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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. (my take ) I think its just Pups on the front foot. They would rather you KNOW Stringer is for sale...so make an offer as opposed skirting around the boundary during nuf nuff week and taking too long. Footiscray want they're dollar early so they know what they can go forward with at the Circus.
  2. would this be the same if they were looking at joining the Sqawks ( when in contention) ? I get your point though. I just think its as much about the Kangapoos being on the nose as much as anything.
  3. Not a rumour, just an observation that might colour rumours. NO ONE wants to go to North !! Not for all the tea in china.
  4. Kelly staying at Giants according to Connors.
  5. Its not just the list (players) There is another. There is an old yiddish iddiom ' never mind the quality, feel the width' This goes to the idea of quantity v quality. I think the metric is applicable in this discourse. I am of the camp that thinks depth is not sufficiently alone about spread of ability but to the amount, and then the wherewithal of a fd to replace like for like. Ie a role performer for a similar. In theatre you have depth because you have understudies who at any given moment can stand in, and...the show goes on unabated. If you can't do this in a team then imho you have NO depth. Our ability to function unhindered despite any changes in players is for mine the gauge of depth. To simply field a team is spread.
  6. And we will, but it won't cost you anything to stop for a moment and acknowledge a true champion. He didn't have the accomplishments on the field that either we or he had hoped but if he doesn't personify all the great attributes of a champion I'll go hee. We all knew it was coming. He knew it was coming. The time arrives. We salute the fella and...indeed move on. Hope he always has the same soft spot for the mighty Dees as we do.
  7. As supposed the leaving of Trengove is anything but unexpected. That he tenaciously clung to the opportunity and kept at it is just a testament to his self belief. I don't normally care much but this Lad showed extraordinary character. @Maldonboy38yes..its a bit sad.
  8. I posted elsewhere. Thanks Liam, Mitch, Jake. Good luck wherever your path takes you. Trenners, a very special thankyou for your dogged determination. Thankyou for the love of the jumper. Thankyou for showing others how to apply and reapply yourself. I knew it would be a long bow getting back but you did. It hasn't panned out but not for any lack of effort. To all a thankyou. Mr Trengove , you have my utmost respect. Good luck.
  9. Thanks Mitch, Jake and Liam. A very special thanks to you Jack Trengove. All the very best. All always welcome Good luck
  10. When he's done that for a few games..or seasons. Yep. Again. Someone confusing ' what might be " with what is. Hogan's good. On his day. Theyre rare. Not his fault i understand but hes no Buddy lol
  11. Thats the real problem and i agree Old. Folk not on the track aren't much help, nor does it do much for developing that tank he needs to repurpose himself.
  12. Must be just me OD but that looked a good argument for the "no depth"
  13. Not so sure ( but maybe ) Needs a better role. 2018 do or die
  14. ? Funny...crying out for outside mids with good footskills
  15. Might have something. Look to the 'praccy' Preseason comp . Think he'll get a run (if trains house down )
  16. You CAN see much sense in that 5 spots opening up ( at least ) and then ...'trading' Might be a few others looking over shoulders; if not this eos definitely next
  17. Nor I. Maybe in a ...yeah... what are we talking about ... to and fro ...within other bartering. He might leave in an indirect fashion of sorts. Definitely not an 'untouchable'
  18. Fwiw D167 i reckon your lad might indeed make it. Its all before him and he seems to have the 'stuff' Preseason awaits. Thought Maynard stiffed not to get another game this season. Both Smiths ' might' be something...might. Be all about where can fit it. I always liked Vanders...where to play him now ? Develop as yet another mid ? Wagner..forget McKenna..project. If more than a few come on...and become useful they will go to the notion of depth...but in reality depth suggests you have usuable players atcan effective level beyond the 25 or so usual suspects at selection. Personally i only rate about 30 on the list as footballers at this level and only about 16-17 really useful, 8-9 ok/so-so and rest as i said much earlier , noobs, projects/dev and rest spuds. Hopefully we can all agree this time next year. We'll need depth to play finals.
  19. There is an actual difference between depth and potential. Depth means you have players that CAN Potential ..is anything. Some players mentioned may indeed provide depth as the acclimatise and develop. The Kents, Kennedy's, Spencer's, Harris's are list cloggers. Frosty actually played most of the season . There's a lot of ' might' ...not a lot of "is" Theres indeed some real potential among some. Thats all it is currently. If and when they arrive its adds to the equation. Currently as a list we have not much more that 25-25 who are capable ( with effect ) at AFL level. Thats not depth. Thats middle of the road one block from struggle street. Its an interesting discussion really. All glass half full half empty stuff. Either way 50% isnt much. Fwiw we have more than that. Maybe 65% . Depth ? Not from my perspective. We have enough to put together a decent team barring injuries. Good teams as suggested WIN things. And here we are discussing what might/ought/could be if standing on a ladder squinting !! All the while others continue playing. Potential isn't depth. Potential is potential. Depth is depth (realised potential ) and already exists in clubs with it. We don't.
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