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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. We'll get Lever, most likely. We'll lose a few off the list. We'd be very very very lucky to anyone else other the a FA or Rfa. We have little currency to trade. Just saying. All need to lower the eyes
  2. The truly disappointing thing is....in our guts....we just know.
  3. I actually applaud his loyalty. Then again...who wants to go to nawth ?
  4. There's a difference between disappointed, frustrated and being ropable. Im pretty calm. I dont however accept lightly that we lostvand chucked a season down the gurgler. Im just as impressed ( or not ) with the Goodwin vanishing act. Hope hes busy busy busy working on a better set of game plans and structures as well as too busy co-conspiring to lure better players to Melbourne. I hope at least thats why hes been a no show. Must be this But after all these years the club has successfully lowered the bar to expectations. Ive things planned for September. Always had, it's MELBOURNE But by all means rage away. Its on deaf ears you do understand ?
  5. Nor I particularly. Money has its own allure for some. North has a lot to lure with given whatever they had in mind for Dusty is now freed up. That's all.
  6. Gave them far too much latitude esp the 1st qtr. As observation s suggest we didn't lay many tackles because we weren't close enough to. Got to ask why so. There was no fwd pressure of note even when we did get it near our paint. The Zone was a gift to them . Bucks for all his faults owned Goody here. our reticence to get closer afforded them the very space many speak of. All that and 'big game' fumbles gave it to them on a plate. Chances went begging. Rest is history. Someone needs to teach the ancient art of two armed tackling. All the rage apparently
  7. Stats hmm Won 4th most qtrs...fin 9th Slowest ball movement. ..fin 9th Im sure there's any number of 'wonderful' stats out there that many will pore over. ....we finished 9th Missed 8 by smallest % ever... finished 9 Worst coversion inside 50 last 6 games..... finished 9th See a trend here ?
  8. Interestingly Collingwood only won ONE qtr on Sat. Handy stat that
  9. fair to say a whole different set of circumstnace and opportunity. Dons made finals..he might be attracted by that
  10. funny how we ( any number of people) see things differently Im the reverse here. I think fundamentally the essential players are actually here already for a decent forward line. Hogan, Jeffy ( though needs a rocket at times ) Milkshake , Hannan , Pedo McDonald T. A few lads like Weed and Johnstone to come in at some point when more capable. Harmes might improve I see the HOW we play forward ans more the thing to be bettered. We dont do thi swell..it seems rather adhock. if there IS style and plans here it's escaping this viewer. I see two areas of concern though with defence. We have no capacity to stem king tides when opposition decide to run the gauntlet of the corridor. Zones work to areas and fail down the guts ( imho ) . Also the 'rearguard press is fallible if your opponent has the capacity to back themselves going "over the top" Here you need the abilty to quickly shut down players as well as deny passage and the ball. Zoning is akin to spectator football in this respect and if caught out wrong footed by the ball flying over your head its too little too late afterwards. Here , thats us, Dees, need better tools of defence. We need the ability to teach players to identify the nature of incursion and automatically adapt. If a fwd needs manning up it needs to be done pronto.Currently we are very good at watching the other team mark a ball!! Do we have the manpower on board to do this right at the moment..Not how player X or Y might be in 25 games time...but now. No ..by my calcs we are 2 short of the ideal. We need a Lever type...we also need a REAL FB. Now this might surprise some but I reckon with another 5-7 kg and a change in role good ol Oscar could do this. It would in some fashion be a simpler if arduous role. Leave it to the Hibberds and Levers to cut off supply , intercept and set up Hunt for the reversed assault . If not Oscar..then 'someone' imported. Happy to have differing thoughts here Old oh..addendum. Some will straight away scream Watts !! I actually see him as neither a fwd or a back..Id like to see him develop as some sort of winger/come outside mid. A link man who CAN go fwd..who is excellent at disposal , is a better mark when not so quite congested in traffic and is the most reliable of any demon with a ball in front of the sticks anywhere up to 55m out. But he doesnt need to be a FWD to do this..just my opinion
  11. I was more thinking about the idea that today people are taught group liason. You know ..all the groupthink HR type shlt. Building trust in fellow workmates etc etc fart it out ya bum stuff.. As opposed to the REAL bond and trust/belief that can be born of shared experiences and respect and admiration of your fellow-whatever. It strikes me that back in the day it was a real , an organic and tangible quality..TEAM . There was nothing really forced it evolved. Nowadays there seems to be an imported mould into which to push all incumbents into a synthesised ensemble of trust and such. This is fine but the threads of this association are apt to wear quickly , indeed snap, as they are tenuous in their origin. on the other notes..I can understand confusion about rules...I mean if the umpires cant figure it out what hope anyone else As to plays and such fmd.. how do they wipe their bums these folk !!
