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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. And we dont know whether it was a Stiton or strong cheddar in the Shiraz hamper.. Its irrelevant.. it would have been our possession. That's actually important in the scheme of things.
  2. Might just be me... We had the Filths measure ...when they had their Macedonian Marvel..... and Moore. Both major contributors to their game that day. Next time we meet.... they dont. We are their worst mightmare QF1... bring it. The wobbles are strong with them....
  3. I was gob smacked watching that ...thinking.....he just got 'tunnelled'....and then....crickets... commenatry rather quiet about it too... not surpising that those cowardly lackies wouldnt have the bottle to ruffle feathers......( nor accreditation )....only one voice even heard to mention 'tripping'....(Pearce) I can understand putting the whisatle away in some respects vis a vis generl play perhaps but that was such an obvious free...if not something for the MRP !! but no........what a joke
  4. totally agree Best game for us week one... Pies at the G... I have distinct trepidations about the other scenarios
  5. some marvelous brain fades there.... some fantastically bizarre moments.. Bourkes the best by a country mile....lol
  6. Its a good question... .. tbh.. ive noticed a lot of hype at times... a lot of brouhaha etc.. but i never noticed a decernible change in effort.. i.e the wrapping might have got louder/brighter but the box remained the same. Thats not to say i never witnessed or felt a sense of occasion but the teams i played in just played to their ability.. we didnt have a switch to flick or gears to change.. Interesting what others may have experienced...
  7. Its done and dusted....though it hasn't truly settled ( the dust ) Am now taking a more philosophical, holistic view. The conductor on the Karma Bus was watching...
  8. I believe that was the point Binny was alluding to .. "heard a touch".. impossible. Folk are telling porkies...... one to deny a goal...the other to seemingly save his derriere
  9. Their last opportunity for the year to inflict wounds upon a top team. This may get nasty...and we never retaliate.
  10. All delivered in brown bags so I'm informed....
  11. We know there were at least 2 ppl talking [censored] at that instance 😉
  12. Invariably the only way to instigate change is to ridicule the dolts beyond redemption. Embarass the fools into change
  13. 1) Hawks do have nothing to lose.... 2) ...tbh.......ive seldom seen this "burnt" angst.... would be handy. No idea about this one... i thought we were a good 5 goals better than the scum....alas.. Dees to win.....by bitten finger nails
  14. This is august Playing in September is another step up. They're good... and weve seen how good..but those legs tired too early. There's a wall waiting for them...a bit too high this year.
  15. But they didnt. The whole notion of running down your opponent....is that you do actually do so. We didn't...not by the scoreboard. Nearly...but nearly might as well be a mile. There's 3 ifs in there alone... chuck in any number of maybes..... but if you do so for one then why not the other. If we're to play sliding doors scenarios. It would be wiser would it not to get out in front of these "needed" kicks and be the hunted not the hunter. If...but a small word....is actually a huge void.
  16. No..fair enough... but they came out with a seemingly different mindset.. We looked like we were looking to win the qtr...win the match. They threw EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink at that first 10 mins. I suspect Voss was planning on getting a break on us...forcing us to play catch up footy...which gets harder and harder as those legs get heavier and heavier. Looks like 2 coaches...2 different ideas to those 30 mins. Strangely both weren't wrong...but one more right than the other.. The old adage, never give a sucker an even break...comes to mind. We did...
  17. Our 4th qtr second half....should have been the 1st half ( if that makes sense ) We just get caught napping time and time again...and that game's result is why you can't.... it just won't always go your way if you leave it too late. If we had amped up in the first 5-10 mins of the 4th.....we would have run them ragged. Yes...we'd both be stuffed in the bottom half...but in all likelihood would have prevailed. Should have started the 4th as though we were srarting the game again. Ignore the previous 3 qtrs... ( other than.."learnings" ) ..treat it as a 30 min mini match.. We had the legs to come home and run it out...they didn't. Did we approach it this way ?? I don't think so. Pretty dumb really...imho
  18. Ridiculous that he didn't.. Not saying because mr hindsight suggests..but more that he himself knew we had our work cut out and needed to getva crack on in the 4th.. He basically said as much at 3/4 time.... and then.. Many observed the Blues fade towards the end of the 3rd... you'd have to think they're not going to dip in any fountain of youth at the break !! They were more than probably going to tire as the game ebbed on. Capt Obvious would suggest all hands to the wheel until they did...tire. For reasons known only to Simon he charted another course . I dont blame him for those 10 mins...but i question the wisdom. Learnings...hmmmm ... do we ??
  19. When measuring something... Best to bring the right rule....and know how to read it... Better still ...measure the correct aspect.
  20. Just these two points... please understand they are mutually EXCLUSIVE. Totally agree with first point. They were...absolutely. The game was really won in the first 5 mins of the last qtr. ( as things turned out ) However...there is no escaping the reality and plausibility that despite that ( the above ) the umpiring over all was pox...and specifically the adjudication applied to Tracs goal was appalling; and that IT specifically decided the game. It's not terribly often in games that despite an overall judgement that there were umpiring stuffups that anyone will seriously point to one particular event. That's not the situation regarding this game. If ever a game was decided by how a spinning coin fell..this is a serious contender...and mores the point ( npi ) it should never have been uponthe coin's fall. It WAS a goal. And that deserves MASSIVELY lambasting.
  21. Id rather Roo just played a fwd role.
  22. Only to those that identify as Felicia perhaps.....and even then....
  23. It may well become moot...but it's always ( to me ) been more about what the FD has/had planned for NEXT year etc. This year ...imo...was always about some sort if transition. Agree...time will tell
  24. No...and I dont employ diluted Soy Cause when cooking... ;) That said..... Ive had some 0 Beers when it's my turn to drive...and didnt find them overly abominable...lol Pepperjack doing its darndest to kill its brand.....shame...was good once...
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