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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Wouldnt happen in a pink fit We'd be ostracized from world sport
  2. No need to bargain Mandee..CAS say...we're holding it wherever we damn well please...suck it up. The game's changed. They probably dont lke it ( efc-hird) ...heart bleeds for the bastards !!
  3. The Hills are Alive.......with the .........
  4. Dont look now James...thats no Toblerone !!!
  5. when? that would be NOW
  6. hardly surprises me Old...just saying !!!
  7. i got two...a little brown... ready for cooking
  8. Hmmm..im just wondering ( salivating actually ) given that this hearing is De Novo...that is..a NEW ONE does that mean the penalties are those as of the newly ratiified 2015 WADA schedule ?? Previous hearing transpired whilst 2 years was maximum....now its 4 !!! please let there be a god !!!
  9. Im pretty sure in Switzerland they understand there are supplements...and there are "SUPPLEMENTS" lol
  10. theyre will be a tipping point though Sue....only so much shlt before it all goes everywhere !!
  11. this wouldnt be the new Belgian bloke by any chance ??
  12. time to do some laundry....bring out all the dirty linen...all of it..Get rid of it and get our land back on a sure footing where al lwil know they can compete fairly and equally , the only differing element being their own talent and prowess, as it should be.
  13. Yes , well done 2014 in picking the venue. Surprised me but gladdened me. If I wasn't the cynical old bastard that I am I. Would almost be thinking that Australian sport , or at least the recalcitrant component of it , just got placed on level pegging with Chinese swimming and the old East German Athletics!!! Hilarious in a fashion, damning and shameful in reality. Thank you Hird and Little you've taken us all for a ride and left us in the SHlT !!! The appointment of such a non Oz arbiter will reinforce how clinically it will be reviewed. No weight to anyone's notoriety or reputation will be afforded nor should it ever have. Now events will be reviewed in a very matter of fact manner. What happened, what likely has happened , what was intended to happen and by whom for who. I would be extremely surprised if now that the diabolical misdoings are not seen as they were. Some will be smiling at the thought that a nice junket awaits, for others it may be finally dawning upon them that a much longer holiday is earmarked. There will still be the local spin, the fanboys won't be able to help themselves to continue to barrow out the rubbish dressed as supposed heartfelt and needed redress. These bozos will become even more obvious to the vastly still ignorant footy public as the inconvenient truth is 'unveiled' by the more respected component of the 4th estate. Gradually the public's view will swing. Only the despots fervently hanging onto the Hird-line will remain on that side of the fence. When this sorry chapter is over this country deserves a Royal Commision into the practices of sporting codes, their administrations and the ability of them to honour and deliver the codes of conduct and adherence of agreed drug/doping protocols. The smiting of upstarts like Hurd and his ilk should be the start, not the finish of a good hard look into this disgusting trend.
  14. Well...put it this way...there is a path to appeal to the Swiss FEd Trib....but there is no appeal ...'capiche"
  15. not atm..... but in 5-6 months maybe
  16. what were we talking about ......
  17. i thought bananas was ALWAYS the plot ?? ...must have got the wrong dang memo.......again
  18. now wouldnt that be hilarious .......we're going to take the bat and ball...and EVERYTHING.....home !!!!!....our backyard....our rules !!!! lol I would have thought it to be held in Sydney...thats almost foreign enough to footy !!! ​ but.......
  19. anyone got a good 'bullet proof f'n easy for silly ol buggers like me for........banana muffins ?
  20. me thinks Gawn....is well.........gawwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!
  21. the truth will out... So much about all of this is so wrong for so many reasons. It can't be left un-dealt with. It really has exposed the hypocritical underbelly that lay beneath what we all probably thought was a game run is a reasonable fashion, if wanting improvement. We now can see it for all its warts and failings. Im sure many a typical footy punter just wants it all to go away . They're tired of it.Im sure everyone is really but that cant be allowed to promote an environment where wrongdoing can win simply by grinding down those that would seek to enforce the rules. The result would be mayhem leading to anarchy.. Like the proverbial fish this whole fiasco is rotting from the respective heads down. Those that governed at AFL are now conspicuous having done runners !! Those that were entrusted to run a club and look after its well-being are now seen for their corrupt interpretation of values. The vested interests of the various camps alligned with Efc/Hird have been exposed for their blatant and farcical pretences. Make no mistake this is a watershed event not only for this game but sport both nationally and internationally. That ol' rascal the 'line in the sand' has been made. Those that have erred need to be brought to account and the game cleaned up. Its nothing more that that, unless you are the naughty ones and then apparently its "everyone else's doing!" Not only do the bad'ns need punishing but the public deserves to know the truth. Whether some of it ( public ) wil lactuall be prepared to hear it is possibly another thing entirely.That in itself I find sad.
  22. you just feel at times as though these guys should be a sponsor !!!
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