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Everything posted by skills32

  1. They needed picks and they got 2for01, That's why.
  2. What part of 'That is all they had to offer' don;t you understand. They only picks they have right now are 11, 23, 49, and 81. How are they going to get 2 first rounders out of that lot. And don't say the pick for Neale because that deal has not been done.
  3. See my post above. Do people only post here and not read other posts?
  4. Let me spell it out for you. Freo have no ammunition, that is why they traded pick 6 out; to get extra picks to meet their minimum trade obligations. Unless they trade Neale they can and could not offer any more than they already have. For them to get Hogan they have to trade Neale. They only have picks 11, 23, 30 ,49, and 81.
  5. Freo have to make 3 changes. They don't have many picks at the draft.
  6. Has anyone stopped to think that the offer is all they have. You can't offer something you don't have.
  7. I think you are correct. In 2018 1. Check the win/loss ratio with him in the side against without him. 2. His style of play, reaction time does not fit with our game plan, Just thoughts.
  8. "It was reported Carlton flew Shiel to Noosa for a meeting that featured Judd, as well as coach Brendon Bolton, list boss Stephen Silvagni, football manager Brad Lloyd and billionaire Bruce Mathieson. " Why would billionaire Bruce Mathieson be there? To hand out brown paper bags? Smells like Carlton could be rorting the salary cap in some sneaky way.
  9. They would have won a lot more games this year with a decent marking FF; that's why they are so into Jesse. Another dangerous prediction.
  10. Took the words right out of my mouth. Hogan does not fit into our game plan- especially up field. His reaction time is too slow.
  11. Big statement that might come back and bite you in the rrrr's
  12. So did I but you learnt and remembered more than me.
  13. videos on the website won't play. Telstra blocked them
  14. I have emailed/twittered th club 4 to 5 times in the last 2 years and am still waiting for a response to my queries. If they want to ignore me then I will ignore them. It's my money.
  15. Had something to do with home and away rules?
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