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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Yes.. another intimated. Not fussed about pick 1 Reid not the solution 😉
  2. Ah..i see. Cheers Personally not a fan of throwing everything into #1. Would rather a handful of promising talent.. Greater chance imho of finding a couple of handy players. Reid will be good...so will others.
  3. How does a Free agent affect pick 1 ??
  4. You speak essentially of a 3 goal difference. We kick 3 goals more in many games and we win them. It sounds oh so easy really but it's not otherwise we would have corrected it. You also speak of the other Elephant... our pathways into scoring ( or more aptly...not !! ) I fail to understand the WHY of why we dont adopt as preferential the very strategies we employed pre and early season. ( also a cpl of latter h/a games ) . The other side to same coin is wht we perpetuate the same mistakes. Isnt anyone taking notice we all ask. They must be...and must also be instructing how we play. I dont think the getting of player X or player Y is the acrual panacea of our ill fortune. I dont think the players are our primary problem.
  5. But thats the very essence.. it ISNT a conflict of interest to the AFL.. it's their very objective.
  6. Not just the players...but methodology
  7. Always the good intel.. cheers PSD
  8. Kudos to the prescient ones.
  9. Whats worse really is the qualification of what "worked"... a lot didnt. It's sent to history's basement now.
  10. Occams Razor suggests the simplest explanation. Mine , we just had nfi. All players have worth... strangely his was greater playing ...than not. All history now......
  11. I disagree. I laid out how to use him... and also Max wisely. We went into that game about as dumb as you could. You needed to revise thinking...we just built a house on sand. You may disagree... but the game was there for the taking...we just LOST it
  12. Sorry FB is a [censored] to get to. Wont matter to me but if im a player needing to get somewhere to train at the times normally scheduled then FB is a disaster.
  13. Yes we need to guide the ship... to more 'accurate' waters
  14. You're essentially answering your own question. Goody not big on shutting down players.. genius right there 😉
  15. This is a total joke.. Scott is right ( for a change ) borders farce and criminal towards rest of comp. If the Roos are THAT bad ( and i don't believe they really are ). but if so...take them out the back paddock and shoot them. If this is what they're happy to do for this rabble... just wait til the Devils come in..
  16. Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious...... ( concur 100% btw 😉 )
  17. Ask yourself good squire... By what ethos does the AFL abide ? Upon arriving at your answer....you will have 'the' answer ;)
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