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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Nup...been our undoing ( well a big part of it ) all year. Hopefully a roof helps ;)
  2. Thankyou.... it's not the who....it's the how.
  3. Yep... simple as that.... Bubbledomes facilities aren't ours.
  4. Funniest fo a whiles.. Cheers...needed that.
  5. Considering we were playing a fairly in form ( though a couple missing ) Collingwood we went ok. Id argue our style was more akin to that earlier in year... we brought it into the corridor a lot more... we didn't blaze away into the pockets....we lowered our eyes. We CAN do all those things.....just not often it appears.
  6. and yet it was there...in preaseason...at times in the first half dozen games though not as prevalent as preseason.... and it was most definitley there in KB game v Collingwood. I've goty no idea why we can't(won't) change .... We dont have to play rubbish forever
  7. We played a very different style of game v Collingwood. That was enormously successful . Why have we reverted to rubbish ?? I'm genuinely curious. I bet I'm not alone
  8. The Poms are no Angels.... theyre simply miffed because it was THEM and not US..or another. Like a spolit brat theyre just embarrassed so start wailing. Quite entertaining. Let he without sin cast the first stone............ Crickets from the English..........
  9. His kicking in the dying moments ....summed us up... couldn't hit a paddock, let alone a barn. He's a little hit and a lotta miss. Sadly....not alone.
  10. I think we're unfortunately quite similar in so much as I think our Ladder positions flatter us somewhat. Yes we're 4th and 5th... but atm I'm thinking that's as much because of the "support" of the teams immediately below us If we were a peleton you'd have to say we're losing ( indeed lost ) touch with the leaders....theyre pulling away... We're slipping back. The Saints somewhat more precarious than us ( but perhaps only marginally ). 5th and 8th...one game and a sprinkling of % difference. Our % keeping us afloat but that was all banked earlier on and our current kicking woes are helping us immensely (not ) . Those feral [censored] hav a fairly gifted run home. Be aware. Make no mistake...neither the Dees nor the Aints can afford a loss this week. Our forms are not dissimilar... you wouldn't bet your left one ...your house...or too much of anything on either. Both teams have dour defences....one team has managed more than 8 goals recently. Dont get cocky Melbourne
  11. In my minds eye the problem is not that Lyon's commentary/analysis is encroaching on savant, it's more that he's Captain Obvious. He's just examplifying what any number of us are saying. Up da front we're shizen. And as if to make it worse it's by design. The design has seen its day, its moment in the sun, its now very yesterday. Those that proffer we change the magnets around i can only say it wont matter what you name your pieces if youre trying to play draughts not chess. We have the right game at one end....the wrong one the other. If we dont change it.....why would there be a different result ? We cant rely on the weather (save sat )...and then we get to play upon the shifting sands ..otherwise known as that less marvellous colosseum .
  12. Hes highlighting an issue thats been our bug bear for most of the season. We're clueless forward. Intuitive forward craft gets burnt by what must be a directive. The spotlight is now firmly again on us as we're faltering....again. Yes the media love a beat up often. They look around for easy targets mostly.....and by christ we make ourselves an easy subject for commentary. How exactly was he supposed to be more 'balanced'....is that some form of 'affirmitive journalism' ?? Like saying...well Melbourne are [censored] up...but it's forgivable because...X, Y or Z ? He, and many others, are unfortuntaely just being very matter of fact about it.. It's invariably we supporters that add a tint to our observations...Take that away... it's not pretty
  13. Im struggling to understand your miff . Is it you simply dont like Garry Lyon. You have a grievance? Are you oly prepared to give weight to comments if the source is amenable? It in many ways is irrelevant who or why the comments exist , though there's an argument possible to voracity applied by people according to whatever litmus.That said the comments can be viewed in their own right and critiqued. Just about everything that was highlighted is spot on. And thats the context is should be viewed ..imo Was what was said correct or not irrelevant of who said it . If we were to broadly disect our game into 3rds. 1) back half ( defence ) 2) middle/guts and 3) forward 50.. scoring , then i don't think it a stretch to suggest that we get Defence pretty right. It works ad well. It wobble occasionally with selection but over all, it's good. We're ok through the middle . Our mids on a par with most good teams. We're at times brilliant, at times lamentable..overall... a pass.. we're ok and generally effective. Our Front half..... and this is where all the concern.is, this is where all the current talk emanates. Its a mess. I was to suggest there's no system, but there is... kick it ( bomb it ) into a crowded contest..apply manic garbled efforts...hope for best. Whereas our defence and transition through the middle shows skill, adeptness, thought and coherent style, once it gets forward that all disappears... there's nada. As a game style we're bipolar.. Jeckyl and Hyde. The description and critical clarifications as offered by Lyon were well founded. Its rather ageist to suggest someone has little idea, or irrelevance because as you put it he's so long out of the game. He played 226 games in red and blue. He has some idea. He's not been too far from the game ever since There's a lot of commentary out there by the media from people who as far as i know have played stuff all footy at a high level. I don't simply afford Garry automatic accolade . I dont suggest what he says is either better or worse than others simply for his past efforts or allegiance. Ive simple looked and listened to his evaluation and considered it upon merit. I can't see where he's wrong and he's explained it , to me, quite effectively as I would expect from someone who spent a lot of time playing footy in that same said forward 50 paddock. He was a very good forward and knows what he's talking about. The essentials of the game haven't changed. That said if someone else had presented the exact same review i would still agree with it for the simple reasons the fundamentals are acurate.
