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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Watson imho has no integrity at all. Should he hand it back it most likely will be as a result of the AFL giving him a heads up ( as is their style) and saving himself further embarassment. Apples dont fall far from trees.
  2. must be the 7th glass >>>>>> Snooze ..Zzzzzzzzz
  3. up here, just as bent as ever; bananas too pineapples coming into ripeness ? all rather pleasant really
  4. would be poignant and catalytic should even one Brownlow winner take this stance and call the AFL to task. I would hope at least one might.
  5. probably would have been a better strategy lol. Still a couple of winners including last race brought the days spending to a minimum. a pleasant day
  6. speaking of qld and bananas. Am off to Caloundra for the races today. Any tips ???
  7. wada over rules afl rules , simple
  8. a sports lawyer huh. Doesnt have much grasp of the rules !!! Maybe its Mabo..
  9. epedience can open up other opportunities whilst time exists. we're not finished yet imho
  10. there's always the Rookies !!!
  11. we are now a football team relying less on the magical maybe out one of raw kids and focusing on ready to go types for TODAY. Tomorrow will be fine. Welcome Michael
  12. I have faith in the club ( these days ) there'll be a rationale to proceedings
  13. I suspect Michael either comes to us, or stays.
  14. first rule of trade club... whatever ought to be the first and simplest trade will invariably go down to the wire and sometimes fail I dont think this will quite but a lot to go under bridges I think before its crystal clear and signed.
  15. Galbally : No legal route for Jobe to retain Brownlow (i'd link but i cant to the article in The Age ) none the less, the gist is....the jig is up Watson. Even a leading silk says there's no wriggle room for the AFL. Hand it back Jobe and you just might have a miniscule amount of integrity left.. Fight on...and yo are what you are.
  16. more like the Beaver BBO...yes they by far are more akin to Beaver !!
  17. He'd be Ford if he were Blue !!
  18. if there would ever be a reason to despise that worm even more !!
  19. Strangely in a fashion Saty I understand the idea that you possibly suppose that they DIDN'T ask is based upon. Its that hush hush footy thing. Its that thing where everyone KNOWS but seldom does anyone SAY !! This of itself compounds their guilt as in all reality they KNEW something ( if not everything ) that was going on wasn't kosher. They chose the veil of 'shoooshdom" , that where no one speaks lest they find themselves impaled upon the club gates in the morn. The youngsters will be products of the new induction system. They are drilled, and drilled in the process of what ASADA and the AFL consider to be verbotten. The older ones, well, you;d think they'd be wiser and indeed a few WERE !! Think about that, some WERE !! They thought they were above reproach, they were Essendon and the thing they genuinely believed in in imho is that the club had the wool over everyone's eyes; after all it was about whatever it takes ...no ? Essendon were/are held in such high regard ( still ) by their mates at AFL house that they were not only cautioned, given heads up, afforded a biased hearing and ridiculous punitive measures for their transgression but now afforded a golden way out of the mire into the glow of season 2017 Saty, i mean this with no malice but simple clarity. If you think there was no guilt afforded the players ( as the rest is a whole set of tomes upon themselves, as well as WYL 's tv series ) then you are as gullible as they come wake up lad, smell the roses They are rotten to the core
  20. Well I reckon Ive wasted untold number of hours considering this whole debacle. Used up far too many pixels. Im no longer any more appalled nor angry about the whole farcical incident .Im really rather just sad. Sad that what ought to be a very simple exercise in accountabilities is as with so much nothing more than a game of political ping pong to suit the organisers. Im even over trying to reason with folk who just cant see , the trees, the forest of hear the f'n chaninaw !! Some people are just fcukwits and unfortunately a lot of them run things !!
  21. handy for making a poor mans Pina Colada
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