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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Interesting ( to me ) both Salem and Watts have struggled since "recovering" from injuries.. Neither quite their former selves. Chunk is nowhere near his self either. Would Goody drop him as well ? I'm not making excuses for anyone but Id like to know the reason that is causing this.
  2. There are here, for mine, two issues. 1: First year coach. It's a fact. He will/must learn/evolve. 2: Is he still accountable, i.e does (1) give you a get out of jail free card ? . Of course he's accountable. The whole lot of them are accountable. If they wish the players to be then so must they and as the 'powers that be" must ultimately shoulder it all
  3. ^^^^^^ not sure it's possible to like that. It does however raise some interesting observations. Amazingly done through amber optics
  4. Perhaps they should shoulder it ALL...It is after all...what they do !!
  5. The hidden arrogance ( not yours ) of this assumption is we can just swan into September. Again, the first rule of Finals, make sure youre in them !!
  6. Because Football Club ONLY ever tell you the truth lol. Quite frankly i believe Nothing uttered by ours or any other. Its nearly always orchesteated to suit an audience or occasion. Talk about fake news, footy invented it, not Donald.
  7. Id have kept Maynard , dropped Harmes. Corey had a crack and I thought warranted the avail of stringing at leastva couple of games, god know others have had that opportunity. Harmes has collected a lot of fluffy stats for mine without particularly adding to the cake. I agree with those that think the FD havent always been our highest asset at times. Strange days... strange season.
  8. My opinion on Carey. He did what was required. Someone had a word in his ear and acted on it. Do I buy it. Not ONE bit. Some very interesting aspects to this one
  9. To play devil's advocate: Has McCartney ever been around to win a Premiership ? Yes, some may say it's a vexatious question; but in a funny way it smacks of ...those that can...can. Those that can't ...teach. He may well be a very valuable cog but i see SO much bullshlt espoused by many to do if nothing else substantiate their own positions that as always i let results dictate my views. We've won NOTHING . I take no one's gospel as ...well gospel. Itshis opinion, and a good and informed one. I repeat... we've won nothing. Caveat Emptor !!
  10. Actually , the ability to change in-game HAS been demonstrated, just as the lack of awareness to weather !!
  11. Nor do i, but call me a cynic i just don't give a lot of credibility to much that's uttered in the football world. Have no doubt though that much of whatever is said suits the orator at the time. Much rather the footy do the talking. Has more believability for mine.
  12. This ∆∆∆ Might as well set up deckchairs for them.... So predictable. Ol' SG still has much to perfect.
  13. Unless Jack is less that fully fighting fit. Then Id drop him. He's a confidence player. If yo have no confidence in your own body you're starting from the back of the grid.
  14. No..we didnt. Theres been a few occasions of late where someones been left out to dry. Must all this great leadership we have out there....boorah !
  15. I have had back issue since I was 17 and slid off a ladder awkwardly. Not much I haven't experienced re backs tbh. Whilst you definitely ought to keep moving in most instances and work through it..sts.. There's a vast difference between keeping active... and overloading the injury. That does NOTHING to help. It hinders. When mine flares up I keep active but my efficiency and capabilities drop off markedly until I resume some sense of normality. I would be god smacked if any medico would advise anyone with a serious back ailment to just keep on playing at AFL level. This elite form of the sport requires elite fitness and you arent going tot have it with a bulging disc. Youd need to rejig the back muscular structure to frame and account for the stresses and loading. Id be very interested to know the actual injury he's carrying. Blind Freddy can see he's struggling with his normal running.
  16. One of Watts' better qualities is/has the ability to coverva LOT of ground quickly...when fit. He's obviously carrying something ( or two ) . He needs a spell, and to rehab his injuries. If my suspicions are founded then im far from impressed with the FDs thinking.
  17. Im not sure why he's playing tbh. He's not 100% . Not doing anyone a favour here imho .
  18. Strangely no mention of injury in the match report ( yours )
  19. from a time/load management point of view you might decide to play a bloke say only 50-60 mins. You can do this at VFL level with no earth shattering consequence. Pick someone for the 1sts yo want them avail ALL game.
  20. Because thats where he was when trying to get form and fitness after getting hit in the AFL !! its a moot point
  21. Anyone who in their estimation could conclude that missing finals is not a failure must have got a 'comp' pass at HSC !!
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