  14. Its a bit like a 2 yo stuffing around then falling over. They're not really hurt or injured...it's all about the embarassment. Same here...
  15. We spoil each other all the time. Total lack of awareness.
  16. Strangely, perhaps, for some, Spargo is one of the few ive noticed with enough acumen and awareness to slow or stop and allow the opposition wave to pass ( momentarily) sufficient to open up a team mate. Kozzi can also. Langers can. We just dont play the "game" to provide for these smarts ...imo..
  17. You know its interesting, to me, in a fashion. Much is made by our Brains Trust of backing our system, backing our players. Take same players, change the 'system'....and back them in. We have options.... but don't use them.
  18. We sell Nepalese Felted Product.. not a regular there. First time at Caulfield. We normally stick to seasonal events..annual fairs.. etc.. just had an opening last weekend...so thought we might run the flag up. Unlikely to return anytime soon. ( cant ) ..might look to dates much later in year but not dec... dies in the bum for us.
  19. You inferred quality... my bad.. We dont allow forwards to actually play forward footy. We play congested contested rubbish. Good sytems , good training creates good effective players. You classicly dont need a team.of champions...just be the champion team. But you will need a good solid intelligent football game. The last time I ever played that kind of stacks on the mill type footy was primary school. As soon a proper coach got hold of us the first thing they teach is system....not congestion.
  20. Im sorry Rjay but quite laughable. Are you seriously saying we've got players on our list who cant play footy ? Not all players are AAA .. but you dont get to AFL level... you don't get on a list of a Premiership Team without some ability. Its ENTIRELY the job of Stafford and his boss to ensure theyre playing the most effective football. If they are doing the wrong thing...instruct and train the correct way. We're not trying to solve complex trigonometry here. A lot of what we do up front is NOT instinctive footy. I'm not the first or only one to observe that. We're actually playing a very distinct non-natural style of footy. That has to be by directive. So if you can direct one style...alas....useless...maybe better to instigate another style...again by design. You dont need to be AAA to play the 'right' way
  21. If this doesn't highlight that our forwards trust has nfi ... im not sure what can. This showcases out ineptitude. We actually display not one iota of forward craft or intelligence. Where are the leads...where are the options ?.. Even when options lets kick.it to the pocket....and if thats not bad enough make sure its contested or can be banged oob. Anyone who has played inside the forward arc knows the prime directive is separation. Its to give yourself space and deny your defender(s) opportunity. Thats why you lead, thats why you take your opposite on a merry dance away from where you actually want to be but then get off the leash... you work out of dead spaces into the high % zones. Not vice versa You dont spoil your teammates marks,... you might disguise a block. You dont all run to the same spot...someone looks to the next give off. All of this is Footy 101 Forward play for Dummies.. Someone send a copy to Stafford... with post it notes explaining the pictures.
  22. Question... If its not ordained/condoned... why does it persist?? If it's against the "plan" it would be quickly reigned in. But it's not. It persists week in week out. So why is that ??
  23. Nails it.... many of us suggesting as much. To be honest anyone watching us play would be puzzled. How can a team play so well down back...and be utterly clueless up front. And yet here we are.... Is there the will to fix is the big question. Why are so many glaring errors committed? True to our Hades heritage....we just burn people.
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