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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Thank God this is finally officially a rumour. Now we're allowed to compare the Sylvia situation to Scully. We can also start calling him a liar, scum etc too. Beauty.
  2. Should Jim be the President then?
  3. I've always agreed with the usual "one loss doesn't mean anything in isolation", but I really do think this one told a story on its own. A loss of this magnitude is a first in modern footy - even Fitzroy never lost like that before they shut up shop. These are not normal circumstances and this is not a normal defeat - not even a normal 100 point defeat. There has to be something very wrong for the wheels to fall off in the manner in which they did and I think it needed to be arrested immediately. I'm quite comfortable with a loss like this one in and of itself changing the course.
  4. Garry's always seemed to me to be this murky figure lurching around in the background somewhere. Never actually visible and never held responsible for anything but always seems to have one hand on the wheel. He'll never be coach, but I do wish he'd either put his hand up for an official role or get his finger out of the pie.
  5. He's allowed to vent - behind closed doors. Like any good professional or team member, having dirty laundry is fine, but keep it private. Advertising it online is poor form when the club needs all the support it can get.
  6. Agreed. His timing is deplorable. It'd be nice if past players offered up their support, but if they can't or won't do that, have the decency to keep their flaps closed.
  7. Who is offering those odds? There's no way known we're going to beat Carlton this week.
  8. Same bloody here. Even the worst teams don't lose by 186 points. Knifing the coach was a no brainer, but there's an odour that is enveloping the whole club at the moment.
  9. This is being a bit silly. Nobody will be concerned about any such thing. Why would Dean do that? He'd be outing himself as the chief architect of a massive rort. He could forget about any jobs in the footy industry for the rest of his life.
  10. That's because very few coaches have had such a humiliatingly large loss. In fact, Carl Ditterich is the only other one
  11. Laidley? WTF. Actually, WTF to all three of those.
  12. You'd noticed too, huh? Thanks for pointing it out. (We don't need more threads like this - use the other ones please)
  13. There's been whispers and uncertainty over Schwab's position for several months now. If it's true that he's being given the flick it won't be because of the result; it will be because they'd already all but decided to chop him anyway and this has spurred them in to action. It's not a good time to be in the bad books of those making the decisions. I'd also add that as a CEO he's apparently involved himself very heavily in footy matters - this is evident in his Whiteboard Wednesday presentations. In that regard he has chosen to live by the sword somewhat.
  14. Not that much different to what we've already got, really.
  15. Interesting idea. Play the last five matches with no captain and no leadership group. The natural leaders will come to the front anyway, hopefully.
  16. Bwahahahaha. P.S. Real men would just take a photo of their membership actually sitting on a dog poo.
  17. I've always been in the "some really poor defeats are inevitable, just grit teeth and bear it" camp, but if a 31 goal defeat is seriously the best we can muster up then something is seriously broken. I think anyone who doesn't acknowledge hasn't really stopped to consider the gravity of this defeat.
  18. Reading it on BigFooty doesn't count as mutterings.
  19. We're all hurting right now and each of us cope with that differently. For some, humour helps. If you don't like that, you're welcome not to participate. And let's be honest, this thread isn't side splittingly hilarious, it's just a few chuckles to lighten up a very dark day.
  20. No no - you've missed the funny bit. The funny bit wasn't the OP. The funny bit was your reaction because you thought it was real!. Geddit?
  21. Yep. Not much more can be said really. Can't imagine the players and the coach could ever look each other in the eye again after that.
  22. Now this is a post I couldn't agree more with. I don't reckon I've ever been as bored with Demonland or visited less frequently than I have in the last few months. The Saga has literally sucked the life out of this forum and it's sucked the life out of me. I once had strong views on this topic but my energy levels have dropped such that I can't feel anything other than apathy. And I don't think I've written any posts longer than one or two lines for ages.
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