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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. And when the siren sounds.. I'm outta here, tossing his cap in the bin on the way out 😞
  2. Please....Maxxy along the 50..act as General going forwards. Not going to happen... Still confounds me we're fav...
  3. Definitely not the sharpest tool...but a tool none the less.
  4. What you and Kent are saying may both be the case imho. Yes he was X... he's currently Y Where X >>>Y
  5. KDF there was nothing real about the tribunal.....it was all pretence. Many are trying to apply logic reason ,sense and accountability to an organisation that neither uses nor advocates any. The AFL...read Muppet Christian knew not to actually go forward with it....However the Kane mutiny was invoked ( in a fashion...still wondering if that was truly real or more optics )....and then they had to make up some rubbishy scripted sham parody of examination to placate the inconvenient minions who dare question the almighty wisdom of the AFL-Collective. The AFL were mocking both in intent and method
  6. This is key ...imo Maynard left Trac... a bit odd really wouldn't you think... unless he had something else in mind ??
  7. I would put it there was always, with Maynard going to be malice and intent if opportunity presented. He's just that player.
  8. I think many have imposed upon themselves a lexicon of constraints that only result in furore. Best not to confuse the AFL and in particular its Tribunal with any semblance of judicial integrity. Though some of the actors participating in these pantomimes are indeed credentialed ....that's not their role. In their own way they ham it up. Though words spoken sound legalese its all for show. The 'rules' applied are fast and loose. One might be forgiven for even thinking there are no rules as their shape and form morph and change quicker than the weather.. Don't confuse the Outcome with such that one might suppose emanates from fairness and proprietary. The outcomes are manufactured and done so in a fashion to do its master's bidding. This is a 'show' . The you's and i's have no say. I made reference elsewhere that the way to make sense of it is to take note of the intended/required outcome...and work backwards. All steps are fabricated to facilitate the end. That's why so much seems absurd because often the staged junctures are so disingenuous to probity that the sense and direction of the narrative can only be said to 'have left the tracks' long before. In the vernacular they are simply waffling b.s. The premise of any equity is the mistake. None is employed I'm shattered for Gus. I'm not surprised. Had not Maynard preceded Martin I'm fairly sure the latter would have been totally exonerated. Here the AFL maintained their illusions and pretended to mete out punishment. We probably feel annoyed, but the AFL doesn't care. They exist unto themselves. Stay well Gus.
  9. Are we struggling under the weight of scrutiny ? No...not imo We're just struggling plain and simple.
  10. The AFL presented its case .....perfectly
  11. Slot those two in ( at least) .. be a record dynasty of flags.. be untouchable
  12. nohe-guilty-man-found-innocent/ This ^^^ This ^^^ This ^^^ No sugar coated b.s. Agree with his suggestion regarding simpletons, agendas and understandings.
  13. Well done... I think you should feel deservedly confident.. i sure as hell don't.
  14. Exactly.. Anyone who can't see this for the nefarious and premeditated ( in so far as waiting for any opportunity on suitable candidates) is quite frankly...imo... naive. Dont have to agree with me but ive played enough sport to recognise this type of player. Some will agree...some wont. Sport , especially this one is a very athletic battle.. It's competitive by nature.. this can get revved up... Some don't need much...they're attack dogs....emphasis on DOG ( apologies to dogs really ) Consider the Who(s).. the How...the When. Looks like a duck...sounds like....
  15. Very good question. He's professional.. would love a bit of " told you so" Would play out of his skin imo
  16. Essentially i dont mind this.. I too want Brodie Rucking... I've explained my thoughts for Max across the HF area.. and Tom out of the square. Any number of mid ensembles.. If we DON'T do something a little different... the result wont be. The system 'we' (s.g.) so greatly exalts ...just doesn't work above a certain level. Especially without the cattle... Might be an interesting game....might not. Selection will say much.
  17. I'll be with you. Surely he can manage this.....
  18. He should be in Rucking...stuff the sub stuff... If we select and play the same...which I highly suspect....because ...it's about backing the system after all. Then same same....and same results I will be thoroughly impressed with Goodwin if he bins whats not working and rejigs with what might. Otherwise it's pointless....though in our case....very good at points....
  19. You already see and understand the nightmare that will unfold... Carlton will jump us.... rest is.......
  20. Yes, sadly i fear any references to gameplans, selections etc are all somewhat moot. We've done our dough for 23 and Friday isnt about us. We've run out of cattle and not sure where our mojo is. Had our chances....and squandered.
  21. ....... The Block =Big Brother=The Hunted=AFL Tribunal 😉
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