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Craig Drinker

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Everything posted by Craig Drinker

  1. Say NO to "Eyebrows"! The first slogan of the campaign. We've got to move forward. Can't afford any mistakes this time.
  2. For mine, he's a writer of cheesy jingles. However, it's a matter of personal taste and no doubt he's a talented guy. If it works for the majority of people it can't be a bad thing.
  3. I didn't realise Stockdale was still alive. Good on him! If he is going to be Prez and front the cameras he is going to need to take the whipper snipper to those eyebrows or they may interfere with the television signalling. Personally, I wouldn't be keen on heading back into the past. We have decided to go to the AFL for assistance. We have done a sh%t job on our own. They/we have appointed Jackson as CEO and I hope the new Prez would be in sync with Jackson and the AFL.Let's see what sort of recovery they can bring about for the MFC. At the end of the day the AFL hold all the strings as to whether we make a fist of the football caper going forward or not. It's a no vote from me!
  4. I think it would be a massive mistake to sign up any coach for 5 years. A lot can happen in that time and it can be a hefty payout if it doesn't work. It doesn't make good business sense when you have competition for the spot.
  5. I find the antics on OTC interesting. I understand they are trying to inform the viewer , who is not in the know, but here are some interesting things to think about when the go through the same charade on the coming Monday. Roos knows the question is coming and has his pre rehearsed answer ready. Gerard and Mike already know the answer before they ask the question.(Gerard's brother is on the MFC board therfore he would know exactly what the situation is without having to ask Roos) All this pantomime stuff is for the viewers. The interesting thing to me is that Roos hasn't categorically ruled it out therfore there may be some sticking point he is waiting to be clarified before he makes a decision one way or the other. I think they should give up asking him on OTC until there is a change in the situation that comes to hand.
  6. Hopefully it's a good result. If so, I think Roos will start to find his apetite for coaching again very quickly!
  7. Is it today that the AFL ratify or reject our assistance package?
  8. Things may get interersting after Monday when I believe the AFL decide on the ratification of our assistance package which may or may not iclude priority picks. Momentum may gather re Roos as MFC coach when/if all the points of assistance we are requesting get the big tick.
  9. Kennett will never be MFC president .AFL won't allow it. Might as well close this thread.
  10. Agree! I was just trying to read in to what Mike Sheehan was referring to on OTC when he mentioned Roos signing in two weeks.
  11. Maybe Roos is waiting until the MFC assistance package is signed off by the AFL before he commits. Is that AFL meeting due to take place in two weeks?
  12. Was chatting to my podiatrist about Clark. he was podiatrist to the MFC last year and before that. His opinion on Clark is that his injury is BAD.
  13. Is Eddie Betts coming up for free agency or coming out of contract? I thought I read that somewhere. How would he go in our forward line up?
  14. I think you need to compare like with like. Will Wines be better than Viney is the question? We didn't draft Wines because we already had a quality inside midfielder in Viney stitched. I think the choice of Toumpas was a sinple one for us and one that will pay dividends but do you think Wines will be a better player than Viney?
  15. Good point! And depending on future space exploration maybe Global could be a little restrictive and we should go for Universal?
  16. I can't believe this thread is still going! Oops! I just contributed to it!
  17. Maybe we should change our name from Melbourne FC to Australia FC then we wouldn't have to limit oursleves. Better still how about Global FC? Great thread!
  18. A big factor behind the defeat of the Merger IMO believe it or not was Eddie Mcguire. Whilst the MFC administration were sneakily trying to get the merger plans that far advanced that there would be no time to mount any opposition,Eddie actually broke the news on the Footy Show. Whatever you make think of Eddie he has directly and indirectly done some good things for our football club.
  19. Quality choice by the MFC recruiters IMO. Will be the goods and exciting to watch develop!
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