  12. Diamond. There something for sure in the idea that if you KNOW you're sub par then in the back of your mind that dread will build. Someone else suggested the notion of Stage Fright
  13. I thought it might... be utter tripe. T'is the silly season after all I s'pose
  14. I couldn't say... For what ever reason mine hasn't shown and I feel strangely miffed about something I don't really want to get !!
  15. I still dont get it...what does it mean..Connect with fans..Or Fans connect with Players?? It sounds like utter tripe to me...but happy to be educated.
  16. If there's one thing for sure about the silly season , it'll be that trade/signing that has most uttering " well, didn't see that one coming !!"
  17. Im still trying to understand the topic of this thread. In some manner it suggests a failure . Of what ? What IS the ' connect' between these parties supposed to be ? The players connect to the team, the club. We connect to the club. Where is the connection to players. I find the supposition odd to tell you the truth.
  18. Much to ponder here along with some of WB thinkings. We seem to get stuck. Roos for all his good work was imho lousy as a game day tactician. Goodwin is much much better but still seems to get nutted when the other lot change up quickly and strategically. I realise you can only get instructions out so quickly but then this , for mine, goes to preparation and Plan B's etc. These should just be matter of fact change-ups via the leaders on the ground to call. If this then that, if other ...change. just morph. Players should already under guidance have studied their foes for the day and have different tactics for different times. Time and time again the defence gets caught out because of limitations in the nature of our structure. So either the structures are too limited/simple because of the 'talent' or the players are restricted to an inadequate set of instruction.
  19. The defence isnt tight. On good days the mids keep the ball going the right way and all is well. On days when we play teams that like to play the lines our style and capability of defence has some hope of corralling or just knocking over the line. For all the fawning over a wonderful zone tactic it is in reality just old school defending. Where we get split open and made to look as inept as the structures would provide is where oppositions have the temerity, the unmitigated gall to play the corridor. To this observer zones CAN NOT work then as there is nothing per se to protect. It becomes about the man and we don't man up. This IS why when other teams twig they can kick to a presenting fwd..or tall timber because they won't/can't be owned by our defence. Its not designed to. This is why the Levers of this game becone crucial. Theyre spoilers. They can mark when able and are good thinkers/ decision makers. Hibberd.. gem. Hard to fault. Cant do everything ( but tries ) Jetta. A rock. Almost unbeatable but gets pantsed when he has to take on someone with 300mm on him. ( But tries valiantly ) Hunt. Hot and cold rebounding/attack . When ON...wow...when not...where is he. He's young and will get better abd wiser. Fun times ahead. TMac...not a back.. as others rightly suggest DN ver 2.018 onwards Oscar Oscar Oscar. Dont think...do. Thinking is NOT your forte. Has got better. Doing some things well. Will do better with more experienced players beside him. Frosty. Exciting, but incons. Raw with potential. Floats between hero and nqr. Is really either depth or trade currency. Milkshake...see Tommy. Go forward. Might he be outside mid potential. Salem. Just needs to be FIT and WELL reallt. Be wonderful for him and us Vince...please leave it to the backs...just go annoy someone Lewis....am happy for him to drift through the back etc organising others where needed and taking those clutch moment marks. I think the defence needs rethinking. Current plan nqr !!
  20. Hmm Goody's gameplan took the one player capable of pack marking and goaling ( esp after Jesse retired ) and stuck him down the other end where he had to think too much...and we all saw how that went !! Simon may prove capable but he's not delivering Goodwins .... Hopefully SG ver 2.018 is bettet.
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