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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. 3 men hovering within 5m of the man on the mark in centre then, worrying signs. kick it Kossie!
  2. Not necessarily robbing you if you aren’t allowed to attend, regardless, may not happen, just passing on info, but if it does happen, surely members will get a make up game
  3. As posted in Alice thread, NTAFL believe we will still have a game here, should help bottom dollar
  4. See my previous posts, the cancellation of this weeks game in Alice is understandable
  5. Ever heard of state parliament, well the territory has one too
  6. From AFLNT: ”At this point in time we are hoping there will be another game scheduled in Alice Springs later on in the year but this is no guarantee.”
  7. As my namesake said, just go nuts! After our one point win against the Saints last year, my daughter told me that she thinks I am a crazy, psychopathic footy dad?
  8. Don’t think the $800,000 is what we receive for the game, think it’s more like half that, the rest is in advertising. I have no time for the government here (or any politicians), but I hate to say that they are doing the right thing. A good proportion of the crowd travel in from remote communities, if the virus somehow got into the stadium, then subsequently the communities the death toll would be astronomically bad. As much as I would love the game to go ahead for selfish reasons, it is the right call.
  9. Just drove past Traeger Park oval, no preparations being done. Obviously though communication is poor, unless the game is a chance, this came out 2 hours ago:
  10. Injured players, Casey and officials do community stuff, not those playing
  11. The AFL really need to make a call on this game today, at the very least rule it out categorically, as people will start travelling in from communities tomorrow and Thursday, an expensive exercise for families.
  12. Would be a nice drive through the outback from here...
  13. Those working for government in communities are (those outside of them would have no effect), think you will find that the few communities that have good healthcare and government workers, trusted by the community will have higher vaccination rates. Sadly they are not so common. CAAMA radio is doing their best to encourage people to get shots, but still seems more needs to be done as I am not coming across many to have been vaccinated and I visit over 15. different communities a month
  14. Have my second Pfizer shot booked for next week. Not going so well in communities, is hard convincing locals to get the shots, they have a very understandable scepticism to anything the government says and have read a bit about the blood clotting and are thus a bit reluctant
  15. As incredibly disappointing and frustrating it is on a personal level, it is not worth the risk of having the game here now, there’s just too much at stake if the virus gets out here.
  16. NT government is broke as, have a gut feeling they are thrilled not to have to pay for the game and won’t help getting a replacement game
  17. The but sure... at the end of the post made him come across as being [censored], the response shows it. As for Alice accommodation, it has been booked solid for over a month due to the fact that Aussies are coming here in droves and one of our biggest hotels is not open, taken over by the government for COVID reasons and many small operators have to reopened, permanently closed, after losing all their customers. But sure some hero from out of town is better informed.... talking of know it alls....
  18. Sorry, have you attended the bulk of these games? Yes you are way off the mark, the government pay for the game for the advertising it brings and to a less extent, to give some entertainment to the locals, many of whom travel a few hundred kms just to attend the game, see the Mt Liebig mob last year. so glad you are pointing out how you were first to point out the lack of interaction, this person who has previously organised some of those events is so grateful. but sure.... apology accepted.
  19. If in the next 2 days, there was no cases (unlikely I know), the government here would more likely than not, let the game go ahead
  20. You would assume wrong. another frustration is for the Santa Teresa community who were going to get a visit from some at the Demons to open the newly grassed oval that that this week had the goal posts from the MCG installed. Saw them Friday, they look brilliant.
  21. I will just have to start working the phones tomorrow, call every Alice parliamentarian, numerous calls to CM’s office (numerous voices), demanding they let the game go ahead!
  22. Yes, my son was (hopefully still is, but not expecting it) going to be doing Auskick, as he was last year before the women’s game was a lock out. It’s a great time here, with the Finke desert race over the Queens birthday weekend, it is huge for Alice Springs. Unfortunately the government here really just focus on Darwin, it is where all the seats are, so am a bit worried about us getting screwed, but they have changed border restrictions overnight, so it does depend on what happens in the next 4 days, but am still hopeful.
  23. Unless the COVID numbers explode, I would be surprised if the NT government don’t let the game go ahead
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