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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Or he thought he’d be better off staying at MFC
  2. At 27, Cameron drags down their average age massively.
  3. Well we know that Phillips is on very good coin, and with the Lions paying a huge chunk of Witherden’s salary at the Weagles, i’d say that we couldn’t afford them, particulary with TMAC’s wage.
  4. Comparing TMAC’s output compared with Treloar’s, I’d say we just about are.
  5. Big D indeed @old dee. Might need to add a H on the end as well
  6. For $700k TMAC is bloody expensive backup.
  7. Nothing will be announced until after trade week closes, so that the AFL can build the anticipation. Stupid.
  8. By the time we get around to announcing and getting approval for our new digs, Governments will be saying that they are all out of money.
  9. If it meant getting both off our list (given we no longer seem to want them), then a token 4th rounder would do it for me, opening up some cap space (whoever is responsible for the cap needs to go, how can we have it so tight yet not even be finals worthy?)
  10. About as accountable as good ol Dan
  11. Seriously? He would abandoned you and throw you under the bus at the drop of a hat. The only loyalty he wants is to him, not the other way around.
  12. One didn’t have the body to stand up to the rigours of AFL. The other, well he had just about 0 AFL qualities (especially the hunger/dedication) - even his own manager told him to expect being taken as a late 2nd/3rd round pick.
  13. The one A-trader they brought in did SFA for them this year. Ratten needs to give Hill a rocket given the coin he is on.
  14. Pass, we’re trying to fix our consistency issues not enhance them
  15. Just about had enough of this bloke. Him and the EFC go hand in hand together, all this 'look at me' bs. Was umming and ahhing most of 2019, then again during 2020 (whilst he was in Aus). Now he arks up again about another possible stint, lol. Save me (unless he wants to put the scum through the ringer again - that i have no problem with ?)
  16. He’s already had more than enough chances. He’s had 4 good weeks out of 4 years. If this club was really wanting to act ruthlessly, he would have already been given the boot.
  17. Talk about getting a free ride. How much money have the Cats pilfered in total now to fund KP? Whilst we will get a recommendation that Governments will support for our new home, but will get SFA funding for. We need to get into Dan’s ear about how building our base will be good for jobs and his mates in the construction industry.
  18. If that’s the case, he should not be in charge of our trade strategy.
  19. I don’t. That’s one hell of a feather Bell’s been able to put in his cap.
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