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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. One way or another... it will be an interesting discussion at the end of KB proceedings. God help the King ( actually...couldn't give a rats, bollocks to those inbreds ) God help us.... yes ....Please 😉👍
  2. Reminds me of my old Rotaract days. You're a credit to yourself and the jumper 👍😉👏👏👏
  3. Anyone familar with the Defence Forces will be very aware of Cockburn ;) ⚓
  4. Its tempting to roll out the old cliche but to treat this gane with anything shy of trepidation may result in gross disappointment. Going back to this notion of trust... Im sorry, ive very little trust in out brand. Blokes yes, game... no. Can we win ....yes Could we lose.... yes... Lose this and its a very slippery slope.... and we'll have little adhesion. Go Dees
  5. And theyre on TOP.. nice view there ;) Another good display that stats can mislead.... imo
  6. Please don't think me rude,may i ask how long you've followed our beloved team ? Me.. since feb 1965... ive enjoyed 1.......ÒNE Premiership. Unfortunately remember decades of being irrelevant. Suffered through 2 inglorious decapitations 88 and 2000. I'm rather keen on the idea of a flag... not so much the nice participatory ribbon. Cheers
  7. Dan doesn't like glass....far too much transparency.
  8. We do seem to be blind to a lot of our shortcomings .
  9. Intersting it was an ex Collingwood player in Brodie. To me it's irrelevant as to the why there's little support offered ( explain in a bit )....more that it DOESNT HAPPEN. As to the why...any number of counters depending on the why. Nothing will change in terms of how oppositions rough up our lot...if nothing changes. It's not about every time...you dont need to do it every time...in al lprobably you knock the bully back...they dont come back...and thats invariably the point. Looks to me like open season on the Dees. Easy pickings...
  10. Arguably the notion you cant sustain that for 23 rounds is true. What you do need to do I would think is pace the season. When you have to bring it....you better had, lest these 8 point games bite you. We were tested...scoreboard the ultimate arbiter declared we lost. We need to fox much cleverer if we are to prevail.
  11. ???🤔🤔🤔 Trust to play ... Or to Win ??? For mine...i can't in all honestly do the latter. And the game is, like it or not....about winning.
  12. Yes. Do I trust the team to come out and play to their potential...all guns firing.... Or do I think it's more i want/hope that they do/can ?? 🤔🤔🤔 I certainly trust the players to try.... i can only hope the box provides the manner in which they can. Not tagging Butters... kills that trust of the Brains Trust ;)
  13. That's not flying the flag....that's just carrying it out. If you want an example of flying their flag... as much as i feel filthy in saying it....watch Collingwood... they know how to fly the flag...
  14. If you dont know the circumstances and betrayal by that traitor then im not sure what team youve been following..
  15. You obviously dont understand the history. Go inform yourself. Yes clueless
  16. A fortnight even longer....and a month an eternity. King predicated his thinking about our Premiership likelihood based most probably on what he had seen to date... And then it changed. His analysis of our woe .... correct or not ? I suspect it's pretty close. Now some may argue whatever, but perhaps he epitomises the maxim even a stopped clock is right twice a day. In this instance he was pretty well on the money irrespective of how he got there or what day it was.
  17. The guy lied to Jimmy's face He is scum You dont get that...
  18. Succinctly... the hunger has gone. It's such an abstract ...it can't be synthesised. The team may well be trying as hard... but it's different. Certainly not as effective. Game has changed... Box hasnt. Hunger ... not there. Its a human condition. The coaching had to change , redirect and compensate for that which no longer existed...and replaced with some other motive. Patently...this hasn't occurred.
  19. Buck stops with the coach. Its HIS game after all. Our game is stale.. getting mouldy in the rain.
  20. Jordan will be elsewhere at end of year. Hes ok... not necessarily ( our ) 1st 22.. Deserves a go somewhere
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