appealed... Just like our friendly-cardinal case... the verdict... the secrecy... the Catholic Papal speech announcing new responses to pedophile priests - prior to the the verdict announcement... then the quitting of legal eagle... then the penalty announcement... all spread out for the media... as a sham. Only to go back again in future, for the appeal. IMO it was all agreed upon in chambers, after the initial guilty verdict... which was kept secret from us all here. It's all interesting timing from the delay before the charges... to the announcement of charges... to the court case... to the final verdict of guilty... the then the silenced verdict, for weeks... as the Vatican makes its timely announcements against pedophile priests... before we announced the guilty verdict... and then finally the penalty.
  10. This is the momentum I speak of. Very little momentum, almost none. Around walking pace momentum. The rest was the twist of his upper body, turning the shoulder in. He did get up on his toes.
  11. I studied the replay in slo-mo, over and over. Even frame by frame from just before the point of contact, until after when the player starts to fall away from May. May did move toward the player... maybe a half step to a step. With no speed in his momentum... but did twist his upper body aligning his shoulder to be the contact point. Of which his point of shoulder got the Lions player below the chin, to the Adams-Apple area. Has the rule changed... does it not have to be contact to the head ? to be outside the rules ? .
  12. What is your definition of the rule, 'high contact' ?
  13. Of course it was a bump. You cannot block a player without contact, therefore a bump, a collision. It is physical contact sport. As we like it to be. Not soccer.. There was no head high contact. So do we report players for contacting the torso to vigorously, with the arms. Maybe we should rename the tackle... lets call it a 'HUG' in future... and players can smile & wink at one another parting with a freindly pat on the rump to go with it.
  14. That's nt the point Beel.. May had to move to the player, to block him from running on... nothing wrong with that. and that means he had momentum just to arrive into the players pathway. thats fine. and Yes May did start to elevate himself to avoid his own head contact. I hope it was not to use the shoulder, but I think it was... BUT there was NO head contact. No chin contact, only throat contact. It was the solid contact to players chest, that sent him reeling backward and to the ground.
  15. And probably get rubbed out for it as well. Mini-mouse would eat watts. Hunch over, Tuck in, & go lower. Keep away from the head. Apparently the tribunal think the throat is the head. It is not.
  16. ... yeah, like the Sydney cricket ground, without its smokers stand... has to change or it'll lose something !!! bs. Lose our culture at our peril. Look at Britain and the EU... when they're in, they cannot get back out again. whatta mess. British democracy itself is turning inside out, trying to break out of that brown paper bag they hopped into, called the EU. Gill & all theses 'graduates' trying to prove something, that doesn't Need proving. to make a name for themselves. to exercise their mental muscle, when its not required. Nor wanted.
  17. And undies on the outside of their tights. ☹️
  18. The onus is on the offensive acting player, to not get the recipient player high. And not leave the ground. True But the did not contact the head. Chest and throat was all it was. Which stunned the recipient. Did not cause any loss of consciousness, and he did not hit head on the ground. You have to brace for a hit/shirtfront... Bracing is not the problem here. How much of this is payback from the Lions Doc... for Mays hit on Steph Martin, years back.? The recipient player wanted to keep playing, but the Doc didn't allow it... and took him from the field.
  19. Watt, you don't want Jack and that Beanstalk-Giant, coming down from the 'G's' roof... when we play GWS ??? ? come-on, you caaant be serious ! ?
  20. DV8

    Demon Legends

    HaHaHa... please can you tell me what (sic) means?
  21. The criticisms and talk of trading him a few years back helped sting him to refocus his attention and efforts, to stay and to perform.. On the Big footy stage... instead of just in the change rooms, and social activities. He can be playful, as long as he balances that with manly output and achieving. .......................................................... This picture is really sad... and almost a total bust... Max'ys first half career was a bust, but he is right on track now.
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