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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Bit of a pong coming from EPA house itself !!!
  2. I doubt she's following anyone. Just acknowledging a logical progression. .
  3. I don't treat nab with contempt as some might think I'm just very matter of fact. The competition as a competition is meaningless. As a hitout against a real competitor it has real value. Buts that's all. A chance to blow out cobwebs and see theory played out in practice. I wouldn't overly even concern myself with the scoreboard but its an opportunity to see how the game plan plays and who does what and who doesn't. Handy for evaluation. That's all
  4. They won't get as far as having appeal heard. They may apply but as I can't see for life of me in what way it would qualify the appeal will undoubtedly be denied. FlindersSt.all change. This train not going.
  5. Essendon will be desperate to mitigate their exposure to suits from the players hence funding this farce. It's not even grasping at straws as there are none. Pure inept desperation. There's a lot of none too bright people involved here. Essendon with any luck might just disappear up their collective clackers.
  6. You're right WJ With deadpan faces...'next !'
  7. Fluffy practice footy. Good for a hit out...that's all. It's still not the real game for 4 points.
  8. The Swiss will laugh this straight into the bin. This won't be drawn out.....it'll never get to first base.
  9. Mud sticks and shlt's like glue. They're damned and rightly so. This is an ambulance chase. Vermin
  10. It could well be and if so who are they trying to bluff into reaction ?
  11. "Non Non Non vous imbéciles" Don't worry, you'll get the gist of it
  12. Gordon and co v The Swiss Amatuers v The Professionals All the way through this debacle those on the Windy Hill team have exhibited an inferior and confused understanding of the rules,laws and jurisdiction as applied their felony. It's the only thing they're good at....being wrong. And they still are and they still don't get it however thdmore they persist with their farcically and almost perverse insistence of any innocence the less opaque theirhistorybecomes and the more readily able does Joe Public become in seeing them for what they are ; cheats. I, even as a lay spectator to this whole nefarious saga understand they have no validity in any appeal. How do they not? Let them try. Going to be much egg on many faces when it's hurled right back at them. You wouldn't ever wish to be represented by the legal wonders would you.
  13. You'd think that would "staring in the face" obvious !!! Apparently not...lol. Really not sharp tools eh
  14. The appeal to CAS was definitely about "comfortable satisfaction" but a side interest was how it all goes wrt a team.
  15. Wada might have been interested to know how the proceedings would go but it had nothing to do with appropriateness of the protocols or the jurisdiction or the law. They wanted to see how the outcome would slant. This is now a precedent. The appeal will go absolutely nowhere.
  16. It's comical. There can be no appeal regarding jurisdiction as it was agreed to at the beginning and its CAS right to do so. ALL appeals to CAS are de novo These guys are absolute fwits !!
  17. I tips me hat to the lad. He's bloody determined
  18. Does anything show any clearer just how stupid this lot are ? Idiots !!
  19. who is Sue Dank ??
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