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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Reckon therell be more than 20k bluebaggers.. Maybe not after 3/4 if getting dacked. Find out friday lol
  2. You had me at tempo. Yep ...yep.. yep Using appropriate tempo is THE key . All the best teams have employed it. You get to control the game ...your way.. you give your team mates time and space to get to or create position. It creates uncertainty in the opposition. Shame we have none......
  3. We're natural targets.... deservedly
  4. Season rollicks from.. something...to something... Gods are speaking....
  5. Butyou come willingly to the threads tat you must know..., because you're not stupid, that WILL be vitriolic...should it warrant. Please. Give it a rest mate lol
  6. Just alternative thinking. Do we use our currency to trade in talent ? That has impact.... you're dealing with known entities. Yes some might be available through FA. There will others you need to horse trade for. We've gone down the path of hail mary fishing before.....
  7. I sort of get it... However if we lose Friday.... there's NO winning on KBW
  8. You think it possible to beat Collingwood after we lost to Carlton....... very interesting 🤔🙄🤔🙄
  9. Trust..... a somewhat precious commodity. Hard earnt, easily lost. Club needs to work harder. As an Engineer it's not whether a cup is half full or half empty.... it's simply been over-specified for the job at hand. Do i trust us currently? I'm not inclined to wager anything of value on the outcome of our games . Last year i made enquiries about a seat at the big dance. Not worrying presently.
  10. Elementary....it's self evident. Sadly Goody thinks he's right. I dont blame him. He should. Regrettably and respectfully... he's not.
  11. Daz, Not to be dismissive of that fine post.... but to go to the heart of the matter....the question posed.... i.e what is the actual fundamental cause.... well look no further (imho) than those 2 quoted sections above. To me, everything emanates from this ^^^ Why indeed 🤷🤷🤷🥴 Cheers Go Dees
  12. Unless you're 30m out directly in front...a strong maybe then... but otherwise...agree
  13. Im reminded by this thought when looking at market trends etc. Its seldom whats happening on the surface....though that is what you see and is often the relevant S.P. etc.. it's what's causing it... the ebbs, the flows, the depth to bids/offers... the volumes etc. They create the substructure upon which it all revolves/evolves. So too in a sense a game of footy. Much about a game can be causal and that happens before the ball is bounced. In market parlance ....we're trending down... we'd be a "sell"
  14. Towards the end of Paul Roos tenure a new assistant came on board. He came up with some quite maverick ideas and gamestyle inventions. Quite the breath of fresh air. First he got to try out some ideas in the preseason then later got some time in the sun. Our game changed. We became quite unpredictable. We played with these ideas and Roos' blessing . We started going OK there for a while. That assistant was of course Simon Goodwin. Whatever became of him....or rather...whatever happened to the invention ?? I do miss that bloke... current version.... not so much. Our game has to change...either with him( by him ).. or without him bye him.
  15. Couldn't agree more .. Goodwin.... the Jim Hacker of AFL A lot of folk suggesting a lot of If-onlys.... but the stark reality is they didn't and dont. We currently play one of the dumbest gameplans. It's plainly inept and far too easily subject to countering. Its not like we have a really good way of playing...and the players can't perform it... its rather we have for the most part a list of very good players trying to fit 5 into 4 , as they say. .. and then the "icing" is when the team don't play to their potential. It just compounds the problem. Modern day footy morphs a bit... teams (coaches) fiddle with their game optimising what they do well and trying to find that "advantage".. spin-repeat. I'm a bit lost as to what we actually do well. Watching us at the business end of 21 was enjoyable ...if nervewrecking but when we clicked it was a vision resplendid. We're horrible to watch at the moment. You can see the train wrecks lining up. Our game is far too predictable therefore far too easily susceptible to it coming undone. That by definition is not accidental. It's by design. I.e.. they play to instruction. You can take the best ingredients available but if the recipe is rubbish... the result is unedible. The only true thing I'm surprised about currently ... is that , for the moment, we are still 4th. That truly flatters us. Without doubt there'll be comments to the idea of injuries . Yes we have a few, suspensions also, but thats not the difference. Other teams with both better and arguably lesser lists are playing better footy than us. The game moves on and we plod away trying to turn a Sow's ear of a game(plan) into Silky football. Computer says NO
  16. Absolute rubbish Who tells who to kick where.. Who creates the game ?? Ffs People refuse to see whats in front of them
  17. So we have a list ( thoroughly agree ) And cant play to its potential... 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 I wonder why ... ( actually.....i dont ) Shame this isnt EPL..... in a way....
  18. DS you're normally more in tune The game plan/style etc is set by the Coach... Im not ignoring them... but they simply carry out THEIR part of the jigsaw as determined by SG Changing them.... assistants is not the answer. Its not that hard to fathom... not really. We play dumb.... dumb for 2023.... as others have a much better formula. We have very good talent....wasted and burnt. The evidence is right in front of people.
  19. Fish rot at the head...... take a minute to let that mull. Assistants only do the masters bidding. Swapping them.is like deckchairs really. The reality is unsettling for some. The thing the coach is supposed to do....is to WIN games.
  20. Often Should haves become Would haves if they Could haves. We Should. Should have last year too Nothing to be taken for granted
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